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  • in reply to: Change permalinks #1082009

    Yesss – that works, the issue is solved!

    Many thanks and best regards,

    Hi Ismael,

    great! That solves it!
    Now I understand: The background color of the color section depends on/ is influenced by my setting of the logo area background color in the Enfold styling options! I would never have guessed that…

    Many thanks,

    in reply to: Change permalinks #1081465

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks for further information and the link. I do understand the basic page structure with parent and child pages. But maybe I should clarify:

    I want a link structure, looking like this: = parent and homepage – no slug! =child = child = child

    At the moment my homepage has the name “home”. The problem is that this page always needs a slug (e.g. home, formerly “our-wedding”). If I remove the slug then it will add some wp default number. But I would like my homepage without any slug so that I can have the above mentioned page and link structure.

    At Enfold – Theme options – I have set the page “home” as front-/homepage (no parent for that).
    And in the wordpress setting – permalinks – I have chosen to customize the permalinks (last option).

    So how can I remove the slug from my homepage link? I have seen that question a few times in the forum but I haven’t found any solution yet.

    Thanks for your advice!

    in reply to: Change permalinks #1080468
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    in reply to: Change permalinks #1079584

    Hi Rikard,
    Does that mean I have to change the permalink structure of the parent page? I just want the “our-wedding” part to disappear…. I have just posted you admin details regarding my other question (color section). Maybe you can also take a look at/ adjust the permalink structure?

    Thanks a lot!

    Hey Rikard,
    The page isn’t online yet.
    I have posted you admin details so you can log in and take a closer look. You can see the color section in question for example on the homepage in the section where the newsletter is embedded. Also on the subpage “workshops” where it holds a headline rotator.

    Many thanks!

    Hi Mike,
    it works – you made my day, many thanks!!

    in reply to: Place logo or other image on a fullwidth slider #997978

    Hi Ismael,
    Perfect! That was all very helpful – slowly it’s getting real fun with Enfold… great theme!
    Thanks a lot.

    in reply to: Place logo or other image on a fullwidth slider #997513

    Hi Ismael,
    Many thanks for your reply.
    I had already played with the transparent header and the Layer slider before writing to you ;). These are good options but there are still two things I havn’t solved yet:
    1. Fullwidth slider show: I can enlargen the header so that my logo gets the size and visibility I want it to have. But then the header menu (I have my logo on the left, menu on the right) will not stick at the top of the page but will slide down a bit, following the logo/ header size. Is there a way to fix the header menu at the top of the page (right hand corner) even if I enlargen the header because of the logo size? In Enfold > Header > Header options > menu and logo position I can only find the set options (drop down menu) but no possibility to freely position the Logo and/ or menu in the header….

    2. Advanced Layer Slider
    Here I can position the logo and the header is fine. But I haven’t found a way yet to fix a text layer (so that the text won’t fly in or move somewhere else when the slide changes but will be fixed on the moving slide). Is there a way to do that? I have already tried the transition options but semm to haven’t found the right option (fixed text layer).

    Many thanks again!!

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