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  • in reply to: Problem after update WP 5.2.3. + Enfold 4.6.2. #1140762

    It works! Thanks!

    in reply to: jQuery Timeline #1126638
    in reply to: jQuery Timeline #1126624

    For example, code i use now in code block element and it not working:
    <script src=””></script&gt;
    $(function () {


    timeType: ‘date’,
    useTimeSuffix: false,
    startTime: 500,
    endTime: 2050,
    markerIncrement: 50,
    data: {
    headings: [
    {start: 500, end: 1750, title: ‘Эпоха 1’},
    {start: 1750, end: 1917, title: ‘Эпоха 2’},
    {start: 1971, title: ‘Эпоха 3’},
    events: [
    {start: 1440, end: 1700, title: ‘Событие 1’},
    {start: 1517, end: 1648, title: ‘Реформы’,
    description: $(‘<p>The Reformation was a turning point in the history of the world. ‘
    + ‘Martin Luther was a key player in this event as he stood up against Papal tyranny ‘
    + ‘and church apostasy.</p><p>Many other reformers followed in the steps of Luther ‘
    + ‘and followed the convictions of their hearts, even unto death.</p>’)},
    {start: 1775, end: 1783, title: ‘Американская революция’, description: ‘Описание:’, callback: function () {

    this.container.find(‘.jqTimespaceDisplay section’).append(
    ‘<p>This description was brought to you by the callback function. For information on the American Revolution, ‘
    + ‘visit the Wikipedia page.</p>’

    {start: 1789, title: ‘Французская революция’},
    {start: 1914, end: 1918, title: ‘Первая Мировая Война’, noDetails: true},
    {start: 1929, end: 1939, title: ‘Великая депрессия’,
    description: ‘A period of global economic downturn. Many experienced unemployment and the basest poverty.’

    }, function () {

    // Edit the navigation amount
    this.navigateAmount = 500;



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by sony1208.
    in reply to: jQuery Timeline #1126602

    The timeline script has the following code. I need to insert it on the page. How to make the timeline work?

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang=”en”>
    <meta charset=”utf-8″>
    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no”>
    <title>jQuery Timespace Example</title>
    <link href=”css/jquery.timespace.dark.css” rel=”stylesheet”>
    body {
    a {
    color: #8baac0;
    h1 {
    text-align: center;
    color: white;
    #timeline, #timelineClock {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    padding: 10px;
    width: 100%;
    <script src=””></script&gt;
    <script src=”jquery.timespace.js”></script>
    <h1>24-Hour Timeline</h1>
    <div id=”timelineClock”></div>
    <h1>Event Timeline</h1>
    <div id=”timeline”></div>
    $(function () {


    // Set the time suffix function for displaying as ’12 A.M.’
    timeSuffixFunction: s => ‘ ‘ + s[0].toUpperCase() + ‘.’ + s[1].toUpperCase() + ‘.’,
    selectedEvent: -1,
    data: {
    headings: [
    {start: 0, end: 6, title: ‘Night’},
    {start: 6, end: 12, title: ‘Morning’},
    {start: 12, end: 18, title: ‘Afternoon’},
    {start: 18, end: 24, title: ‘Evening’},
    events: [
    {start: 6.50, title: ‘Breakfast’, description: ‘Eat a healthy breakfast.’},
    {start: 8, end: 10, title: ‘Walk’, description: ‘Go for a walk.’},
    {start: 14, title: ‘Lunch’, description: ‘Eat a healthy lunch.’},
    {start: 14, title: ‘Call Bob’, noDetails: true},
    {start: 14.75, title: ‘Confirm Appointment’, noDetails: true},
    {start: 14.75, title: ‘Meeting’, description: ‘Meeting with Co-workers.’},
    {start: 14.75, title: ‘Bring Supplies’},



    timeType: ‘date’,
    useTimeSuffix: false,
    startTime: 500,
    endTime: 2050,
    markerIncrement: 50,
    data: {
    headings: [
    {start: 500, end: 1750, title: ‘Dark Ages’},
    {start: 1750, end: 1917, title: ‘Age of Revolution’},
    {start: 1971, title: ‘Information Age’},
    events: [
    {start: 1440, end: 1700, title: ‘Gutenberg\’s Printing Press’},
    {start: 1517, end: 1648, title: ‘The Reformation’,
    description: $(‘<p>The Reformation was a turning point in the history of the world. ‘
    + ‘Martin Luther was a key player in this event as he stood up against Papal tyranny ‘
    + ‘and church apostasy.</p><p>Many other reformers followed in the steps of Luther ‘
    + ‘and followed the convictions of their hearts, even unto death.</p>’)},
    {start: 1775, end: 1783, title: ‘American Revolution’, description: ‘Description:’, callback: function () {

    this.container.find(‘.jqTimespaceDisplay section’).append(
    ‘<p>This description was brought to you by the callback function. For information on the American Revolution, ‘
    + ‘visit the Wikipedia page.</p>’

    {start: 1789, title: ‘French Revolution’},
    {start: 1914, end: 1918, title: ‘World War I’, noDetails: true},
    {start: 1929, end: 1939, title: ‘Great Depression’,
    description: ‘A period of global economic downturn. Many experienced unemployment and the basest poverty.’

    }, function () {

    // Edit the navigation amount
    this.navigateAmount = 500;



    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by sony1208.
    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1126534

    Thank you.
    Please close the topic.

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1123799

    Good day.
    A basic theme has been activated. Now a child-theme is activated and everything is visible.

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1122179

    Link in “Private Content”.

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1121691

    Hi, Victoria.
    How to remove spaces from the menu on the sides when we use and stretch the menu to the full width of the screen??

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sony1208.
    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1121047

    Hi Victioria,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sony1208.
    in reply to: Portfolio category menu #1120852

    It works! Thanks!

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1120848

    The proposed code changes the color of the menu not to red, but to pale red. It is necessary to cover the entire menu with one color.
    For example

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1120632

    It works partially.
    I also need the menu itself to be “red” in the desktop and mobile versions, and not just the background behind it.

    in reply to: Menu item out of menu #1120606

    It works. Thanks

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1120599

    Hi Victoria.
    Color can be any. The main thing is that on a specific page the background color of the menu, the color of the buttons on the page and the background color of the footer should be different (red) from the colors of the menu, buttons and basement in the rest of the site (white).

    in reply to: Portfolio category menu #1120406

    Is it possible to put with the code all the links to the portfolio categories in any place on any page?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sony1208.
    in reply to: Portfolio category menu #1120345

    Link to website.

    in reply to: Menu item out of menu #1120338

    All data in Private Content.

    in reply to: Individual color style on pages #1120336

    Need to make the page and subpage in the same red color style of menu, buttons and footer, different from the rest of the pages on the site.

    in reply to: Buttons in the page hierarchy #1120301

    It works. Thanks

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by sony1208.

    From this idea refused. We will use the basic style of WooCommerce.
    Please close the topic. Thank you.

    We tried both options – “use block editor” and “use WP classic editor”.
    Nothing worked. When we create product a manual – Advanced Layout Builder starts.

    Whem products importing whith ALB code in product description (for example → [av_section min_height=”……..) in CSV-file product are created with a classic editor with ALB code in product description. And this ALB code start working only when we open created product and hit “full editor” button. Therefore, the problem is precisely how to make the WooCommerce create products automatically in ALB mode when importing products CSV-files through WP All Import.

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1038718

    All works. Thanks!!!

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1038354

    Please inform. Have you finished fixing?

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1037787

    I meant that the temporary login will be valid for 4 days. This deadline has expired. Login extended for another 7 days.

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1035925
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Load more button issue #1035075

    Child-theme settings:

    function add_custom_code(){

    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘add_custom_code’);

    function avia_remove_debug() {
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘avia_remove_debug’);

    function overwrite_language_file_child_theme() {
    $lang = get_stylesheet_directory().’/lang’;
    return $lang;
    add_filter(‘ava_theme_textdomain_path’, ‘overwrite_language_file_child_theme’);

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1035074

    Demo data used to create the website

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1035071

    Deactivate all plugins – problem still exists.
    The basic theme without customization has the same problems as well as child-theme which is working now.

    in reply to: Load more button issue #1034893

    For example, on a demo site, when you click a button “Load more”, everything works fine.

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