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This work!
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2270 > a:hover {background-color:#e68a00!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2742 > a:hover {background-color:#73AA00!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2446 > a:hover {background-color:#a51882!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2747 > a:hover {background-color:#003366!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2756 > a:hover {background-color:#0689cc!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2762 > a:hover {background-color:#6600cc!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2767 > a:hover {background-color:#cc3300!important;color:white;}
#top .header_color .main_menu .menu ul #menu-item-2271 > a:hover {background-color:#996633!important;color:white;}May be something ?
#menu-item-2270 .sub-menu li a:hover {background-color:#e68a00!important; color: #fff !important;}
I try the solution with id section
#ricevitori .avia-heading-row th { background-color:#00abe6 !important;color:#fff!important;}
#trasmettitori .avia-heading-row th { background-color:#000000!important;color:#fff!important;}Yes but I have more table in this page and I need to set different raw background color for each
.form-with-bg .input-text, .form-with-bg .text_area {color: #fff!important;}
Do not work input text is not white
Yes but for ever page where I have form on background ?
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by
Hello, new website by Enfold theme for our customer
Like it?Issue resolved it was a blank space in function.php
Do not work
#top #header .av-main-nav > li.current-menu-item > a {background-color:#000!important;}
#top #header .av-main-nav > li:last-child > a {padding-right: 20px!important;}
#top .av_header_transparency .avia-menu-fx {display: none;}Thanks Nikko. I try to change also current-menu-item background color because here do not work
Hello, some our works with Enfold
http://www.impiantielettricimartinelli.itWe love Enfold 👍
entry_with_sidebar size
Yes I use this plugin but I do not know image size to modify (entry_with_sidebar size) ?
Yes it’s work! Thanks!!!!
Do not work
No I have changed only class-form-generator.php in my child theme but do not work.
Hello, I follow your instructions but may be do not work
1) I have copy this file from enfold/framework/php/class-form-generator.php to my child folder and disable only this raw
/*if ( ! defined( ‘AVIA_FW’ ) ) exit( ‘No direct script access allowed’ );*/
2) I have added on top function.php
require( ‘class-form-generator.php’ );
Don’t work. See form on right, text button is not #fff
Your code is for background not for border. I use it but then is all white !
Yes, I use
.container_wrap {border:none}
No I need to remove border pixel for .container_wrap
Ok it’s work fine! Thanks
Sorry not with CF7 embedded but with Endold contact form (avia code)
Ok but is not possible by function.php without plugin?
Now the right click is disable. Thanks
It is possible clear background in empty cells ? Where <th class=””/>
This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by