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  • in reply to: change color caption title on slider #1285409

    Hello and thanks Rikard en Guenni007,
    im on the way but not there yet.

    two questions left: how to repair the height so the text will, for all images in the slider, fit in the container on a mobile and how to put the textcontainer in the middle?

    this is what i did in the quick css, see code.
    the class i gave is ‘mobiel’

    /*make slider text fit for mobile title*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
    .mobiel .avia-caption-title
    {width: 100% !important;
    height: 100% !important;
    font-size: 14px;

    /*make slider text fit for mobile text*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
    .mobiel .avia-caption
    {width: 100% !important;
    height: 100% !important;

    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: no pic #1284471

    now its back, you can close this one
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: change color caption title on slider #1284348

    ok, i will think about that.
    but if i decide to do so, it will be this way again?

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .anotherelement {
        <img src="yourpic.jpg" alt=""> 

    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: border 2px #1284346

    thanks Victoria, you can close this one.

    in reply to: youtube on mobile #1283800

    this one you can close
    i have found the snippet

     /* Section mobile bg image*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #top #section-mobile-bg {
       background-image: url(!important;
       background-position: 0% 50%!important;

    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: change color caption title on slider #1283698

    sorry , i got it:
    there was this h1 tag in the title textfield….<h1> title text </h1>
    so that part is sloved.

    but on my mobile ive seen tat the text of the slider, caption title and text, is not totally visible if you look at it holding the mobile phone
    upright. is there a solution for this?.

    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: contact form #1283031

    got it, i think this is it:
    download it and before making adjustments put it in .txt format.
    than, if uploading again via ftp/filezilla, put in back in .php

    you can close this ticket now, thanks

    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: stretched homepage #1280385

    Brilliant Mike, thanks!!
    as far as im concerned this ticket can be closed.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: stretched homepage #1280101

    Hello Ismael, thanks, but the homepage should not be black.
    it should also be white, UP TILL the upper banner, the full width slider. (one has to see the banner, the photo).
    now the white background (or now black) is covering the slider…which is not good. the picture should be visible.

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: stretched homepage #1279343

    oke mike, thanks.
    nearly there: the body itself would have to have no background.
    its black text on a white canvas.
    just like the homepage, except that on all other pages at the left and right of the screen the background image will appear.

    what would be the css for body background white on all pages exept the homepage?

    best regards, jelle

    ive managed to give ALL pages, including the homepage, a white bodybackground, and a background behind the body.

    /*background white*/
    #main .container { background: white; }

    thats oke for all the pages, but not the homepage, which looks like this than:–-En-nog-een-WordPress-site.png
    (as you can see the white canvas is OVER the banner image; not good)

    so, than ive tried to give all other pages a white background by ID but without out result.
    for example , for the contact page, idnr 34, ive tried all below, and maybe some more, but not one worked…

    /*background van de body*/
    .page-id-34.container { background: white !important;}

    page-id-34 .main .container { background: white; }

    page-id-34 #main .container { background: white; }

    html #wrap_all {
    background-color: #ffffff !important;

    .container .page-id-34 {
    background: white;

    .page-id-34 #main .main_color, .page-id-34 #main .main_color .container {
    background: white;}

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: stretched homepage #1278608

    Hi Mike, thanks a lot.
    the settings are Stretched now for the whole site.
    but nevertheless the homepage does not look really “Stretched” to me
    ( it should look more like this:, i think , for example the title
    “HET ROER OM IN JE CARRIÈRE” should be on one line)

    somewhat later:
    ive managed to get the homepage wider than the other pages, due to a style (“styles”) ive made for the different content sections on the homepage.
    #styles .container { max-width: 1310px; padding: 0; }
    problem is the footer on the homepage which is too far to the middle now. How can i change the footer for only the homepage?

    and i dont know now if it is possible to give the other pages a background…

    best regards, jelle

    nb: about the background, if i put in this code in quick css

    /* background on all pages*/
    #main .main_color {background-image: url(; }
    /*background white*/
    #main .container { background: white; }

    im nearly there, if not for the homepage which goes white…and the top of the body is over the full size slide show (the banner), see pic*
    how can i tell enfold to keep only the homepage in original shape? (and get a little wider :) )
    * this is the result:–-En-nog-een-WordPress-site.png

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: nice page transition #1278584

    oke jordan, thanks, you can close this ticket than.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: content section background should be scrollin #1278583

    you are absolutely right, mike, thanks. It was the scroll – fixed thing.
    you can close this ticket now,
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: no letterspacing on mobile #1278422

    Hello Nikko, thanks for the reply.
    ive been able to solve it by this adjustment in the Quick CSS department:

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) 

    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: stretched homepage #1278419

    Hello Mike, thanks for the info.
    so , i choose stretched layout? is that right?
    and the other pages i box in with some css , and some ID i guess.
    but how would i do that?
    best regards, jelle

    by the way, is there a possibility to download this theme, ready as it is, or see the backend of it?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: page navigation #1278227

    hello victoria,
    ok, thank you.
    And what is what determines the posts nav?
    is it the date?
    (if its the date i could set all the dates in sequence of the menustructure).
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: page navigation #1278034


    in reply to: do not display date in blog posts element #1275455

    Hello, ive got it.

    .avia-content-slider .slide-meta time {
        display: none;

    did the job.

    you can close this ticket, thanks, jelle

    in reply to: change margin of gallery textfield when hovering #1275423

    thanks Victoria, this ticket can be closed.

    in reply to: change margin of gallery textfield when hovering #1274712

    ok, maybe thats the best as its causing some trouble.
    could i change the tooltop itself maybe? this arrow at the bottom of its, maybe i could get it a bit bigger, more “pointier”.
    and could i change the color to white for example, with black text?

    in reply to: linking from a gallery image #1274696

    Thank you very much,
    you are right, its oke now.
    This ticket can be closed.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: change margin of gallery textfield when hovering #1273613

    hello and thanks…but its only working half…the margin is there, but its wobbling.
    ive tried this piece of code also in themes/enfold/css/custom.css
    but the result was the same…

    ps; ive noticed by the way that the wobbling effect is only there when one enters the mouse from above or the sides.
    if coming from the bottom the textfield stays at his place…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: make text totally visible #1273609

    Its solved this one, Victoria
    (text was not fully in the navigation label in the Menu department…)
    you can close this one, thanks.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: linking from a gallery image #1273604

    Hello Victoria, thank you.
    but there is another problem ive discovered.
    The links to other pages is working now, but not on my mobile phone; there it is still showing the lightbox images.
    how can this be and what to do about it?
    best regards jelle

    in reply to: change margin of gallery textfield when hovering #1273156

    Hello Victoria, sure,
    so , if i would change the margin of the textfield, that would help i think
    (maybe like :”margin: -50px”, or something)
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: change margin of gallery textfield when hovering #1272932

    point 2 seems to be to be resolved by

    /* gallery overlay */
    #top .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-thumb a:hover {
        opacity: 1;

    point 1 still unresolved as well.

    best regads, jelle

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by yampieters.
    in reply to: linking from a gallery image #1272931

    hello, at the end i got it working, after downloading the plugin: Gallery Custom Links.

    but there is one minor problem: hovering the image does not show this small hand ( so one knows its clickable ).
    Is there a way to show this hand?

    But a better solution would of course be that Enfold itself could manage the problem of the links not working from a default gallery.
    is there any solution direct from Enfold itself?
    strange thing is that a link from a gallery-image to a page IS working from a Masonry gallery but not from the default gallery..

    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: blurred images #1269004

    aha, ok. Thanks! Didnt know that.
    There might be anothter way…crop the images yourself in photoshop and link them to the big ones….

    in reply to: anchor use #1269002

    Hey Mike, works perfect. Thanks again!
    You can close this ticket as well.
    best regards, jelle

    in reply to: get coloured background full width with menu on the left #1268992

    Thanks a lot Mike.
    1. On mobile i see equal margins now left and right, whick looks nice.
    but on my pc i saw a small margin on the left but on the right no margin….
    the solution for this was correct the
    left: -5. !important; to left: -5.5% !important;

    2. But now making two colums might be tricky…
    as the problem was i still wanted two columns, so i had to add extra css, but i dont think this will effect the margins.
    But it does effect the way the blocks are displayed on a mobile…that is: they dont display below each other but next to each other, which looks rather messy. can i tell the mobile phone to display them below each other?
    can this be solved?

    <div class="row-natuur">
    <div class="column-natuur">your text</div>
    <div class="column-natuur">your text</div>

    in the css i put:

    .column-natuur {
      float: left;
      width: 50%;
    /* Clear floats after the columns */
    .row-natuur:after {
      content: "";
      display: table;
      clear: both;

    best regards, jelle

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by yampieters.
Viewing 30 posts - 61 through 90 (of 456 total)