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Testimonials creates conflict so it is not possible save also template.
I tried to create a new page. Save one by one templates of all elements from the other page and import in new page.
If I try to save testimolnial template Enfold doesn’t save it. So probably it is not page that has got issue but it is testimonial element.
Please try to have a look because I need to insert testimonial but it’s not possible.
thank’sI don’t know the name of prevoiusly font. I know that after enfold update I lost it and now I have tried with all font in Fonts panel and there is not it.
Done, sorry
With all browser there is the issue.
I have tried with android mobile, firefox desktop and chrome desktop.I didn’t touch nothing before. I don’t know the name of my font. I have never changed it. All has changed after enfold update. It’s not the first time. Also with the preview update you had to repair somthing on my website because there was same issues.
I don’t know if is possible deactivate all plugin. You can try if you are sure that they don’t lose their settings. I’m not sure.Same issue about animation slider (doesn’t work) and font (it’s not my font).
Hi I can’t find the solution. Probably because I have a child Theme.
I give you my access to solve the issue. Unfortunately every time I made theme update there is some issue :(I think is not an Autoptimize issue because you deactivated it but texts on slide still doesn’t work
I gave you access password. You can check entering in my wordpress dashboard
Thank’s but using this code it removes sidebar from all directory pages, not only for that page or category.
Oh my God sorry, this is the page:
Thank’s! Issue is solved. Great!
Do you think that I can activate again Autoptimize plugin now?Hi, I’ve tried to flush cache and disable Autoptimize but nothig is changed. I continnue tu see small font in menu bar and content box smaller.
Yes the table.
Thank’s now is ok but I can’t undestand why is changed menu font and size, posts sidebar is more narrow, Title H1 is bigger. I didn’t touch any setting.
Content box is smaller than before! It is set 1310 px but it looks smaller.
And also in Google Chrome slide text in homepage disappears. There is some issue.
Also in page with hotels I can’t see contact form in sidebar. It’s cut. In mobile version is ok. In desktop version is cut.-
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
I update yesterday.
Ok thanks I will search for other external plugin in order to chose some other cookie settings.
Also I need to solve urgent issue with Chrome: A lot of pages has issue like image in private content. What happens?Analytics is anonimous. Why I can’t use it without acceptance? I need to change Enfold settings in order to allow anonimous analytics use. How is possible?
Is it possible use Google fonts and Analytics without any click on button “accept cookie” ?
Ok I try Thank’s!
Which file? I can’t see it!
Please it is urgent! Our customers are loosing reservations and we are reciving a lot of complains by them. Please help us as soon as possible.
Same issue. I’m waiting for some answear. I’m loosing a lot of job because I can’t see mail contact :(
Below you can find link to 2 images:
– contact form setting
– mail we recived without any cutomer e-mail.We don’t know who wrote us and so we can’t answer to request.
You can find this contact form in Contact page:
Thanks now it’s perfect! Great :)
Now it’s ok. I can see arrows on picture if I push on it. Is it possible to show arrows smaller on mobile and to show them when page is loaded and not only if I touch on picture?
Thank you very much. Now is ok!
Nothing is changed. Slides picture can scroll but I can’t see arrows on them in mobile version.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by