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  • #1254792

    as requested I do open a new thread …..

    My page using your Enfold theme creates a 404 error and is not indexed by google. The page loads perfectly fine, but when checked with pagespeed insights I geht the following result:
    Lighthouse returned error: ERRORED_DOCUMENT_REQUEST. Die von Ihnen angeforderte Seite konnte von Lighthouse nicht zuverlässig geladen werden. Überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die richtige URL testen und der Server auf alle Anfragen angemessen reagiert. (Statuscode: 404)
    Please help…..



    Hey Norbert,

    Thanks for the login details. You have selected your home page as the custom 404 page in the theme options, please use a dedicated 404 page instead of your home page. Otherwise it will return a 404 error, as a 404 page should do.

    Also please consider updating to the latest version of the theme:

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,

    I did create a 404 and selected it as custom 404. I also updated the theme. But my site (home=one pager) is still not beeing indexed. Therefore I can not start the 301 forwarding. What would you suggest?




    Thanks for the update. I see that your site is returning a 200 code now, which is correct. You can verify that yourself using a service like this: We can’t answer for what search engines do and don’t do unfortunately, but I think that you can request indexing in your Google Webmaster tools interface for example?

    Best regards,

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