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  • #739066

    I just mentioned that our site has some serious layout problems, due to the defined height in its content sections. These are not 100% height anymore and in some sections backgrounds and attributes no longer works the way they did (without any changes from my side).
    Could it derivate from the Update of WP lately? What are the sudden problems?

    I need a quick answer to fix it up asap! Thank you folks! ;-)


    Hey Eric!

    That can not be from the update.
    Can you please clear your cache, disable any cache and maybe remove any custom CSS / disable any plugins so we can see where we are directing?

    Thanks a lot



    Hey Basilis

    Thank you for your answer!
    You’re right, it wasn’t the WP update, but the update of LayerSlider6. I find it out by replacing the site with a backup… everything worked fine until the moment I installed the last version of LayerSlider. After that, the whole layout crashed again.

    Somehow, LayerSlider has some problems with the heights of the different content sections… did you hear about that??? The question because I purchased Enfold with a LayerSlider version and made also some custom CSS for it – possibly it doesn’t work anymore with the changes they made.

    I will have to look with them…

    Thank you for willing helping me! :-)



    Hi Eric,

    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the feedback. So you have a standalone version of the LayerSlider? If you should need any further help on the topic then please try to describe the error in further details and we’ll have a closer look at it.

    Best regards,

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