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  • in reply to: Navigation Arrows to the side – Post Slider #1436662

    I couldn’t get this to work. I am trying to achieve something similar to Content slider style – 2 on this (basically the same outcome minus the background color).

    I’m not sure if the same style can be applied to the post slider, but that would be ideal as I don’t want the arrows appearing over my post preview images. Or to have a background color unless hovered over.

    in reply to: Spinning Circle When Adding HTML #1435226

    Thanks, Ismael. I will try creating a shortcode for it. Are there any recommended plugins that could do this for me? I’m thinking of using

    Thank you!

    in reply to: URGENT: homepage reverting to blog after theme update #1432512

    @Ismael Thank you, but I ended up pushing the staging site again, basically undoing that theme update – seeing as it caused so many issues. Maybe I can try creating a new staging and updating there, but I can’t risk what happened yesterday to the live site again.

    How do you update without messing up different settings? Is this the norm when updating the theme? I reached out to an IT person in my company and he too did not understand why my settings were changed after a theme update… he said they should only be program updates and shouldn’t change any existing data. So I’m curious how it got to that point.

    in reply to: URGENT: homepage reverting to blog after theme update #1432439

    Eventually the blog stopped displaying as a home page but the styling was too wonky. I ended up making some changes and pushing the staging site again.

    Unfortunately, I lost all my work changing the H1, H2, H3… tags on each page as well as my AIOSEO work. Thankfully I had the SEO info documented elsewhere and the tags I can manually go and change. I wonder if there is a way moving forward to recuperate that work or if I will have to go back and update manually?

    And how do I update moving forward without breaking this site again? Apart from the obvious (backing up right before any updates – learned the hard way!)

    in reply to: Trouble with ifRame #1431725

    Great – this shortcode solution did the trick.

    Thanks so much!

    in reply to: Table edit #1431295

    Thanks, Ismael. You were right on point. I had some text that said “<1 hour before appointment” and it must have interpreted that as a broken HTML tag. Took out the less than sign and all fixed.

    Appreciate your help!

    in reply to: Images side by side #1428909

    Awesome. It worked, and I was able to replicate this on another page by switching out the page id.

    Thanks so much, Mike!

    in reply to: Accordion menu glitch #1426923

    Wonderful – the glitch is resolved. Update did the trick!

    Now wondering if you’re able to get in there and could possibly help me with the customizations I mentioned before (re: sorting and open content bg color). Would be great.

    Thanks for your help so far!

    in reply to: Accordion menu glitch #1426906
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