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  • #704571


    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    #top #wrap_all .header_color .av-menu-button-colored > a .avia-menu-text {
        color: orange;
        background: blue;
        border-color: green;

    To change font size, please go to Enfold theme options > Advanced Styling and edit “main menu links”.

    Best regards,


    Hey Yigit,
    Thanks for replying.
    I’ve tried relevansii this evening but I’m still getting the same problem. Both the default search and relevansii are seeing the words I’m searching for but both take me to the top of the page that contains the word rather than that section itself. Some pages on my site have 20 or 30 paragraphs of information and I really want the search to go straight to the keyword. If it can’t be done that,s ok and I’ll break the pages up into smaller pages containing a paragraph or so each – but if I have to do this is there any way they can be “recombined ” with some kind of phpinclude to make a bigger page again if someone does want to scroll and read several paragraphs.

    best wishes



    Hi Yigit et al

    We have closed this thread but I have found a problem with the grid search results/this solution on mobile.

    Basically the search results stay in five columns all the way from desktop down to mobile. On other masonry/grid features the grid changes to two column on mobile landscape and a single column on mobile portrait.

    Do you know how I can fix this?


    And can you help me please to get the textblock at the desktopview down to the bottom of the full screen color area :)

    View post on


    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    #top #wrap_all .av-inherit-size .av-special-heading-tag {
        font-size: 30px;

    Best regards,



    You can go to Appearance > Menus and add your button as a new Custom Link and then choose to display button style, as i replied here.



    Wow, thanks a lot, I really appreciate you doing that.

    Is there anything different I need to do now that I have a child theme? Do I still access the site, login, update, backup, etc. the same way?

    Also, I started another thread regarding a different issue, perhaps while you’re in there if you don’t mind you can take a look.


    Please remove the code i posted previously and add following code to the bottom of Functions.php file of your child theme in Appearance > Editor

    function avia_title($args = false, $id = false)
    		global $avia_config;
    		if(!$id) $id = avia_get_the_id();
    		$header_settings = avia_header_setting();
    		if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'hidden_title_bar' || is_singular( 'tribe_events' )) return "";
    		$defaults 	 = array(
    			'title' 		=> get_the_title($id),
    			'subtitle' 		=> "", //avia_post_meta($id, 'subtitle'),
    			'link'			=> get_permalink($id),
    			'html'			=> "<div class='{class} title_container'><div class='container'><{heading} class='main-title entry-title'>{title}</{heading}>{additions}</div></div>",
    			'class'			=> 'stretch_full container_wrap alternate_color '.avia_is_dark_bg('alternate_color', true),
    			'breadcrumb'	=> true,
    			'additions'		=> "",
    			'heading'		=> 'h1' //headings are set based on this article:
    		if ( is_tax() || is_category() || is_tag() )
    			global $wp_query;
    			$term = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
    			$defaults['link'] = get_term_link( $term );
    		else if(is_archive())
    			$defaults['link'] = "";
    		// Parse incomming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
    		$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
    		$args = apply_filters('avf_title_args', $args, $id);
    		//disable breadcrumb if requested
    		if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'title_bar') $args['breadcrumb'] = false;
    		//disable title if requested
    		if($header_settings['header_title_bar'] == 'breadcrumbs_only') $args['title'] = '';
    		// OPTIONAL: Declare each item in $args as its own variable i.e. $type, $before.
    		extract( $args, EXTR_SKIP );
    		if(empty($title)) $class .= " empty_title ";
            $markup = avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'avia_title','echo'=>false));
    		if(!empty($link) && !empty($title)) $title = "".$title."";
    		if(!empty($subtitle)) $additions .= "<div class='title_meta meta-color'>".wpautop($subtitle)."</div>";
    		if($breadcrumb) $additions .= avia_breadcrumbs(array('separator' => '/', 'richsnippet' => true));
    		$html = str_replace('{class}', $class, $html);
    		$html = str_replace('{title}', $title, $html);
    		$html = str_replace('{additions}', $additions, $html);
    		$html = str_replace('{heading}', $heading, $html);
    		if(!empty($avia_config['slide_output']) && !avia_is_dynamic_template($id) && !avia_is_overview())
    			$avia_config['small_title'] = $title;
    			return $html;



    Hello. I’m having an issue that I can’t figure out. Immediately underneath one of my images there is a thin white line I can’t remove. I’ve attempted to change the pic, resize the pic, and rebuild the entire cell, nothing has worked. Interestingly it only shows on desktop and not on mobile. The image I’m referring to has a dark overlay with the caption “THE GUIDES” and is located immediately above the testimonial section.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    Topic: Overlay text

    in forum Enfold


    I am using this code to get the text at overlay images lower. At the desktop and mobile the text is at the right place. At the Ipad the text of the four images at the home page ( is to low so you can not read this text. Is there a way to get only this text higher?

    Also the menu is too long. Is it possible too get this smaller. Probably like the menu at the mobile.


    Hello. I can’t seem to find a way to hide the filenames of images when the cursor moves over them. This is not happening on images with an overlay, but it is happening on all other images such as the slider images and the first image underneath the slider.

    I’ve read the following threads and attempted the solutions, none of which worked:

    Any help would be appreciated.



    All of my pages go to a white screen with what appears to be a tiny “Q” in the top left of the screen when I try to edit a page.


    I’d like to change the vertical margin of the menu, and to that effect I used the following CSS:
    margin-top: 100px;

    It works, but when I scroll and the header shrinks, I’d like to cancel that additional margin. Is there any way to do it?



    This an addition to the following thread:

    I would like to use this to create a header similar to that of amazon. Have the logo on the left, a long search menu and then the cart all on the main menu. Sub menu below it.


    Yigit, could you please help me with this other post too?

    I need to understand how to do use it.
    thank you so much!


    I followed the steps laid out above and created a new API key. Still getting the same broken element on my live site.

    Conversely, you can see the staging site is displaying the map correctly, here:

    Granted, the staging version is using an older version of Enfold as its parent theme.



    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    /* iPad Landscape */
    @media only screen 
    and (min-device-width : 768px) 
    and (max-device-width : 1024px) 
    and (orientation : landscape) {
      .responsive #top #wrap_all .grid-sort-container .grid-entry {
            width: 100%;
            margin-bottom: 50px;

    Best regards,


    I’ll have my team help me with it and reach out if it didn’t help. Pls don’t close the topic for now. I’ll let you know how it went.




    Please edit your pages where you would like to apply these changes and then add following code inside Code Block element

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .av-submenu-container {
        position: fixed!important;
        top: 111px!important;
    #main {
        margin-top: 103px!important;



    Hi Robi,

    I have added this code in Quick CSS:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
      .responsive #top #wrap_all .grid-sort-container .grid-entry {
        margin-bottom: 50px;

    This should fix the issue. Let us know if it works on your end also. :)

    Best regards,


    I have created a fresh wp install with the latest enfold template and demo content. The image shift problem is still there. Also, for mobile, the color section background image will not display “top center”. If you compare looking at phone vs laptop/desktop you will see there is a difference in how the background image is displayed. I thought this issue was corrected at one point, with the template. Is there a fix?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by lssu.

    Topic: Page Title Problem

    in forum Enfold

    Hi there,

    we have a problem with the page title in combination with the menu. The site starts on the really top of the page so that part of the content (title) are under the menu. How can we manage to make the page start right after the menu?
    Please see this screenshot:

    Of course one possibility is to set a top-padding over the page title, but then it looks pretty bad on mobile versions because there’s a big gap after the menu.

    Hope you can help.

    Thanks and cheers,



    Hi, first i would like to say, I love Enfold. However, I am having several issues with the way my site is displayed on mobile. I’ve read all the threads on this, and tried several codes, however, nothing has worked.

    Here’s what I would like to achieve, follow by an example of what I would like the end result to look like:

    1. Easy slider to take up the whole page on mobile, as it does on desktop. Currently, it’s full width, but only on the top portion of the screen on mobile.

    2. Mobile menu buttons to display in a way that it is visible (right now it is transparent, and I can’t seem to change it) – also I would like it not to appear on the top of the main image when the menu button is selected, as it is currently doing.

    3. Easy access CTA “email” and “call” buttons on the bottom of the viewing screen.

    All of the above examples are viewable on this site in mobile view;

    Here is my site to show the problems I am having in mobile view:

    Please advise. Thank you.


    In reply to: Hotspot on mobile

    Hey snitt,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    .responsive .av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip {
        display: block;

    Then go to enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/image_hotspots.php file and find

    			function add_fallback_tooltip($hotspot, $counter)
    				$content = $hotspot['content'];
    				if(empty($content)) return;
    				$output  = "";
    				$output .= "<div class='av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip'>";
    				$output .= "<div class='av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip-count'>";
    				$output .= $counter;
    				$output .= "<div class='avia-arrow'></div></div>";
    				$output .= "<div class='av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip-inner clearfix'>";
    				$output .= ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop($content);
    				$output .= "</div>";
    				$output .= "</div>";
    				return $output;

    and change it to

    			function add_fallback_tooltip($hotspot, $counter)
    				$content = $hotspot['content'];
    					$blank  = strpos($link_target, '_blank') !== false ? ' target="_blank" ' : "";
    					$blank .= strpos($link_target, 'nofollow') !== false ? ' rel="nofollow" ' : "";
    					$link = aviaHelper::get_url($link, false);
    					$tags = array("a href={$link} {$blank}", 'a');
    				if(empty($content)) return;
    				$output  = "";
    				$output .= "<div class='av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip'>";
    				$output .= "<div class='av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip-count'>";
    				$output .= $counter;
    				$output .= "<div class='avia-arrow'></div></div>";
    				$output .= "<div class='av-hotspot-fallback-tooltip-inner clearfix'>";
                        $output .= "<".$tags[0].">";
    				$output .= ShortcodeHelper::avia_apply_autop($content);
                        $output .= "</".$tags[1].">";
    				$output .= "</div>";
    				$output .= "</div>";
    				return $output;

    Best regards,


    I didn’t figure it out. This has been the issue from the very beginning. The update has started, but the download from Amazon wasn’t allowed. Check this topic – – to see the error message (it’s private for moderators)


    I want the 1px gap border.
    Look at this screenshot:

    Notice that the left border of the photo “FEEL YOURSELF” is bigger than the others and the source image hasn’t border. Then there isn’t bottom border under the photo “BE” and also others…
    If i set in the backend “no space between items” the previus border too big that i mentioned above remains.
    I’m using Chrome but i tried also with Firefox and Safari.

    The flag is near search icon but when i load the page before it goes on top page margin and after 1/2 seconds goes back near search icon. I want to avoid this movement. I think it’a a css problem.



    Hi boehmmedia!

    If you are using a child theme – which we would recommend in order to avoid applying the same changes each time you update the theme, please copy unmodified enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php file and paste it inside enfold-child folder and apply your changes and find following line at the top

    <?php  if (  ! defined( 'AVIA_FW' ) ) exit( 'No direct script access allowed' );

    and change it to


    and then add following code to Functins.php file of your child theme

    require( 'class-form-generator.php' );

    Then open class-form-generator.php file in your child theme and find

    echo 'jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery(".avia_datepicker").datepicker({

    and add following code right below that line

    beforeShowDay: function(date) {
            var day = date.getDay();
            return [(day != 0)];



    Hey Bjdiving,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child themes style.css file:

    .av-masonry-image-container:before {
    	 content: ' ';
    	 position: absolute;
    	 width: 100%;
    	 height: 100%;
    	 background: rgba(0,0,0,.6);
    	 opacity: 0;
    	 transition: all 1s;
    	 -webkit-transition: all 1s;
    	 z-index: 200;
    .av-masonry-image-container:hover:before {
    	 opacity: 1;

    Best regards,



    My customer wants a fullscreen slider with fullscreen images. I uploaded images (format 5184 × 3456). In the settings of the slider all images use alignment bottom-center and no-scaling but parts of the image disappear. For example slider 2 the top of the image (roof of the house) disappears and slider 4 the ceiling of the room disappears.
    What is wrong because i thought it is a responsive element so all images are fullscreen no matter what screen size.
    THX Freek


    Topic: Mobile Header Height

    in forum Enfold

    Hi Guys

    Sorry to ask because this has probably been answered a million times. However I cannot find the correct CSS.

    How can I reduce the height of the mobile header on this site? It’s much higher on the Mobile screen than the Tablet/Desktop screen which is set to 60px in Theme Options > Header

    Thanks so much.


Viewing 30 results - 84,061 through 84,090 (of 138,046 total)