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  • in reply to: Enfold with Elementor #1285644

    Problem fixed.


    in reply to: Error with maps in enfold #1009328

    Hi Dude,

    Problem fixed with that code!


    in reply to: Error with maps in enfold #1008819

    Hi Victoria,

    The problem is in the admin panel, you can see the error here:
    I pasted you the url where you can see that error in private. With this error not all the features over the maps work, by example a system to draw over the map. When we disable Enfold and active other theme, these features work fine.

    in reply to: Error with maps in enfold #1008279


    The details are ok, please try again.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: Error with maps in enfold #1007908
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Error with maps in enfold #1007871

    Sure, we reviewed all, and we have a api configured in this moment to can use the maps also in the pages created with enfold where we add a map with the enfold options.

    Here you have the option checked in the admin panel:

    Thanks .

    Ok, thanks.

    in reply to: How change the colour of "Add to cart" buttons #553862


    Yes, from that panel we can modify the color for all the site but we only want to apply the modification to the buttons related with woocommerce.

    Now we only need to know how modify the color in the cart page, and complete order page, how can we do it there?

    We have now:

    .single_add_to_cart_button, .apply_coupon, .update_cart { background-color: #eb8204 !important; border-color: #eb8204 !important; }
    .avia_cart_buttons, .add_to_cart_button, .product_type_simple { opacity: 1; background-color: #eb8204 !important; border-color: #eb8204 !important; }
    #top .main_color .avia_cart_buttons .button { background-color: #eb8204; color: white; }
    .header_color .cart_dropdown_link { background-color: #eb8204; }
    .header_color .cart_dropdown_first .cart_dropdown_link { color: white; }

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: How change the "from" field in the enfold contact form #552569


    Ploblem fixed.

    The form was like you say with that field. So, to do something “different” we redo the from from zero and now it works…

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: How change the "from" field in the enfold contact form #548150


    We have modified into the file fuctions.php the value to test, and it works with that email in the example, but how we could use one of the form fields where is the email value?


    in reply to: How change the "from" field in the enfold contact form #547417


    So, if we want to use like from the form field named “Mail”,
    how could we use that code? where do we apply these modifications?

    add_filter(‘avf_form_from’, ‘avia_change_from’, 10, 3);
    function avia_change_from($from,$new_post,$params){
    $from = (Email address hidden if logged out) ‘;
    return $from;

    What we don´t understand is how until now the form got the value “from” without any modification.


    in reply to: How change the "from" field in the enfold contact form #546905

    Hello Basilis,

    Here i send you the details.


    in reply to: How change the colour of "Add to cart" buttons #543578

    Hi Yigit,

    Where or how can i modify that? I found in the enfold options, enfold -> advanced style -> buttons a option to modify the border radius, but how can i modify the colors?

    I have tried adding this css:

    .checkout, .wc-forward { background-color: #6c4a1c !important; border-color: #6c4a1c !important; }
    .single_add_to_cart_button, .apply_coupon, .update_cart { background-color: #6c4a1c !important; border-color: #6c4a1c !important; }
    .avia_cart_buttons, .add_to_cart_button, .product_type_simple { opacity: 1; background-color: #6c4a1c !important; border-color: #6c4a1c !important; }
    #top .main_color .avia_cart_buttons .button { background-color: #6c4a1c; color: white; }
    .header_color .cart_dropdown_link { background-color: #6c4a1c; }
    .header_color .cart_dropdown_first .cart_dropdown_link { color: white; }

    But it doesn´t modify all the buttons in the site, and i´m sure there is a simple way to do this.

    Thanks for your help.

    in reply to: How add a hover feature in layerslider #537528

    Hi Elliott,

    That effect is ok, but i would need to add it or do something similar into a slider done with the advanced layerslider, is it possible?


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