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Dear Yigit,
it works fine!
Thanks a lot for the quick fix!Kind regards,
April 25, 2016 at 6:19 pm in reply to: Reduced height of mobile menu entries by using entypo-fontello icons #621576Vinay, thanks a lot!
This works and is exactly what I was looking for!Kind regards,
August 19, 2015 at 5:45 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #489828Dear Josue,
unfortunately this theme isn’t solved yet.
I investigated this item with different screen resolutions by multiple devices and by resizing browser windows to different sizes. I checked different devices and browsers at different operating systems – with low and high screen resolutions.
The results of my studies are extremely frustrating and I don’t know, how to proceed.
To summarize my experiences: A specific value of “min-height” (like “360px”) works fine with a specific screen resolution.
Using a bigger screen resolution, this value is to low,
Using a lower screen resolution, this value is to high.
There isn’t any valid value of “min-height” to solve the problems at any screen resolution.
It seems not to be a matter of “isn’t”, it’s a matter of “can’t”: It can’t be set a value of “min-height” to be “right”.The problems of both kinds of galleries, “Masonry Gallery” and “Gallery” are still existent at several screen resolutions.
In other words: The “solution” to define a specific value of “min-height” doesn’t solve the problems in general.
The “solution” seems to be a workaround for specific screen solutions. It’s not a solution for the wide spread screen solutions. It’s a violation of the intention to be “responsive”.
My conclusion is: None of both galleries, “Masonry Gallery” and “Gallery” fulfills the “responsive” concept without errors. They are “responsive” in limited ways, but they are buggy.
In both cases, the advice to use “min-height”, leads to allegedly “solutions”. But these aren’t solutions, They are workarounds, which work only with a subset of multiple screen resolutions.I highly appreciate the value of the integration of multiple puzzle pieces, like “Enfold” does. Probably it’s a extreme challenging task.
Please let me know, (a) if another kind of solution is avalible or (b) if I can help you to get rid of the bugs.Kind regards,
August 11, 2015 at 3:15 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #485706Dear Josue,
again: You are the hero of my day!
Thanks a lot for your suggestion. It fits my needs and works as expected!
In my case I will work with “Gallery” instead of “Masonry Gallery”. Due to your proposal, the gaps are gone!
Did I miss something?
Yes: THANKS A LOT!Kind regards,
August 10, 2015 at 6:31 pm in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #485545Dear Josue (or any other member of the fabulous Enfold support team),
I still have problems with my portrait gallery.
“Perfect Grid” seems to be the best option for my case, but I couldn’t find a way to let the thumbnails be shown without being clipped (in both dimensions, width and height). I tried a lot of settings of “min-height” (and other settings like max-hight, min-width, height and width), without any success. I couldn’t get rid of the clipping.
If I use “Flexible Masonry”, the thumbnails are not clipped! But I got problems with the sort order, again with trying a lot of settings, without any proper solution.
A last approach was, not to use “Masonry Gallery”. Instead I tried “Gallery”. This looks fine, but I got sporadic gaps.
To illustrate my tries, I created a test page. It’s passwort protected, please use this password: enfold
My main questions are:
1. Is a way known, to use “Masonry Gallery” with “Perfect Grid” without clipping the thumbnails (like “Flexible Masonry” does)?
2. What can be done to use “Gallery” without the sporadic gaps?Kind regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
Thanks a lot for the hint regarding browser cache!
Now I can calm down …Regards,
May 23, 2015 at 7:48 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448978Dear Josue,
again, thanks a lot for your efforts!
However, up to now I was somehow “blind” to this part “Color Section”, I didn’t realize it to be present and for what it might be useful.And, let you and your support team know, I’m going more and more to recommend “Enfold” to other WordPress users to be a theme with an exceptional support.
I wish you and your team all the best and success in any kind!Cheers,
May 23, 2015 at 7:12 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448960Dear Josue,
thanks a lot for going in detail of this problem and providing a working solution!
You are the hero of the day!
But, please, let me know: Where did you make a change?
Where is the mentioned “Color Section”?
Thanks a lot for your investigations, your help and, in advance, for your reply!Cheers,
May 23, 2015 at 6:39 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448938This reply has been marked as private.May 23, 2015 at 6:27 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448924Sorry, this was my fault.
The page had a restricted access and my intended removal of access limitation was uncomplete.
Now it should work.
Please try a reload of the page.Regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
Eckhard. Reason: typo
May 23, 2015 at 6:08 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448901May 23, 2015 at 6:01 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448895Hi Josue,
thanks a lot for your support!
At the moment, I’m a bit frustrated. My tries to follow your suggestion worked only limited.
Yes, I could turn on custom CSS class fields as suggested by you by addingadd_theme_support('avia_template_builder_custom_css');
to functions.php of “Enfold Child”.
I entered a value of “ehgrid” (without quotes, a string without special characters) at field “Custom Css Class”.
And I referenced it at custom.css by.ehgrid .av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-with-image { min-height: 370px; min-width: 150px; }
As a result the pages with masonry galleries and option “Flexible Masonry” work again as expected, they are now excluded of the new stuff. But my gallery with “Perfect Grid” doesnt’t follow the new mechanism, it falls down to the old problem of unsufficient heights of the pictures.
My assumption is, there might be a small syntax error in the CSS.
Josue, can you please prove the CSS code of your last posting to be free of any syntax error?
Is a leading dot needed or not at the term “av-masonry-entry.av-masonry-item-with-image”?
Your first CSS code snippet had one, the second one not.
I tried a lot of combinations, but up to now, none of them works as expected.Cheers,
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
Eckhard. Reason: reduced redundanr fomulation
May 23, 2015 at 3:14 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448836Hi Josue,
in this context I detected a new problem. My website uses on some pages masonry galleries with size setting “Flexible Masonry”. Up to now these pages worked fine. But now, with the CSS setting you suggested to the page with a masonry page with setting “Perfect Grid”, the other pages with a setting of “Flexible Masonry” are affected too – the layout of these pages is disturbed.
Is it possible to improve the CSS code snippet in a way to let only masonry pages with setting “Perfect Grid” be affected?
Or: Is it possible to let masonry galleries with size setting “Flexible Masonry” ignore this CSS code?May be, it’s not possible to have a general solution. In this case it would be fine for me, to address a specific page in the CSS code. But, how?
Sorry for bothering you again and for my insufficient CSS knowledge.Cheers,
May 22, 2015 at 11:00 pm in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448688Hi Josue,
thanks a lot for the quick and good answer!
It works fine and seems to be the right way!Please don’t take it amiss, I’ll drop the three samples I provided above, because the content is not intended to be public.
May 22, 2015 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448678Dear Josue,
thanks for your reply!
Here are my tests of the 3 different size settings of masonry gallery:
Flexible Masonry:
Perfect Grid:
Perfect Automatic Masonry:“Flexible Masonry” shows the pictures right, but the alphabetical order doesn’t work right in all cases. For example: “Benner, Andreas” should follow “Bende, Andreas”.
“Perfect Grid” and “Perfect Automatic Masonry” only show parts of the images, therefore these options are useless for me; but, the images are shown in right alphabetical order.To enforce alphabetical order I added the code which is provided at to the functions.php of Enfold Child.
All used picture have the same aspect ratio of 3:4, but they have different sizes, due to the sources, which are different image details. For example the picture “Achenbach, Kurt” has a low resolution, as it can be seen in the lightbox.
Up to now I tried to avoid to resize the pictures to fit all the same size, because I want to let the user see the most available resolution at the lightbox.Did I miss something to let “Perfect Grid” show the whole pictures?
Kind regards,
This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by
Eckhard. Reason: Added sample for alphacbetical order
May 22, 2015 at 3:31 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery Order – fronted gallery display sort order is different than admin sort order #448122I got the same problem and would highly appreciate a solution.
Kind regards,
Hallo Oliver,
Dein Problem kann ich nachvollziehen. Ich hatte zeitweilig dasselbe Problem, siehe hier.
An das Enfold-Entwickler-Team: Die Version 3.0.8, die auf Themeforest bereitsteht, hat definitiv ein Problem in der deutschen Sprachdatei lang/de_DE.po.
Beispiele mit vorangestellter Zeilennummer:
79: msgstr “Vill du vara med i diskussionen? <br/>Lämna gärna ett ord!”
106: msgstr “Logga ut”
112: msgstr “mevcut!”
122: msgstr “404 Borta”
132: msgstr “« Äldre Kommentarer”
148: msgstr “Solider Breite”
166: msgstr “Slider yüksekliği”
185: msgstr “Genişlik”
198: msgstr “Skapar en kolumn med full bredd”
223: msgstr “Katmanlar”
235, 247, 258: msgstr “Gizle”
268: msgstr “Slaytgösterisi”
usw. und so fort.Gruß,
EckhardFebruary 16, 2015 at 6:35 pm in reply to: German language file corrupted!? (Deutsche Sprachdatei korrupt!?) #396904Hallo Andy,
schönen Dank für Deine Antwort!
Wir müssen das Thema nicht weiter verfolgen.
Nur so viel zur Info: “CodeStyling Localization” wird seit 2 Jahren nicht mehr gepflegt. Das sollte stutzig machen.
Siehe CodeStyling Localization.Gruß,
EckhardFebruary 14, 2015 at 4:47 pm in reply to: German language file corrupted!? (Deutsche Sprachdatei korrupt!?) #396160In der Zwischenzeit habe ich unter Benutzung eines Text-Editors und Poedit festgestellt, dass kein Fehler in der deutschsprachigen Sprachdatei vorliegt, es gibt darin keine türkischen Begriffe. Es muss sich um einen kuriosen Fehler des Plugins “CodeStyling Localization” handeln. Ich werde das Plugin nicht mehr benutzen, sondern nur noch Poedit.
Jedoch habe ich im Vergleich der deutschsprachigen Sprachdatei und der Template-(.pot)-Datei festgestellt, dass die deutschsprachige Sprachdatei lange nicht mehr gepflegt wurde und einiges Update-Potential hat.
Daher die Frage: Arbeitet jemand an einem Update der deutschsprachigen Sprachdatei?
Josue, thanks a lot for your post! It will help me to find a solution. And it helps me to solve another problem.
Kind regards,
I forgot one remark.
“Theme options export” is a GUI function of the WorrdPress backend and the theme options dialog of Enfold theme.
Therefore I can’t integrate it in a command line backup script.
I assume, there is no otion to export theme options by a command line.Hi Elliot,
thanks for your reply!
Due to your reply I could see, there are files in /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia like enfold.css and enfold_child.css.
Of course, these files are included in my backup, I proved it.
The statement, “they are stored in the database” doesn’t help me in any way, because it’s too general. I expected a more specific reply.
It seems, I should debug the SQL queries to get more informations.
But I decided, not to try to go deeper in detail, because it would be too much effort.
Yes, “theme options export” and “theme options import” can solve the problem. As I mentioned, I knew it before.
Even, if I don’t understand, why it’s necessary, I will follow this steps and will keep in mind, my backup of the database and the file system is unsufficient, I have to store the theme options separately, even if I can’t understand the need.Maybe, you can imagine, I’m confused about this stuff. However, please feel free to close this thread.
Again, thanks for your help!
October 20, 2014 at 7:04 pm in reply to: Link colors in title text of "Magnific-Popup" lightbox (bug or missing feature?) #338550Thanks, Josue!
October 20, 2014 at 12:37 pm in reply to: Link colors in title text of "Magnific-Popup" lightbox (bug or missing feature?) #338277Josue, thanks for your reply!
Unfortunately I’m not a CSS-Expert. My fiddling with CSS is a lot of try and error. Therefore I don’t have the knowledge to formulate an adequate feature request.
Thanks again for your support!Kind regards,
Frage an Rainer: Hast Du vielleicht das Plugin “Relevanssi” installiert? Oder ein anderes Plugin bzgl. der Suche?
Ich habe das Plugin “Relevanssi” installiert. Ist es aktiv, habe ich den von Dir beschriebenen Effekt. Schalte ich das Plugin aus, tritt der Fehler nicht auf.Gruß.
Ich schließe mich der Frage an, denn das Thema beschäftigt mich auch.
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by