Forum Replies Created
Ok I do it
Yes privacy link and text color.
I try to
#form2 .input_checkbox_label, #form2 .input_checkbox_label a {color:#fff!important}
After upgrade with new class-framework-widgets.php it’s ork fine !
Hello I have same issue.
No is not correct, has not change in mobile version. I need logo over menu, not on left
Logo is not over menu but on left
Do not work check mobile. I want logo over the menu if is possibile
I use this code
add_action( ‘ava_after_main_menu’, ‘enfold_customization_header_widget_area’ );
function enfold_customization_header_widget_area() {
dynamic_sidebar( ‘header’ );
}but widget do not show in admin
No this code do not work is not element_half
Yes here in private
Don’t work
[av_contact (Email address hidden if logged out) ' title='Send us mail' button='Submit' on_send='' sent='Your message has been sent!' link='manually,http://' subject='' autorespond='' captcha='' form_align='' color='' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg='']
[av_contact_field label='Name' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='element_half'][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label='E-Mail' type='text' options='' check='is_email' width='element_half'][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label='Subject' type='text' options='' check='is_empty' width='element_half'][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label='Telephone' type='text' options='' check='' width='element_half'][/av_contact_field]
[av_contact_field label='Message' type='textarea' check='is_empty' options='' multi_select='' av_contact_preselect='' width=''][/av_contact_field]
[/av_contact]I try also this but color do not change
Hello I have same problem here to hide slide-meta on footer
.avia-content-slider .slide-meta, .av-masonry-date {display:none!important}
do not work
I need to create a main menu style like this, it is possible with css ?
Yes but it is different too.
Hi, here some Enfold creation.
The French Bulldog
Bernese Mountain Dog
Westie & Scottish Terrier
Sri Lanka Tours-
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
Cache plugin is now disable.
Thanks, it’s work!
Ye now I change wordpress folder from subfolder to root path to try resolve issue.
You can view site if force IP with aurelautomation.comYes!
Yes It was my error in htaccess
redirect 301 /wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/
No always same issue !
No nothing entries in function.php
# Remove WordPress’ canonical links
remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘rel_canonical’);add_filter( ‘avf_google_heading_font’, ‘avia_add_heading_font’);
function avia_add_heading_font($fonts)
$fonts[‘Roboto’] = ‘Roboto:100,300,400,500,700,900’;
$fonts[‘Roboto Slab’] = ‘Roboto Slab:100,300,400,700’;
$fonts[‘Roboto Condensed’] = ‘Roboto Condensed:300,400,700’;
$fonts[‘Roboto Mono’] = ‘Roboto Mono:100,300,400,500,700’;
$fonts[‘Ubuntu’] = ‘Ubuntu:400,700’;
$fonts[‘Titillium Web’] = ‘Titillium Web:400,700’;
$fonts[‘Crimson+Text’] = ‘Crimson Text:400,400i,600,600i,700,700i’;
return $fonts;
}add_filter( ‘avf_google_content_font’, ‘avia_add_content_font’);
function avia_add_content_font($fonts)
{$fonts[‘Roboto’] = ‘Roboto:100,300,400,500,700,900’;
$fonts[‘Roboto Slab’] = ‘Roboto Slab:100,300,400,700’;
$fonts[‘Roboto Condensed’] = ‘Roboto Condensed:300,400,700’;
$fonts[‘Roboto Mono’] = ‘Roboto Mono:100,300,400,500,700’;
$fonts[‘Crimson+Text’] = ‘Crimson Text:400,400i,600,600i,700,700i’;
return $fonts;
function avia_new_logo_span(){
$output = “h1”;
$output = “strong”;
return $output;
}//set builder mode to debug
add_action(‘avia_builder_mode’, “builder_set_debug”);
function builder_set_debug()
return “debug”;
}November 3, 2017 at 8:16 am in reply to: More padding of iconbox_content_container text under icon #872014Hello, a new work with ENFOLD
Yesm, it is in child style.css and my fonts under /wp-content/uploads/fonts
I need to create a table with alternate bg color cells, link this
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by