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  • #1032267

    Hello, we are having a problem on one of our websites: where a 500 server error will appear in many cases when navigating around the wp-admin dashboard, and also on the front end of the site. This does not happen all the time, but now is more frequent.

    Here are the errors found:
    PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in…. – helper-assets.php on line 327

    	* Checks the entries for the current page for av_video, av_audio, <audio>, <video> and background video elements. 
    	* @since 4.3
    	* @added_by Kriesi
    	* @param array $assets
    	function av_video_assets_required() 
    		global $posts;
    		$used 	= false;
    		$regex 	= "!\[av_blog|\[av_postslider|\[av_video|\[av_audio|\[av_player|\[audio|<audio|<video|video\=\'http|video\=\"http!";
    #Line 327	foreach($posts as $post)
    			preg_match($regex, $post->post_content, $matches);
    			if(isset($matches[0]) )
    				$used = true;
    			$format = get_post_format( $post->ID );
    			if($format == "audio" || $format == "video")
    				$used = true;
    		return $used;
    if( ! function_exists( 'av_slideshow_required' ) )

    i also have this problem, this morning it was fine, now i cant see blog, portfolio and media… :S


    Using: Apache VPS & cpanel
    When we run into the 500 error we reload the page several times and at some point it will load successfully. The error can be replicated by simply navigating around the website…


    nothing is working. Don’t know what to do. My deadline is tuesday..


    Hi nexxusdigital,

    Please send us a temporary admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Hi kostertje,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Ok I figured out what MY problem was, we have a VPS with very high loads. We looked into this problem as a 500 error is non specific, but can usually mean a memory limit problem. Since we have mail accounts with over 3000 emails saved in archives this is slowing down our system.

    My problem is server side, not in the theme.

    My suggestions to anyone dealing with this problem:
    – Reboot your server and check the server load averages and service status
    – Make sure that all accounts are running on php 7.1
    – Check to make sure your htaccess specifies the correct php handlers (minimum 7.0)
    – Find out if brute force on wp-login.php and deny access to IPs
    – Scan for fake bots and web crawlers
    – Clean out your mail server, archive & delete old email files (especially ones with attachments)

    Thanks for trying to help, but it appears this was NOT a problem with the theme. As always, this IS the fastest WP theme I have used.


    Hey Mark,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and solution with others whom this may help.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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