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  • I found that this error was due to an outdated Akismet plugin and not Enfold. HTH.


    in reply to: Can't upload any picture in the Media #615617

    I was able to solve this using this solution from the above mentioned thread.

    in reply to: Upload image giving http error (theme error) #615615

    I host with Media Temple (which IS GoDaddy, no matter how they try to spin it). I can confirm @nparent’s solution works for me.

    I have over 7 man hours into this silly issue.
    Am I relieved to have it working? YES.
    Do I think Enfold is the best thing to happen to WordPress? YES
    Should Enfold add a “Notice to GoDaddy/Media Temple hosted sites” clearly on the download page and install instructions page? YES


    in reply to: Can't upload any picture in the Media #614482

    I can confirm this issue. Uploading an average size image results in this error in the browser console:
    POST 500 (Internal Server Error)

    PHP Logged this error within 5-10 seconds after starting the upload – NOT 30 seconds:

    [14-Apr-2016 22:32:29 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/content/path/to/my/html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor-imagick.php on line 370

    When switching to Twenty-Sixteen there were no upload errors on any image uploads (including very large images).

    I was able to verify the following:

    • Image does get uploaded to the correct year/month folder
    • Images do get crunched into 16 various sizes
    • In Media Library, image receives default placeholder icon (gray page)
    • Clicking the icon and then “Edit more details” link, the image is displayed on the image on the Edit Media page
    • Clicking the “Edit Image” button below the image results in “Image data does not exist. Please re-upload the image.

    Memory Increase & Other Hacks
    I’ve completed all the requisite settings:

    // .user.ini
    upload_max_filesize = 128M
    post_max_size = 256M

    And tried all the .htaccess tips from these posts with no success:
    And Here
    – Also tried disabling all Plugins

    Upload Scenarios
    Here are a couple image scenarios that threw errors when using the Enfold theme but upload with no problem with default WP theme. As with comelen, sometimes larger images work where smaller files do not (both file size and image dimensions).

    Scenario 1
    Image type: png or jpg
    File size: 24kb
    Dimensions: 1600×900 @72dpi
    Work-around: After much experimentation with dimensions, I discovered the file would only upload if under 1200px, so I upload the file 1199×674.

    Scenario 2
    Image type: png or jpg
    File size: 173kb
    Dimensions: 480×854 @72dpi
    Work-around: none (other than switch to Twenty-sixteen)

    • Enfold v3.4.7 (although I’ve experienced this issue on several previous versions)
    • PHP v5.4.42
    • WordPress v4.5
    • MySql v5.5.43

    Honestly, the last place I suspected was the Enfold theme because it’s always been rock-solid! Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help resolve this issue.


    Jeff Boothe

    ** UPDATE 4/15 **
    Just got this PHP error when attempting upload:

    [15-Apr-2016 22:31:34 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas10_data01/24/2579924/html/wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php on line 423
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by topearn.
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