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  • in reply to: Image resizing for mobile #1433343

    Hi Ismael,

    We haven´t figured out the issue, so I was surprised that the srcset attribute was present in the one of the images ;) I´ve looked at the settings in the backend but I can´t work out why this image would be different – although, unlike the first image on the page, it sits inside a regular row rather than a grid row (Rasterzeile).

    When I download the image with the srcet attribute on a mobile, it is still the same size in KB as the full size image.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Image resizing for mobile #1432430

    Hey Ismael,

    Thanks for getting back to me on this. We´re using the default image element from the builder. It was placed in full size and the element size within the builder is set to ‘use size from media library “Attachment display settings”. Is that maybe where we´re doing something wrong? I changed it to original size (no scaling) but it made no difference. Looking at the html I´m only seen src but not srcset. Would you take a look at the first image on the page (url supplied below) and see if you have an idea?

    Thanks and best regards,

    in reply to: Theme conflict with plugin Foo Bookings #1429306

    Hi Mike,

    So sorry, I must have missed your reply in my mails and was still waiting. In the meantime Foo has been able to offer a solution (they had another Enfold client with the same problem) and I´m posting it here in case anyone else needs it.

    It turned out that Enfold is simply adding a specific CSS style that is moving the overlay to the front instead of behind the Booking Date Wizard popup. This means that you can’t interact with the popup/modal window. Foo was able to fix the issue by adding custom CSS to the site:

    In the theme editor navigate to Enfold > Style CSS > config-templatebuilder > avia-template-builder > assets > css > avia-modal.css and adjust the code on line 983:

    /*legacy thickbox scripts should be displayed above modal window*/

    body #TB_overlay,
    	z-index: 999 !important;

    Alternatively this should work by placing it anywhere in your child theme.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Activating lazy loading #1426335

    Hey Mike,
    Thanks for getting back to me. If I understand you correctly, then lazy loading has to be enabled manually for all images in ALB elements (this will amount to about 90% of the images on our site). Can you tell me which images are set globally – I´m guessing blog images?

    Thanks and best regards,

    in reply to: Resize thumbnails on archive pages #1419894

    Great, that worked. Thanks, Ismael.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Resize thumbnails on archive pages #1419679

    Hi Ismael,

    that basically works, thanks. I just need your help with one small thing:

    It is on category pages shown in the link below that the thumbnail sizes aren´t right and they don´t seem to be targeted by $size[‘portfolio‘]. Can you tell me which description I need to use? Thanks!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Critical error after updating to Enfold 5.5 #1407953

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I´ve just looked at the staging site again and you seem to have figured out the issue in the meantime? The gallery images are no longer being duplicated, even without the above CSS code. I´ve updated to the lated version of Enfold and it all looks fine. Can you confirm this? Then I´ll update the live site.

    Thanks and best regards,

    in reply to: Critical error after updating to Enfold 5.5 #1406224

    Hi Ismael,

    the live website is now running Enfold 5.5 without the critical error but I have now noticed that there is an issue :
    The galeries are now repeating each row so that I have 2 rows of the same images. I´ll attach the links where you can see this happening.

    Can you check this for me? You can access the staging site (also running 5.5. and displaying the same error) with the credentials I gave you. Thanks!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Critical error after updating to Enfold 5.5 #1406092

    Hi Ismael,

    Yes, sorr, I reverted to the older version because the client needed the website to be up and running.

    I´ve created a staging site and funnily enough, that works with Enfold 5.5
    I uploaded the update via ftp rather than using the backend. I´ll have a go at a manual update for the live site and get back to you.

    Thanks and best regards,

    in reply to: Critical error after updating to Enfold 5.5 #1405873

    PS: The hoster has just updated to PHP 8.1

    in reply to: Critical error after updating to Enfold 5.5 #1405870

    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks – see below.
    Best regards,

    in reply to: 4xx Error for Ajax #1363693

    Hi Rikard,
    Thanks for the tool-tip and your feedback. I guess the issue be resolved in due course and as you say. so long as the 4xx errors are not happening on the actual pages or posts, then there is no real problem. I will forward that info to my client.

    Best regards – have a nice weekend,

    in reply to: 4xx Error for Ajax #1363541

    Yes, we´re running WP 6.0.2 too …

    in reply to: 4xx Error for Ajax #1363536

    Hi, I have the same problem. Google Search Console says that the URL …/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/ is returning a 403 error. This URL is not indexed but apparently there are 4 pages which refer to it: the home page, a product, a blog article and a category page. I´ll give you the 4 links down below.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Urgent: mobile menu suddenly missing #1316036

    Hi Rikard,

    I found it whilst examining the CSS on the frontend (using dev tools): I wondered whether I could find the missing menu in the code. I then changed it by adding it to additional CSS in the frontend customizer menu.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Urgent: mobile menu suddenly missing #1315908

    Hi, I have found the culprit code:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
    .main_menu {
    display: none;

    I`m changed that to display: inline !important;

    and now the burger menu shows up on mobiles again. Phew ;) What I don’t know is where the code came from – your end or mine ;) I can’t find it in our custom CSS or in the quick CSS, so we don’t seem to have inadvertently added it. Could you check this? Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Hi Mike,
    Sorry for taking such an age to get back to you on this. Your solution worked just fine, many thanks!
    I have one more question: the image size on the archive pages differs from the image size on the blog page. I can see that this is due to the images being assigned different classes. The ones on the blog page have the classes .attachment-magazine .size-magazine and on the archive pages they have .attachment-portfolio .size-portfolio. I´d like the images on the archive pages to display in the magazine size. Can I change that somewhere too?

    Thanks & best regards,

    in reply to: Change / Increase size of gallery images on mobile #1305649

    Hi Rikard,

    I needed to add !important but then it worked – great, thanks for your help!

    Have a good week & best regards,

    in reply to: Change / Increase size of gallery images on mobile #1305083

    Hi Rikard,

    See down below. Thanks.

    Best regards, Sara

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