Forum Replies Created
April 4, 2024 at 4:48 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1439221
See private message.
April 4, 2024 at 4:12 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1439212Hi Yigit,
Thank you for all the info on trying to get that to work. I think I will just leave it as is since it may not work as expected or cause issues with the Video element’s functionality. Maybe you guys will add this to updates in the future.
ScottApril 3, 2024 at 11:33 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1439136Hi Yigit,
OK thanks for the update. I think my client is happy with how it’s working now. At-least it can be played with sound.
So there is no a way to have auto-play on and also have the sound icon available to turn the sound on? That is what I was trying to do originally.
This reply was modified 11 months ago by
April 3, 2024 at 6:42 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1439113My client wants the video to play WITH AUTO-Play ACTIVATED and have sound.
ScottApril 2, 2024 at 4:44 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1439005Of course I have tried that and it DOES NOT WORK! As I have been saying for one week…
THERE IS NO WAY TO UN-MMUTE THE VIDEO AT ALL. IT CANNOT BE UN-MUTED ON ALL BROWSERS ON THE PHONE! There is NO option to click anything anywhere and UN-MUTE the volume on ANY browser on the phone. If you click the video it just pauses it. IT DOES NOT UN-MUTE the video. There is NO option to click the sound icon and turn the sound on AT ALL! It’s COMPLETELY MUTED WITH NO OPTION AT ALL TO HEAR THE SOUND AT ALL ON THE THE PHONE.
Have you even logged into the site to try and test and fix this issue? Or are you just replying with the standard reply about the videos and auto mute? It seems you are not even putting any effort to help with this issue. I provided the site login when I first created this ticket.
I need to get your managers contact info as I am going to report that you are not even trying to help fix this problem. It has now been one week and you have obviously done NOTHING expect keep telling me Chromes auto mute features. This is NOT ONLY ON CHROME. THIS IS ON ALL PHONE BROWSERS. I really don’t know why I have to keep saying the same thing over and over and over.
April 1, 2024 at 4:22 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1438909I understand that the videos are muted with autoplay on.
The problem is there is NO WAY TO UN-MMUTE THE VIDEO AT ALL. IT CANNOT BE UN-MUTED ON ALL BROWSERS ON THE PHONE! There is NO option to click anything anywhere and UN-MUTE the volume on ANY browser on the phone. If you click the video it just pauses it. IT DOES NOT UN-MUTE the video. There is NO option to click the sound icon and turn the sound on AT ALL! It’s COMPLETELY MUTED WITH NO OPTION AT ALL TO HEAR THE SOUND AT ALL ON THE THE PHONE.
Same issue on Chrome on the iPad. There IS NO WAY AT ALL ANYWHERE TO TURN THE VOLUME ON! Click the video DOES not turn on the SOUND! There is NO icon anywhere to turn on the sound!
How can you hear the video sound on a phone?
ScottMarch 28, 2024 at 4:15 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1438553Hi Ismael,
The settings in Enfold for the video is NOT SET TO MUTE!
On my iPhone the video has NO SOUND AT ALL! There is NOT AN OPTION TO TURN THE VOLUME ON OR EVEN TURN THE VOLUME UP. There is NO ICON TO TURN ON THE VIDEO SOUND ON AT ALL ON PHONE BROWSERS! Even with the volume controls on the device. It’s muted without any controls at all on ALL browsers on the phone.On my iPad the same video DOES have sound using Safari and Firefox, with an icon to turn the volume on or off. But there is NO sound using Chrome and there are no icon to even turn the volume on or off.
The settings in Enfold for the video is NOT SET TO MUTE! The video DOES HAVE SOUND using Safari and Firefox ON IPAD, with an icon to turn the volume on or off. THERE IS NO OPTION FOR SOUND AT ALL ON CHROME. THERE IS NO ICON AND NO OPTION TO TURN ON SOUND AT ALL!
ScottMarch 27, 2024 at 2:39 pm in reply to: NO Sound on Videos on Mobile Phone and iPad using Chrome #1438460Hi Ismael,
On my iPhone the video has NO SOUND AT ALL! There is not an option to turn the volume on or even up. Eve with the volume controls on the device. It’s muted without any controls at all on ALL browsers on the phone.
On my iPad the same video DOES have sound using Safari and Firefox, with an icon to turn the volume on or off. But there is NO sound using Chrome and there are no icon to even turn the volume on or off.
This is the issue I am trying to fix.
ScottGreat that worked!
Thanks for the help Rikard!
ScottHi Rikard,
I am talking about the TEXT. For example, I click the burger menu to open it, I see the main nav options, I click “Our Yacht”. When I CLICK “Our Yacht” the text changes to grey. I want to change the text to another color when you select it and not grey.
ScottHi Rikard,
One more question for the Enfold Theme. On mobile devices when you select any of the options on the main nav burger menu, the text changes to a grey color that you really cannot see. I cannot find the CSS to change the color of the menu item. Please let me know which CSS to use to change the color of the nav item text when you select it.
The site is now live —>
ScottHi Rikard,
Where is the Yoast plugin is the option to set what image is displayed? I don’t see this? Also what other plugins can be used for this function?
ScottHi Mike,
No I think that’s all for now. This is my second time using Enfold and everything is going good so far.
ScottMay 14, 2021 at 10:11 pm in reply to: ALL PAGES GONE INSIDE WORDPRESS ADMIN – CANNOT EDIT ANYTHING #1300429Hi Yigit,
No I did not have any add-ons or plugins for Firefox.
I finally got it working again though. For some reason I had to change the Editor under Enfold / Theme Options / Select Your Editor to (Use WP Classic Editor) for it to work again.
Thanks for your help
ScottMay 13, 2021 at 6:22 pm in reply to: ALL PAGES GONE INSIDE WORDPRESS ADMIN – CANNOT EDIT ANYTHING #1300189FYI…. after doing some more research this is ONLY happening in Firefox 88.0.1. I inspected the blank white page and see a message at the top saying ( div#editor.block.editor_container.hide-if-no-js ) Then I checked and javascript is active for the Firefox browser.
Please see the link below to a screengrab of the errors I am seeing when trying to view and edit a page in WordPress in Firefox.
I also completely reset the Firefox browser and it did not help.
I can log in and see the page builder on Safari and Chrome.Please help,
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by
Hi Rikard,
Thanks for all your help and everyone else who helped. The site is now live ( ) and looks great.
I hope to use Enfold again.
ScottHi Rikard,
The restaurant demo for the Enfold theme does this. ( ) All headers on all pages dynamically resize to fit the width of the browser window.
I did some research and saw the following CSS was used to make the photos dynamically resize. I added this to the Advanced/Custom CSS Class and it works now.
.avia-full-stretch {
background-size: cover !important;
}One question with this…
Is there a way to add CSS padding to the bottom of the images so when the browser window gets larger it adds padding to the bottom of the image and pushes the content below down ? I tried the following CSS but it did not work..avia-full-stretch {
background-size: cover !important;
padding-bottom: 20px !important;
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Hi Rikard,
Thanks for the info. I got most things working correct now. One more issue I am having.
Is there a way to make the width of the background image in the (Color Sections) dynamically scale to the width of the browser window?
I tried the following CSS without any luck…
.container .avia-image {
background-size: cover: !important;
}.container .avia-image {
background-size: cover: !important;
width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
}.avia-section {
background-size: cover: !important;
}Please see the JPG link below to see the issue. You will have to log into the site to see the JPG.
ScottHi Rikard,
I will test the different backgrounds.
Grey Sidebar
I used the following CSS to change the background color of the sidebar. I could not see any other way of changing it..container_wrap.sidebar_left {
background: -webkit-gradient(linear,left top,right top,color-stop(red,0.295),color-stop(white,0));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,#f8f8f8 31.5%,white 0%);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,#f8f8f8 31.5%,white 0%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(left,#f8f8f8 31.5%,white 0%);
background: linear-gradient(left,#f8f8f8 31.5%,white 0%);
}It would be very helpful if there was an easy way to change the background color of the sidebars build into the theme.
Can you please provide the correct CSS to use to change the background color of the sidebars?
Also I am STILL seeing the offest sidebar too. I removed the following CSS but I am still seeing the the sidebar offset and in the content area on the right of the sidebar.
.container .av-content-small.units {
width: 78% !important;
}Homepage Slider Issue
I am also still having an issue with the ( Fullwidth Easy Slider ) on iPhones. The buttons are being cutoff and not displaying correct on mobile phone. Please see the ( iPhone_Home.jpg ) from the link below.
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
Hi Rikard,
Thanks or all the info above. I have worked out most of the issues with custom CSS.
What did you mean by the follow…
“If you want better control of the backgrounds, then I would recommend that you use separate sections for desktop and mobile, and use images which are better adapted for smaller screens in the sections which are shown on mobile. ”Is there a way to create color sections with different size headers that only shown on mobile devices and not desktop? Please explain what you mean by (use separate sections for desktop and mobile)
On the (Sidebar offset) issue…
I removed the following CSS but I am still seeing the the sidebar offset and in the content area on the right of the sidebar.
.container .av-content-small.units {
width: 78% !important;
}I am also see the grey color from the sidebar on portrait view on my iPhone, but the sidebar is not visible. Please see this happening on the following section ( ) on a mobile phone to see this issue.
I added the site login info in the Private Content area below.
ScottHi Support,
It has been a week since I submitted my response. Please provide some solutions to the issues I am having.
ScottHi Support,
Please reference the attached zip file to see the issues on the iPad in landscape and portrait views. I have marked the issues in red on the JPGs. You will need to login using the info in the private window to see the attachment. (ALSO there REALLY needs to be a way to attach images and files directly to these tickets)
I am seeing most of these same issues on my iPhone.
ScottFebruary 17, 2021 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1281811Hi Yigit,
Thank you for your help, the updates seem to have fixed the issues. I can see the images on the Services page in the Avia builder now.
I checked all other pages and everything seems to be working OK for now. If any other issues come up I will let you know.
Thanks Again,
ScottFebruary 16, 2021 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1281443Hi Yigit,
Please provide an update on the status of this issue with my site. It has been 5 days since I first reported this issue and does not seem anything is being done about it.
ScottFebruary 15, 2021 at 8:08 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1280628Please see the FTP below if you need it to fix this issue with the Theme.
ScottFebruary 15, 2021 at 7:37 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1280618Hi Yigit,
I also just test on Safari v 14.0.3 and on Chrome Version 88.0.4324.150 (Official Build) (x86_64).
I am NOT seeing the images on the Services page on any browsers.
ScottFebruary 15, 2021 at 7:24 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1280610Hi Yigit,
I just cleared cache and cookies and rebooted my browser and there are STILL NO IMAGES on the Services page in the Avia page builder.
I am using Firefox 85.0.2 on a Mac Pro running macOS Catalina 10.15.7
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
February 15, 2021 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1280607Hi Yigit,
I just looked again and there are NO images on the Services page. Please see the attached ServicesPage_sample.jpg.
AGAIN… where are the “Image Elements’ you are editing? There no images on the page to edit, so what “Image Elements’ are you editing?
ScottFebruary 15, 2021 at 6:15 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1280603Hi Yigit,
Thanks for making the updates.
Where did you edit the “Image Elements’ on the Services page? I still do not see any images on the page in the Avia page builder on the Services page. If I need to make additional updates I need to know where they are located.
ScottFebruary 13, 2021 at 5:16 pm in reply to: Advanced – Custom CSS Class For Heading Tag NOT WORKING #1280267Hi Rikard,
Actually 2 are not linking to the correct pages. The three main sub level pages for the Services section are ( General Contractors, Owners CMs & CREs, and Legal Counsel & A/Es ). There are 3 images in the content area on the right that link to those pages, but the bottom 2 don’t link to the correct pages.
General Contractors – This image links to the correct page (
BOTH of the images for these below are linking to the wrong page.
Owners CMs & CREs
– This image is linking to this page (
BUT should link to the this page ( )Legal Counsel & A/Es
– This image is linking to this page ( )
BUT should link to the this page ( )On the Services page there are no photos on the page in the Avia page builder. The photos are added automatically based on the sub-level nav. Where is the (Image element options.) you are talking about that the photos are linking to? I do not see that anywhere.
Also how do I add a JPG to this post so you can reference what I am talking about? There really needs to be a button that says attach photo.
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
This reply was modified 11 months ago by