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  • in reply to: Instagram Widget Not Updating #558568

    Sure– Cloudflare is now paused, so no caching. I removed the username again, saved the widget and refreshed the page, which removed the feed info. Then I added it back in, saved it and refreshed again so it appears again, but it is still not pulling the most recent images.

    in reply to: Instagram Widget Not Updating #558552

    I am having this same problem– I have deactivated and reactivated all plugins.

    Caching plugin is not activated, and I also flushed my browser cache. I tried deleting the username to clear out the feed (and refreshed the page and it removed the images), but when I added it back, it did not pull the recently posted images. I just migrated the site to Cloudflare (DNS is still propagating) and just to be safe, I also purged the cache there, but still no luck.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    in reply to: LinkedIn share not pulling images and tags #558526

    Hi Andy,

    I have updated to WordPress 4.4 and updated the theme to 3.4.7 as requested (for some reason, the update did not get pulled to the WordPress dashboard so I had to manually do it, not sure why).

    The Yoast SEO plugin (free version) is installed, and open graph tags are working on Facebook, Twitter and G+, but not on LinkedIn for some reason. It was still pulling only the page name (“Home”) and site name, but no image, SEO title or meta description, so the share looks very plain and doesn’t have any useful info. The same thing also happens on Reddit.

    I re-applied the fix in this thread to fix the issue of it sharing the mini? url:– I had hoped that would fix the problem of it sharing only the minimum information.

    After applying the fix, I am still getting error message “There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request.” when I try to share a page from the site.

    Any suggestions on how to fix this? The client needs share capability on LinkedIn.

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    in reply to: How to set up socket to display in 1/3 sections #558512

    Hi Andy,

    The issue was that the spacer was showing on screens wider than 767 and it looked off, was breaking in weird places. And on narrower screens, the info was all running together without any extra space or a separator between the sections.

    I added an extra space between sections and changed settings so the spacer is hidden on screens up to 1440px (so there is no spacer until the screen is wide enough to fit all the info).

    I’m happy with it now, you can close this thread.

    Thanks so much for the help!

    in reply to: Button on full-width easy slider cuts off on small screens #558275

    I am using Chrome developer tools, a marked screenshot showing what I see and the issue is linked to below.

    in reply to: Text cutting off in tablet view #558273

    Done and I should have done it sooner– I couldn’t love this theme and the wonderful support more than I already do, thanks for the reminder! :)

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for taking a look. I also think it should work, but for some reason, it doesn’t.

    I was away for a week and it still looked the same when I came back, and just now, I have disabled the caching plugin and cleared my browser cache and I can’t get the spacing to reduce any further even if I change the code above to make line height 5px or 3px– nothing changes.

    If there is nothing else I can try, I can leave it as it is– it is not a fatal flaw, just not as good as I would like.

    Let me know if you have any other suggestions.


    in reply to: Image caption text colored on hover in Edge browser #558234

    Hi Elliott,

    Looks like this fixed it– thanks so much for your help!

    in reply to: Button on full-width easy slider cuts off on small screens #558230

    Hi Ismael,

    This helps increase the space available for the button, but the bottom of the button is still covered by black for some reason instead of the bottom of the button showing, not sure if maybe it is padding above the divider or something.

    Is there a way to get the bottom of the button to display?

    Thanks so much for your help.

    in reply to: Text cutting off in tablet view #558228

    It looked a little cramped/close to the icon background @ 13px, so I reduced it to 12 and that works ok.

    Thank you for your help!

    Hi Yigit,

    This unfortunately doesn’t seem to be changing it either. :( I tried adding !important also…

    Hi Basilis,

    Thank you for this. I added it but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

    Any other ideas on what I might try?


    in reply to: Image caption text colored on hover in Edge browser #554552

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks very much for the quick reply. This changes the caption color in other browsers, but doesn’t seem to be affecting what happens in Edge.

    Also, the caption titles are in white, but the caption body text is actually in gray (#d1d1d1)– sorry for not being more specific.

    Any other ideas on how to fix this?

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Button on full-width easy slider cuts off on small screens #554549

    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks for your reply. I added this to Quick CSS but it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

    Any other ideas?

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Hey Elliott,

    Thanks so much for this. Linked to below is a revised screenshot to show you exactly where there is too much space– sorry I was not clearer in my first screenshot.

    But this looks better too, so I am keeping the code in there. ;)

    Let me know if you have any ideas on how to fix the spacing marked.

    Thank you for your patience with me.

    in reply to: How to set up socket to display in 1/3 sections #553888

    Awesome– thank you! I saw it correctly once, then went in to change the width of the spacers since it is a little bit too wide, and now it has reverted back again, so I had to manually replace them again– thank you for letting me know how to fix that.

    The only issue now is the sections are not stacking on mobile views– because each section is a little longer than the screen width, the text all runs together when the spacers are hidden.

    If the entire next section won’t fit on the same line, I would like it to bump down to the next line.

    How can I do that?

    in reply to: How to set up socket to display in 1/3 sections #553840

    No problem– I already had one set up from a previous issue. :)

    Credentials are below.


    in reply to: How to set up socket to display in 1/3 sections #553795

    This isn’t working either, I’m afraid. :(

    Any other ideas?

    in reply to: Gravity form font color issue #553789

    Worked perfectly. Thank you! :)

    in reply to: How to set up socket to display in 1/3 sections #552747

    Hey Elliott,

    Thanks so much for your help. For some reason, it doesn’t seem to be working. The code I used in the Copyright field is below and I used exactly what you gave in Quick CSS, am I missing something?

    Hi Ismael,

    I had to change it to the other section so it’s the one that displays on the narrower views that is affected, but this works great now.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    in reply to: Gravity form font color issue #552552

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you so much for the code. For some reason, it doesn’t seem to be working– I still see the underline on hover.

    Any other ideas on how to fix this?


    in reply to: Gravity form font color issue #551284

    Hi Yigit,

    Thank you– this fixed all except the price and quantity labels, and I figured out how to change those myself.

    The only other weird thing is that those labels and the price and order total are underlining blue on hover– how can I remove that underlining?


    Thanks– I’ve got it exactly the way I want it now, and it is awesome! :)

    I was hoping to make it so I could figure out more of this myself without having to trouble you, but if there are that many, I guess that wouldn’t save you much work!

    Guess I will just keep coming to you for help when I need it. You guys are always very great, I really appreciate it.

    You can close this thread, I am all done. :)

    Works GREAT– thanks! Not sure what those settings do, but I played with them to get the effect I want. Would be great to have a list of what the animation options are and what the values do for future reference, maybe in documentation.

    Last question about this element– is there an easy way to make the button a little bigger (about the same size as large enfold theme button) on large screens?

    in reply to: Text cutting off on tablet views #550639

    Looks great now– THANK YOU!!!

    The text-transform and font size is now fixed– THANK YOU!

    Last 2 things:

    1. How to change button background color to #4e81c9? That is not in the list of options under .avia-slideshow-button.
    2. How to change animation so button floats down instead of zooming in from the left? It used to do that, but a recent theme update changed it, I think.

    Thank you so much for all of your help and patience.

    Fixed! Many thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Enlarge theme button font size #550634

    Finally fixed! I cannot thank you enough. :)

    Hi Yigit,
    Thank you so much for checking on this.
    I am still not seeing the change– I saw it for a second and then it reverted back to all caps again. :(

    If you can help me with changing the animation so it doesn’t zoom in from the left and instead floats down like it used to, and to change the background color of the button to #4e81c9, that will be good enough and I will just leave this as it is until the client can hire a developer to fix this.

    Thanks a million!

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