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  • Hi again,

    your suggestion would lower my available memory and limits, so no, I have not tried it.
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php in .htaccess destroys my website.

    It doesn’t matter, I won’t be sending you my login information since I don’t believe you can do anything about this. It’s a problem that I had on 2 different hosting providers, and multiple websites and versions of enfold. I’ll use it as is, changing theme when uploading images, and that’s it.


    Hi all,

    well it may be a server problem, but it only happens with enfold. I have a couple of websites now with enfold and I have to upload each image 10 times before getting it up without error. And as jeff suggested, switching to other theme doesn’t produce this error.

    My stats:
    PHP Version: 5.4.40
    MySQL Version: 5.6.23
    Web Server Info: Apache

    WordPress Memory Limit: 128MB
    PHP Safe Mode: No
    PHP Memory Limit: 128M
    PHP Upload Max Size: 150M
    PHP Post Max Size: 100M
    PHP Upload Max Filesize: 150M
    PHP Time Limit: 30
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    PHP Arg Separator: &
    PHP Allow URL File Open: Yes
    WP_DEBUG: Disabled

    in reply to: Can I assign a link to a Color Section #436961

    Here’s a quick tip for putting a hyperlink on your color section, if you want background image to be hyperlink.

    Simply add code block to your color section and add something like this:

    <a style="width:1195px; height:110px; display:block;" href="" target="_blank" title="Our Youtube channel. Click to visit"></a>

    If you hyperlink is a bit to the right, that’s because color section has a padding of 50 (at lease in my case). In that case add custom ID to color section as suggested above, and this in your quick css:
    #my_custom_id .container {padding:0!important;}

    Good luck,

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