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  • did you see the attached images?
    HOW can I get it to look like it looks in the Standard Editor? How do I get to display the categories and title and author and date when I use that builder? I won’t for sure not add a title block, a category block, an author block and a “published”-date block on every single post… there must be an option to activate such informations.

    So… this is not where I would create a template (even if it literally says “template”) because there seems no way to simply make a copy of the standard-template that already has everything configurated the way we want it?
    What I am looking for
    Did not work with “img”-Button to put it in the post, so here’s the link to the images

    I thought if I add all the elements to the template it will be available in every template. But it seems, that “template” isn’t a template after all *hahahah*. I did not work with the Avia Layout Architect yet, because I haven’t found out, why the whole layout looks completely different (no title, no category, different font size, no author…..)
    Avia vs. Standard Editor
    Did not work with “IMG”-Button to put it in the post, so here’s the link to the images

    Where do I find the settings to make it appear the same as with Standard Editor (especially show Title, author, date etc…?)

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by szenemagazin.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 4 weeks ago by szenemagazin.
    in reply to: Credit where credit is due #1445160

    Thanks so much, Ismael! I use the “Elegant” blog-style with rastered layout, not the standard one. But this gives me an idea where to look :) And if I have a child theme, I’d copy the according php-file into the child-folder and put the code in that copy, right? I will give this a try on the weekend!

    And thanks for the 2nd idea to put it in the functions.php, either one of them will be my solution :-)

    I want to make a copy uf the standard template, because there’s already everything in it that I need – it’s just textblocks and layout-blocks that I want to put into the template so I don’t have to start with an empty post every time.

    Using the template functionality isn’t what I am looking for, because I do not want to re-build the footer/header, heading-sizes etc. So… where’s that “Standard Template” sitting/hiding out to make a copy of it? :-)

    in reply to: Credit where credit is due #1444813

    so if I would want to place this code in the functions.php of a child-theme:

    $value = get_field( "photographer" );
    if( $value ) {
        echo wp_kses_post( $value );
    } else {
        echo 'empty';

    where would I have to put it in functions.php to be next to the author of a post? and why in functions.php if it should show up in every post?

    in reply to: Credit where credit is due #1444807

    yeah no, that is not what I am looking for. I don’t want to have a line with multiple authors, I want to specifically show, who did what in the article. Meaning: someone wrote it (author) and someone made the pictures (photographer). The person that provides the pictures is not an author, so this is why I don’t want to add the name as a 2nd author and confuse people thinking, they both wrote on that piece.

    besides… I asked ACF and they said the don’t know where to put their code, because it is your template not theirs, so I would have to ask you guys where to put it in the template. Looks like I really have to put it as a textline in every article and link to the photographers teampage (where the article won’t be listet… this is so sad tbh)

    When I open a new post, I can choose on the righthandside which template should be used for the post. If I choose “Standard-Template”, the header/footer etc. looks like it was defined in the theme options.

    Standard Template
    within post

    If I want to make a template – let’s say a post for American Football – that contains blocks and placeholders, I would choose “New Template” – but then I have to make navigation and footer from scratch. And I cannot achieve the same look that it has with “Standard Template”, no matter how hard I try
    new template

    Where do I find “Standard Template” to make a copy of it, so navigation/footer and the whole design look like “Standard Template” but with different blocks placed in every template I make for every category of posts we do?

    Hi Rikard

    And if I don’t use the layout builder – where are the standard-templates with the navigation etc. in it to make a copy of it that I configured within enfold? It’s all there when I use “standard”, but nothing, when I make a new one


    in reply to: It's not a support question – it's a bug #1323402
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Avia Layout Architect not sticky #1318721

    Hi Ismael

    Yes, I was using the new block editor. When I switched to the WP Klassik-Editor the “expand”-Button appeared and with that the avia layout architect stayed on top (in fullscreen-mode).

    For me it would be nice if the toolbar would be sticky on top, regardless if expanded or not. Drag’n’drop is easier when you don’t have to search for the spot where you want to place a new element. And with that Avia Layout Architect you are literally forced to do that with every element you want to use.

    Thanks for your help, saves me a lot of time. And thanks for passing along, that in the new block editor the expand-button is missing :).

    in reply to: Avia Layout Architect not sticky #1318470

    Hi Ismael
    Unfortunately there is a Templates-Button (“Vorlagen”) only (?) I tried it in 2 different browser on Mac Big Sur (Chrome 92 and Firefox 92.) This is all I see


    Before scrolling with “upper toolbar” and “fullscreen mode” in the settings. No “expand”-button next to templates (“Vorlagen”). And… no other toolbar either to undo stuff for example

    After scrolling with “upper toolbar” and “fullscreen mode” in the settings

    in reply to: Custom field for 2nd author? #1271228

    Thanks – then I have to find out how to use these advanced custom fields and how they will show in the template. Sounds like I have to add code to the template though

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