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  • in reply to: Set transparent header as default header style #1341443

    Hey MIke,

    I know that the class is only added if the option is enabled. But as mentioned above (and written in the theme backend) the class it is missing from mobile – but I need it there. Thanks for spotting the mistake in the code snippet. It is working now, the class is added on mobile too.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Exclude Custom Post Type from Masonry Grid #1341436

    Hey Ismael,

    now I have written to filters:

    function avia_masonry_custom_cat_query( $query ) {
    	$exclude_cat = array('category__not_in' => array( 1 ));
    	$query = array_merge((array)$exclude_cat, (array)$query);
    	return $query;
    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_masonry_custom_cat_query');
    function avia_masonry_custom_tax_query( $query ) {
    		$query['tax_query'][] = array(
    			'taxonomy'  => 'kanal_zuordnung',
    			'field'     => 'id',
    			'terms'     => array('30', '31'),
    			'operator'  => 'NOT IN'
    	return $query;
    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_masonry_custom_tax_query');

    The Category and Taxonomy Terms are now excluded. Works fine. Two questions:

    • Can I somehow exclude the complete Custom Post Type or do I have to define the Terms that should be excluded from masonries (like in the code above)?
    • Can I combine the two filters into one?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Set transparent header as default header style #1341129

    I found a script like this in the forum, but it is not working on mobile:

    function add_custom_script(){
        $(window).scroll(function() {    
        var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
        if (scroll >= 50) {
        } else {
    add_action('wp_footer', 'add_custom_script');

    Any other idea why I can’t finde the class on mobile? I know that the settings say that this option “is ignored on smartphones”, but it would be nice to have the class for styling purposes.

    in reply to: Set transparent header as default header style #1341126

    Sorry, but I think of one additional question while working with a transparent header: Why is “.header_scrolled” missing on mobile? I made the header sticky. Works well. It is transparent and if I scroll down it gets a white background. But on the larger sizes the class “.header_scrolled” is added and I can use it for additional styling. Any ideas why the class is missing and how I can get it back an small screen sizes?

    in reply to: Set transparent header as default header style #1341096

    Now I understand the difference. I think the description in the documentation should be clearer. The code there applies only to new pages (but the setting is changeable later).

    Thanks again! Thread may be closed.

    in reply to: Set transparent header as default header style #1341090

    Hey Guenni007, thanks for your reply.

    The code is from the documentation. I want the header transparent on all pages. So you think the filter needs to bee added too? Like that:

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'enfold_customization_product_switch' );
    function enfold_customization_product_switch(){
      add_filter('avf_builder_elements', 'avf_builder_elements_mod');
    function avf_builder_elements_mod($elements)
      $counter = 0;
        foreach($elements as $element)
        if($element['id'] == 'header_transparency')  {
                $elements[$counter]['std'] = 'header_transparent';
      return $elements;
    add_filter('avf_header_setting_filter', function($header) {
      $header['header_transparency']  = 'header_transparency';
      $header['header_class'] .= " av_header_transparency";
      return $header;
    }, 10, 1);

    Or is your snippet working without the longer code from the documentation?

    in reply to: Exclude Custom Post Type from Masonry Grid #1340655

    Hi Ismael,

    that is correct but I want to mix (standard) categories and taxonomy entries. How can I do that? Something like that is not working:

    function avia_masonry_custom_query( $query ) {
    $args = array(
        'meta_query' => array(
            'relation' => 'OR',
        		        'post_type'  => 'kanal',
    			'taxonomy'  => 'kanal_zuordnung',
    			'field'           => 'id',
    			'terms'         => array('30', '31'),
    			'operator'    => 'NOT IN'
    			'post_type'  		=> 'post',
    			'category__not_in'   => '1',
    	$query = array_merge((array)$args, (array)$query);
    	return $query;
    add_filter('avia_masonry_entries_query', 'avia_masonry_custom_query');

    In the end I could even exclude the whole Custom Post Type, that would be okay. So if I could exclude a certain (standard) category and a certain CPT everything should be fine. Do you have a code snippet for me?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Set image size for Blog Grid #1338914

    Thanks for helping me out, Ismael. You may close this.

    in reply to: Set image size for Blog Grid #1338671

    Found the place. I added the excerpt there alyready like:

    'contents' => 'excerpt_read_more',

    How do I add the preview_mode? Like that:

    'preview_mode' => 'featured_large',

    Or do I miss something?

    in reply to: Set image size for Blog Grid #1338646

    Hey Ismael, thank you for your information. Will try some things with the header image.

    Now back to the archive page image size:

    You write you can adjust the thumbnail size in the archive pages by editing the archive.php file directly. I already searched for a function loading the portfolio size but did not find it. Where do I find the line to change? The filter you sent is for functions.php but I would like to change the size in the archive.php directly and don’t now where exactly.

    Thanks for helping me out!

    in reply to: How to set a standard excerpt? #1338415

    That sounds interesting, Guenni007. Will try that for sure. In an other thread I read an alternative soloution for my atempt. One of them will work for sure. Thanks!

    Und viele Grüße nach Bonn.

    in reply to: Add content to blog post element grid view #1338405

    Thank you. Tweaked the code to my needs. You may close this.

    in reply to: Add content to blog post element grid view #1338302

    Nice, Yigit, thanks! Did not find this snippet. Works in the way I would like to have it, but I do have two more questions:

    • Is it possible to load a term of a custom taxonomy related to the post with this code? What parts should I alter?
    • If I add exactly your code to Child Theme functions.php the author gets displayed but the date is missing. Any idea how to show date AND an other term (of a custom taxonomy)?

    Best regards

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1338039

    You may close this.
    And thanks again to Guenni007

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337838

    Thank you! Works as aspected. Learnt a lot from your code.

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337802

    Dear @guenni007, last question: Do you think it is possible to load the script only for a certain viewport? Let’s say on mobile I would use a normal link (open the entry) and from tablet-size on I would load the script and use the added lightbox. Any ideas?

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337678

    Why? What is your preference?

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337598

    Wow! That is beyond my expectations. Thank you!

    Should be everything I need. Thread may be closed.

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337571

    Perfect! Thanks a lot, Guenni007!

    Any idea on how to hide the head and footer on those posts? In my case it is a custom post type. Should be possible with a modification to the single.php file of the CPT – what do you think?

    Even better would be a script to hide head and footer only if the entry is shown inside an iframe? Do you think that is possible?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337558

    This is the way I would like to have it, yes! But with normal posts (not portfolio entries). And for some reason I would like to use the blog post element (not a masonry). Or can’t it be made with the blog post element?

    Thank you for your effort already!

    in reply to: Lightbox for Blog Post Element #1337459

    Hey Guenni007,

    it is not about the normal blog. I would like to use a ALB blog post element (as in your first link) and display posts of a certain category on a page with the option “blog grid”. If the image or title of the shown entries is clicked the posts should be loaded as iframe in a lightbox, correct. Any ideas?

    Thank you for your interest! And thanks Ismael for pointing out that it can be made somehow.

    All the best,

    in reply to: Autoplay on iOS #1333505

    Super fast implementation! I am thrilled. I just installed the new update and deleted my customization before. Runs perfectly as expected. Thanks for the fast support. And an even bigger thank you for the fact that you have already implemented another feature request from me as fast as lightning. You guys are the best.

    In this sense I wish you Merry Christmas and see you soon! Feel free to close this thread.

    Many greetings,

    in reply to: Autoplay on iOS #1333122

    Hey Ismael,

    works perfect. Two questions:

    • Why do I have to make the change in the parent theme? If I try to put it in /enfold-child/framework/php/function-set-avia-frontend.php the changed file is not loaded, the frontend always uses the version of the parent theme? Is there a solution to make the change in child theme? Or can I add the “playsinline” attribute with a script in functions.php?

    • Shouldn’t this be the defalt behaviour if someone is not setting the “Hide video on mobile devices?” to true? If so the user wants the video to play on all devices. Since this is possible it would be nice to have the “playsinline” attribute added in a new update. Or am I wrong?

    All the best,

    in reply to: Show Copyright for images in Standard Editor Blog Posts #1332931

    No idea how to solve this? I think the information is in the database and could be loaded somehow.

    If a user could place a shortcode like


    on a page and this would display a list in the frontend like

    Media name (linked to page where it is used): Copyright information
    Media name (linked to page where it is used): Copyright information
    Media name (linked to page where it is used): Copyright information

    and if an image is used multiple times it has multiple entries in the list.

    Something like this would be quite helpful for users in Europe …

    Does anyone know whether it is possible to collect a list of all credits specified in the media library on one page via a shortcode or something similar?

    New theme version solved the problem. You may close this thread. Thanks a lot.

    Nice! That looks good. Thank you for the information. I will deactivate the test installation for now, as everything seems to be solved. Even if I don’t quite understand why the behaviour of creating a new tab is different when CET are activated but that is no real problem.

    All the best,

    Hi Ismael,

    That sounds logical at first. Unfortunately, I can’t find this setting anywhere. In the described place under Enfold > Custom Elements I have only the following options:

    – Custom Elements Management
    – Custom Elements Locked Options

    No settings for “Custom Elements For Subitems” are possible. Or is that to be set elsewhere? I activated the CET options in the theme settings (not with a code in the functions.php)

    And to be honest, this behavior is not that much of a trouble. If necessary, a user could simly delete the content of the tab and write something else. Much more irritating is in my opinion the misbehavior in relation to the ALB shortcodes as described above and seen in the video. Why are they stripped?

    What do the developers say about this?


    Give me a short notice after updating the theme and I will try myself. Thanks!

    Here you go:

    Great. And don’t forget the second part of it (that’s the part that made me realize the problem):

    Or open a tab and use the magic wand to place an icon in it as a shortcode, save the tab element and leave it. When you go back in and click on the tab where the shortcode was, the tab is empty.

    You see the misbehaviour in the video or you can test it on the page. Strangely the error occurs only with ALB-Shortcodes. Other shortcodes don’t get stripped …

    Will you give me feedback here if I can delete the staging version of the homepage?

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