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  • in reply to: Icon Hover color #777749

    Hey mcraig77,

    To specify that the color is for when the cursor hovers over the icon, please use this code:

    .social_bookmarks a:hover {
    color: #eaeaea !important;

    I hope that helps!


    in reply to: Masonry Archive Page #777738

    Hey Sophia,

    Could you please post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look?

    If you’re trying to apply the masonry layout for category or archive pages, then, sorry, that’s not a feature currently. For now, you could create a custom archive page using ALB and then have the default archives redirected to their archives pages respectively.

    You may also send a feature request so that this may be included in future Enfold releases.

    I hope that helps!


    in reply to: Add font weights to google fonts #777734

    Hi Rob,

    I see. In that case, please go to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file, and use CSS code like this:

    #top #header .av-main-nav > li > a { font-weight:400;}

    If that doesn’t work, or you need help with the actual CSS, please give us the link to the website you’re trying to customize. 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Meta Title, tags, keywords, etc #777721

    Hi brecollie,

    Thank you for using our theme.

    You will need to use a plugin like Yoast SEO for adjusting meta tags. The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind but ultimately its better to use a plugin in order to change specific settings for SEO.

    I hope that helps!


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Sarah.
    in reply to: Sidebar showing on mobile when disabled in settings #777718

    Hi itsholly!

    Am I correct in understanding that the menu on your mobile screenshot is the “problem”? If so, this is not your sidebar. This is your mobile menu. :)

    You can change Mobile Menu settings at Enfold > Header > Mobile Menu. You can activate it for smartphones only, or for smartphones and tablets. Also, if you wish, you can hide the Mobile Menu Submenu Items so that it looks cleaner. Visitors will need to tap on your parent item to see submenu items.

    I hope that helps!


    in reply to: Add font weights to google fonts #777703

    Hey Rob,

    You can set an element’s font weight to Normal, Bold, or Light under Enfold > Advanced Styling.

    You can also try adding something like the code below to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file.

    h1 { font-weight: 400; }

    Please replace h1 with the element you wish to apply the new font weight to, and also replace the 400 value with what you prefer.

    Please let us know if that helps you with what you’re trying to do.


    in reply to: Remove button "scroll to top" #777654

    Hey Alexia,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    #scroll-top-link {display: none; }

    Please let us know if that works the way you need it to.


    in reply to: Remove menu only in home page #777648

    Hi Alexia,

    We’re glad you were able to fix this. Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.


    in reply to: Menu Titles #777375

    Hi Neil,

    Happy to be of service! Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.


    in reply to: Text in header is not right on mobile #777247

    Hey Oscar,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px)
    .responsive .phone-info span
       color: #000 !important;

    I hope that helps!


    in reply to: Missing Logo in landing page #777237

    Hi Stefan,

    We’re happy Rikard helped you sort this out. Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else!


    in reply to: Google Maps Problems #777233

    Hi wuo,

    We’re glad you were able to find a solution. Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.


    Hey kouamx100,

    Please go to Slide Options and click the “Show More Options” button in order to display Additional Slide Settings. There, you can toggle “Hide this slide”. 

    I hope that helps!Sarah

    in reply to: Menu Titles #777221

    Hey Neil,

    Please go to Appearance > Menus and add a new Custom Link with the pound/hash/number sign (#) as the URL. For the Link Text, use “Who We Are”, or whatever you prefer.  Add it to your menu as parent menu item, and put the ‘About Us’, ‘Accreditations’ etc. as your submenu items. “Who We Are” will be not clickable and will display submenu items on hover.

    I hope that helps!


    Hi Bteknik,

    Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.

    in reply to: Enfold LayerSlider Slide Layer URL Links #777088

    Hi HuxburyQuinn,

    We’re glad this is sorted out.  I’ll close this thread now, but do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything! :)

    in reply to: Orange Box behind slider sub text #777069

    Hi mcraig77,

    Ah, it’s the Easy Slider, not Layerslider. Sorry about that!

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    .slideshow_caption .avia-caption-content  {background-color: orange}

    You may replace “orange” with the exact shade you prefer.

    Let me know if that gives you what you need!


    in reply to: Orange Box behind slider sub text #777032

    Hi mcraig77,

    Have you tried editing the Background Color under the Styles of the line you want to edit?

    You can find the Background color by going to LayerSlider WP > All Sliders > the slider you’d like to edit > the slide you’d like to edit > scroll down to Layers and select the Layer you’d like to edit. Go to the Styles tab, then find Misc | Other Settings at the lower right corner of the page.

    There, you can set the background color and opacity you want for that layer.

    Is this what you needed to do?


    in reply to: Table Customization for Enfold #775440

    Thanks, Victoria!

    Okay, so that solution seems to work, but it’s very temporary. What happens is that &lt; does display a less than sign without breaking the code. But as soon as you save it into WordPress, it gets transformed, if you will, to the <. This is fine, but only until you edit the entry. As soon as you edit the Portfolio Entry, the “transformed” less than sign then breaks the code yet again.

    So, lanikita, here’s what we can do. If you think that you won’t edit this page in the near future, you can go ahead and use &lt;. Otherwise, I think it’s best that you use the phrase “Less than” for now. 

    Best regards,

    in reply to: How to hide footer background on specific page #775405

    Wonderful! Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.


    in reply to: Change German ss to ß in the Post Title #775400

    Do let us know here in the forums if you need help with anything else.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by Sarah.
    in reply to: Change German ss to ß in the Post Title #775321

    Hey siteraum,

    Unfortunately, it is CSS that turns the ß into SS when it’s capitalized. So the solution really is applying
    text-transform:none; to your title. If you really need your titles in uppercase, then you can type them in uppercase, and then use text-transform:capitalize in places where you need them in title case instead of uppercase.

    I hope that helps!


    in reply to: Posts #775302

    Hey Max,

    You can transfer authorship of pages and posts from Gary to someone else. WPBeginner has an excellent step by step guide on how to do this. You can read and follow the steps here:


    in reply to: Search #775270

    Hey Max,

    Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    .header_color .ajax_search_excerpt { display: none; }
    .search .post-meta-infos { display: none!important; }

    The first line removes the date from the search bar results that pop down when you type in query. The second line removes the date from the search results page.

    I hope that helps!


    in reply to: Adding table html to post #775263

    Hey Tim,

    I’m glad this is sorted out! I’ll close this thread now. Do let us know in the forums if you need help with anything else.


    Hey likegluelikecrew,

    Could you please post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look?

    I believe it stops because you only have one slide. What you can do is duplicate your one slide. This way, ALS cycles through two slides, but it looks like you’re repeating just one.


    in reply to: Font Weight appears thicker than Google Fonts preview #775250

    Hey Chris,

    I tried comparing them, and the font looks the same to me. I noticed that your first two paragraphs had Rubik as their font family. Could it be that you were comparing those paragraphs with the Google Fonts Preview? The rest of the paragraphs have the font-family Libre Franklin.


    in reply to: How to hide footer background on specific page #775239

    Hey janicenisha,

    Can you try this code instead?

    .page-id-523 #socket.container_wrap.socket_color{
    background: none;


    Hi Juanjo,

    Could you please post a link to the page in question so that we can take a closer look?

    It seems like what you need to use is the Masonry Gallery Element instead of the Masonry Element. 

    The big difference is that this Gallery it is not meant to display WordPress entries but images. The element can be displayed fullwidth (see Portfolio Masonry examples) or adapt to the content size…

    Please let us know if you need further help!

    Hi Dominic,

    Please try the solution from our documentation here:

    Let me know if that does what you need to do.

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