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  • in reply to: Text boxes aligned to Masonry gallery #1128667

    Hi again,

    So I’m slowly figuring out how to implement the portfolio. One other question though. I have placed my portfolio within a 1/2 column. When using the Ajax style, the preview naturally only shows up in the column that I put the portfolio in. Is it possible to have the preview expand over the second column?

    You can see what it looks like now:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by smithprojekt.
    in reply to: Text boxes aligned to Masonry gallery #1128657

    Yes, I’ve tried that, it’s just that it would be a little bit easier and quicker if I could add the the portfolio items as it looks in the demo example and then just change text and images to that. I’m quite new to this. What I like is especially the little boxes with “Client”, “our task” “skills involved”.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by smithprojekt.
    in reply to: Text boxes aligned to Masonry gallery #1128646

    Thanks, after some further thought I think it would look better with a portfolio grid. Is there an easy way of adding a portfolio item so that it looks exactly like this?

    I.e. it would be great if I could add that to my current theme so that I can just change text and images, I would like it to look exactly like your example.

    in reply to: Demo import fails #1128179

    I just installed Enfold and imported the demo using as host and it worked like a charm!

    Perhaps a warning should go out regarding this issue? As GoDaddy do not provide any technical support and do not allow any direct editing of the php.ini file, I don’t see how this issue will be resolved by them any time soon.

    in reply to: Demo import fails #1128039


    I was running V 7.2 I think. I just cancelled my managed WP hosting with GoDaddy however and moved to instead. Hopefully that will work better.

    in reply to: Demo import fails #1127905

    Update: I also tried to manually upload the xml file, this resulted in a 500 internal server error page, stating “The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.”

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