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  • #1076428


    i just updated my Enfold theme and checked the source, i find:

    60 differents CSS files (just for the theme) (!!!).
    34 differents JS files.
    All version informations:

    Debugging Info for Theme support:

    Theme: Enfold
    Version: 4.5.4
    Installed: enfold
    AviaFramework Version: 5.0
    AviaBuilder Version: 0.9.5
    aviaElementManager Version: 1.0.1
    – – – – – – – – – – –
    ChildTheme: – classic
    ChildTheme Version: 1.0
    ChildTheme Installed: enfold

    Compress: CSS:disabled – JS:disabled
    Updates: disabled

    And a public use of an admin file:

    <script type=’text/javascript’>
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var avia_framework_globals = avia_framework_globals || {};
    avia_framework_globals.frameworkUrl = ‘https://*.net/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/&#8217;;
    avia_framework_globals.installedAt = ‘https://*.net/wp-content/themes/enfold/&#8217;;
    avia_framework_globals.ajaxurl = ‘https://*.net/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?lang=fr&#8217;;
    /* ]]> */

    I want to know if it’s normal to give all version information (perfect help for hacker) and include a ton of CSS/JS files, the worst for SEO and loading time ?

    Thank, regard.


    Hey abfacile,

    There is no issue having the details there – it does not hurt.
    Regarding SEO, if you enable our Performance options and run a speed test you will notice that everything will seem as should for the results.

    Best regards,

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