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  • in reply to: Pagespeed mobile – elements contain focusable descendents #1377188

    Thanks Ismael,
    I think it will be done by EWWW Image Optimizer which does the lazy load stuff. I will however test this on my testing page little bit later and let you know.


    in reply to: Pagespeed mobile – elements contain focusable descendents #1376965

    Thanks Ismael for explanation about backend on this.
    Is this a bug or expected behaviour? Anything we can do to make google happy?
    Just thinking if this should be fixed in theme or not: “However, the theme doesn’t add the aria-hidden attribute to the horizontal-gallery-links by default”


    Actually I fixed my issue differently. Good to close this ticket. If you have some quick code how to hide footer menu, it would be maybe good to mention it anyway here for future search :)


    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1376851

    Thanks a lot Mike,
    This seems to work fine and passed the test now.
    Can you please create ticket for developers to fix this in theme so we don’t need to do these hacks in future? I expect more people will start to complain about this issue.


    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1376669

    Thanks Mike,
    Is the above code to be placed to functions.php of child theme? Or where is proper place to put it?


    Strange, it seems to be gone now. Thanks. Feel free to close this one.

    in reply to: Google Maps JavaScript API warning retired-version #1376667

    Thanks Mike, Feel free to close this one when it’s reported to devs

    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1376232

    Any ideas what can be done further in this one when it’s easily reproducible? Thanks

    in reply to: Hidden full screen slider image is downloaded on phone #1376076

    Thanks a lot Mike for getting this resolved,
    This seems to work perfectly and no more complains about big image being downloaded on mobile phone. I’m sending some love for this :)
    Feel free to close this out.


    in reply to: Hidden full screen slider image is downloaded on phone #1375904

    Thanks Mike,
    I’ve tried this code but no luck. At least seems to have no effect.
    When I checked the console output I’ve got following:

    (index):137 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'parentNode')
        at removefullscreenSlider ((index):137:26)
        at (index):141:1

    Can you please check what might be causing this?
    I’m testing this on following page (private data)
    Thanks in advance

    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1375635

    Thanks Ismael for checking it further.
    This is a clean install with Enfold and simple full screen slider. Then pagespeed is run.
    This should be possible to reproduce easily for developers to debug/fix. Will it be debugged by them or what path forward you see here?

    Also one thing I noticed it is reported only on mobile phone test not desktop. Maybe specific code for mobile needs to be checked?


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Sovietovic.
    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1375621

    Sorry Ismael,
    Please try now. I forgot to revert all the other testing changes I had.

    in reply to: Hidden full screen slider image is downloaded on phone #1375498

    Thanks Ismael for closer view on this. I hate redirects as it slows stuff so still trying to figure this out.
    I found this old thread on forum from 2017. Do you think it could be applicable here?

    The code part there suggests to add custom ID, adding function and then applying CSS. I expect some stuff to be outdated in script (f.e. .av-paralax)? I’ve also hit issue with using it “Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined”

    function remove_bg(){
    	if (jQuery(window).width() < 768) {
    		jQuery("#unique-id").css("background-image", "");    
    add_action('wp_footer', 'remove_bg');

    + then css change

    @media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
    #unique-id > .av-parallax {
        background-image: none !important;

    Just want to be super sure if something like this could work with minimum effort to adjust or I would need to figure this out somehow from scratch.

    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1375495

    Thanks Ismael,
    I’ve tried all of those (clearing cache, browser cache, disable merge/compress, private mode testing) no bueno still.
    I’ve deployed my test page to not screw with live one with no plugins and so on. The same issue is there after applying your code. Credentials are in private part.

    Please check

    Thanks Ismael,
    It seems this option is also available in Performance tab of Enfold under advanced. I’ve set it there now.
    Feel free to close this one.

    in reply to: Pagespeed – Does not use passive listeners #1375320

    Thanks Ismael,
    I’ve tried this but still same issue happens on my page. I’ve tried to do exactly what you wrote to me. I’ve put back the code which was there before again.
    Also do I need to do this every Enfold upgrade or will this be fixed in next version of Enfold?


    in reply to: Hidden full screen slider image is downloaded on phone #1375305

    Thanks Ismael,
    Didn’t know this.

    Additional questions:
    1. Is it possible somehow possible patch this css code for mobile with different url (so it won’t download anything). The main thing I want to achieve is to force Enfold to not download that image (or download some different 1kb one) on mobile platform.
    I’ve tried something myself but was not able to adjust URLWITHIMAGE part of below code. It seems it is some which I have no clue how to adjust using CSS. {
        background-position: center center;
        background-image: url("URLWITHIMAGE"); 
        visibility: visible;
        opacity: 1;
        transition: all 0.4s cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53) 0s;
        transform: translateZ(0px);

    2. I also have different slider gallery on homepage for desktop which is hidden for mobile, but those images are not downloaded. Is it configured differently for that gallery?

    jfyi: As workaround I found a way to have separate page for mobile view where this component is not added. However I would like somehow 1. to apply.

    function redirect_mobile_devices() {
        if ( wp_is_mobile() && is_front_page() ) {
            wp_safe_redirect( get_site_url(). '/home-mobile', 301 );
    add_action( 'wp', 'redirect_mobile_devices' );


    in reply to: Hidden full screen slider image is downloaded on phone #1375285

    I’ve dig into this further today and it seems it enabled on mobile “Inspect” even it is disabled in Responsive tab.
    Is this a bug or why this slider/image is being fetched/referenced in code when it is disabled in Responsive tab?

    <li style="background-position: center center; background-image: url(&quot;;); visibility: visible; opacity: 1; transition: none 0s ease 0s; transform: translateZ(0px);" data-img-url="" class="avia-slideshow-slide av-la3o7zdp-7c7a12052fe9ac8d535f4a735eaf459c__0 av-single-slide slide-1 slide-odd next-active-slide active-slide"><div data-rel="slideshow-1" class="avia-slide-wrap "><div class="av-slideshow-caption av-la3o7zdp-7c7a12052fe9ac8d535f4a735eaf459c__0 caption_fullwidth caption_center"><div class="container caption_container"><div class="slideshow_caption"><div class="slideshow_inner_caption"><div class="slideshow_align_caption"><h2 class="avia-caption-title " itemprop="name">interiéry od návrhu až po realizáciu</h2><div class="avia-caption-content av_inherit_color" itemprop="description"><p>váš domov by mal rozprávať príbeh o tom, kto ste a súčasne byť zbierkou všetkého čo milujete</p>
    </div></div></div></div></div></div><div class="av-section-color-overlay" style="opacity: 0.1; "></div></div></li>
    in reply to: Make child menu slightly bigger #1375162

    Thanks Rikard,
    This worked nicely.

    Feel free to close this one ;)

    in reply to: Footer menu to be centered #1374851

    I’ve found old thread where the solution was written

    #socket .sub_menu_socket {
        float: none;
        text-align: center;
    #socket .sub_menu_socket li {
        float: none;
        display: inline-block;

    Works fine. Feel free to close this one.

    in reply to: SEO report complains about meta description #1374850

    I’ve fixed this by using simple plugin Meta Tag Manager where I was able to add proper meta description to all the pages.
    Feel free to close this one

    in reply to: Rename portfolio path url name for items #1374846

    After digging into this myself I found this could be renamed in wordpress Settings easily.
    Feel free to close this one

    in reply to: Create simple popup with Enfold #1374670

    Thanks for detailed instructions Guenni,
    It worked perfectly. I will do some fun with it :)

    Much appreciated.Feel free to close this one.

    in reply to: Create simple popup with Enfold #1374608

    Thanks Ismael,
    This seems to be complicated for my coding knowledge :( Is this maybe documented somewhere better? Or possible to be done somehow over UI/Aria?


    in reply to: Page tests issues with aria menu + colours #1374587

    I can see it in documentation Not required anymore.
    Thanks . Feel free to close this one

    in reply to: Page tests issues with aria menu + colours #1374580

    I was able to fix all the menu issues now. It seems I still have issue with contrast on my “Contact Form” Send button.
    Can you please let me know how to fix that one? I’m not able to find CSS/Options which deal with this button. It is by default little bit “blurry” until I click reCaptcha. Would be good If I can somehow modify colours of both button states.

    in reply to: Page tests issues with aria menu + colours #1374570

    Thanks Ismael,
    Could these false positives be because I have menu on top of page but also in footer? And of these are not proper?
    Because the same happens when I run the tests with Not sure then if they are false positives. Something must be triggering it.

    I’ve removed the bottom menu from homepage and re-run tests and the issues seems to be gone. So it seems the issue is with that menu only.
    Now I enabled it back and again it reports issues. So something is wrong with that Aria menu.
    I’ve put the menu differently on bottom now which seems to solve those 3 errors.


    in reply to: Masonry gallery large gap compared to column one #1374037

    Thanks Ismael,
    It worked great. Feel free to close this out.

    in reply to: Some capital font diacritics are shown in different colour #1371915

    It seems once I downloaded Cabin font family from

    And used that one, all seems to be fine now :) We should be good then


    in reply to: Some capital font diacritics are shown in different colour #1371905

    Thanks Guenni,
    I’ve tried to manually upload font from the url you mentioned and the same issue is still happening.
    Not sure what you mean by that variable font. I think I will just use some different font to get this resolved :(

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