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  • in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #195569
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    in reply to: HR color with CSS #195534

    yes it’s works thanks

    in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #195249
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    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #195224

    up please

    in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #194804


    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #194702
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    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #194643

    Hey !
    Ok thanks for you confirmation.

    Can you help me for HR and Thumbnail gallery ?

    The problem is not fixed : I’ve choose gallery with 4 column and with your code my gallery appeared with 5 colums…

    I don’t understand where is style that concerns only HR in this code ?

    .main_color, .main_color div, .main_color header, .main_color main, .main_color aside, .main_color footer, .main_color article, .main_color nav, .main_color section, .main_color span, .main_color applet, .main_color object, .main_color iframe, .main_color h1, .main_color h2, .main_color h3, .main_color h4, .main_color h5, .main_color h6, .main_color p, .main_color blockquote, .main_color pre, .main_color a, .main_color abbr, .main_color acronym, .main_color address, .main_color big, .main_color cite, .main_color code, .main_color del, .main_color dfn, .main_color em, .main_color img, .main_color ins, .main_color kbd, .main_color q, .main_color s, .main_color samp, .main_color small, .main_color strike, .main_color strong, .main_color sub, .main_color sup, .main_color tt, .main_color var, .main_color b, .main_color u, .main_color i, .main_color center, .main_color dl, .main_color dt, .main_color dd, .main_color ol, .main_color ul, .main_color li, .main_color fieldset, .main_color form, .main_color label, .main_color legend, .main_color table, .main_color caption, .main_color tbody, .main_color tfoot, .main_color thead, .main_color tr, .main_color th, .main_color td, .main_color article, .main_color aside, .main_color canvas, .main_color details, .main_color embed, .main_color figure, .main_color fieldset, .main_color figcaption, .main_color footer, .main_color header, .main_color hgroup, .main_color menu, .main_color nav, .main_color output, .main_color ruby, .main_color section, .main_color summary, .main_color time, .main_color mark, .main_color audio, .main_color video, #top .main_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .main_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .main_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .main_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter {
        border-color: #E1E1E1;

    have a good day

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by stane.
    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #194625


    in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #194324


    I’ve no problem with advance layout editor
    I’ve change nothing on your theme, I’ve all last versions (WP + enfold) and no plugins but I have more problems with enfold.

    On firefox 25.0.1 on PC : I confirm that the display is not correct. Please try with navigate in private.
    On firefox :
    I have make test on 3 differents PC

    Whatever is the outcome with firefox, as I explain : I would like my gallery with 4 columns (it’s my parameter in avia editor) and with this fix it appears in 5 column.

    in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #194290
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    in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #194289


    unfortunately, It’s not the case.
    1- with firefox on PC : the display’s problem is the same
    2- with Chrome : my gallery appears on 5 five column instead of 4 colums (parameter in your editor)


    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #194037

    I don’t speak english very well… I’m not sure that you understand me and I’m not sure that I understand you…

    Can you confirm that
    I have a page which use you Avia editor, if I open my page with default editor of wordpress ;
    – I don’t see anything : my page is empty
    capture visual editor is empty :
    capture html editor is empty (this is my problem with your theme) :

    If I open my page with your avia editor
    – I can see the content :
    capture :
    It’s normal or not ?
    I used more system very performant by Good Layers, Artbees…etc. on Themeforest and I have always access to the html default editor by wordpress.

    The problem is not fixed : I’ve choose gallery with 4 column and with your code my gallery appeared with 5 colums… It’s not a solution…

    I don’t understand where is style for HR in this code

    .main_color, .main_color div, .main_color header, .main_color main, .main_color aside, .main_color footer, .main_color article, .main_color nav, .main_color section, .main_color span, .main_color applet, .main_color object, .main_color iframe, .main_color h1, .main_color h2, .main_color h3, .main_color h4, .main_color h5, .main_color h6, .main_color p, .main_color blockquote, .main_color pre, .main_color a, .main_color abbr, .main_color acronym, .main_color address, .main_color big, .main_color cite, .main_color code, .main_color del, .main_color dfn, .main_color em, .main_color img, .main_color ins, .main_color kbd, .main_color q, .main_color s, .main_color samp, .main_color small, .main_color strike, .main_color strong, .main_color sub, .main_color sup, .main_color tt, .main_color var, .main_color b, .main_color u, .main_color i, .main_color center, .main_color dl, .main_color dt, .main_color dd, .main_color ol, .main_color ul, .main_color li, .main_color fieldset, .main_color form, .main_color label, .main_color legend, .main_color table, .main_color caption, .main_color tbody, .main_color tfoot, .main_color thead, .main_color tr, .main_color th, .main_color td, .main_color article, .main_color aside, .main_color canvas, .main_color details, .main_color embed, .main_color figure, .main_color fieldset, .main_color figcaption, .main_color footer, .main_color header, .main_color hgroup, .main_color menu, .main_color nav, .main_color output, .main_color ruby, .main_color section, .main_color summary, .main_color time, .main_color mark, .main_color audio, .main_color video, #top .main_color .pullquote_boxed, .responsive #top .main_color .avia-testimonial, .responsive #top.avia-blank #main .main_color.container_wrap:first-child, #top .main_color.fullsize .template-blog .post_delimiter {
        border-color: #E1E1E1;
    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by stane.
    in reply to: Gallery with thumbnails doesn't work properly #193888
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    in reply to: Integrate HTML Site into Theme Enfold #193828

    It’s impossible if you used the editor of enfold…
    I say to Kriesi team that is a very bad limitation for professional…

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by stane.
    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #193820

    The problem is that I can’t see default editor if my page contain some code generate with Avia Editor
    I think it’s very very bad limitations and I’ve never see that on all 60 wordpress themes that I used today …
    It’s very important to see the Html for the professionnals,
    for example :
    – I used search and replace function, with your solution I can’t do that.
    – If would like to copy and paste my content on another page : I can’t do that, i’m oblige to rebuild all my page with your editor
    …etc. My english is very bad to explain you all the important things… but the Html code should always be accessible, it is too much complicated to work otherwise. But your choice is your choice.

    I’ve see that but In your website HR is grey, In mine it’s white… I can’t modify this in your avia editor.

    Your fix doesn”t work (you have my admin access to see Quick Css zone)


    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by stane.
    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #193785


    it’s very strange that we can’t use default editor if we used your theme’s editor… I have never see that…
    it’s very hard for me because It’s more simple and quickly to edit page with html instead of open each one element in your editor… I think it’s not good thing for person who make website all the days…

    For HR elements, Ok, well I search this :
    Where it is if it’s not HR element ? As you can see it’s grey on your website and not white…

    Your fix doesn”t work (you have my admin access to see Quick Css zone)

    Finally : please can you delete the link to my website or publish in private.

    Thanks for your help

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by stane.
    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #193760
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    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #193755

    Same result : It doesn’t work with 128M

    For example : I can’t use default editor of wordpress if my content was added in your avia editor.
    With one page, for example with my home :
    – If I display default editor : my page is totally empty
    – If I use your avia editor : my page is full

    And as you can see with admin access that I give you :
    – if you add “hr” separation element with your avia editor you can”t see it on my website
    – as you can see thumbnail of gallery on homepage is break
    – etc… more and more problems

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by stane.
    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #193505

    as you can see i’ve a problem with gallery too : thumbnail display is break

    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #193501
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    This reply has been marked as private.

    my site is down since sunday …

    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #192890

    my website is down, please can I have just a little help…

    Very very very thanks !

    in reply to: Totally break website BIG BUG : please help me. #192817
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    in reply to: styling, formatting and alignment : BUG #192624
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