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  • in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1076412

    perfect, it works!
    Maybe I had seen badly, I’m always inexperienced …
    Excuse me and thank you very much!
    I will write to you again in the near future because I still need a lot of work …
    Thank you
    Have a beautyfoul day!

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1076256

    Hello Mike ! Good morning !
    Great ! for the titles I worked.
    Only that the same words should also be contained in the “tag alt” of the previews

    more (something I had not thought about), is it possible to have alt and title tags even in the image galleries inside the atricoli portfolio?

      I’m in doubt … “because the titles of the pages appeared as a long series of key words .. in fact it is a malfunction I had noticed … Maybe it is caused by yoast?
    Thank you so much for your help!

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1075978

    Hello Mike ! well found!
    Yes, the site is mine, just that in these days there is a staff to optimize and is doing a lot of work.
    yes, please, I need the script to work for all pages …
    I do not know if this is possible but what I would like is that the alt and title tags on the mouseover are composed of (article name + page name).
    an esemple in private.

    Thank you so much!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1074704

    Hello Mike !
    You’re the best as always! irreplaceable!
    your script is fine.
    I must also learn how to build these scripts, and yours will serve as an example. maybe, can you tell me a tutorial to understand how they are built?

    I did not find the link in private..
      how do we solve the other pages? I would like that in other pages always take the usual h3 (Article title) + the title of the page where the article is displayed. it’s possible ?

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1073630

    Hi Mike, I’ll send you a new temporary access, because soon the autooptimize staff should start optimization work.
    the page you looked at is in fact the only one in which the title tag works but the alt tag does not work, and it is the only one that uses the “magazine” or rather the image grille. in this page the title tag should not say es: “link to 366 **** 88 Valentina” but only “366 **** 88 Valentina”

    On other pages the title tag does not work, and is not shown on mouseover. while the “alt” tag works
    so the things I would like to do are:
    – From the magazine element, remove the word “Link to ….” and leave only the title of the post as title and tag alt of the image, (but this is a smallness not very important)
    the following is urgent:
    – in the grid element show as title tag of the preview image the title of the post and if possible also of the page, but at least the title of the post definitely. it should be this way “366 **** 88 Valentina + page name”
    – if possible also with code to be implemented or plugins, make the title and tag alt images automatic, always taking “title of the post + title of the page where it is displayed” or at least even the title of the post is acceptable … but not just the title of the page because it would be a seo disaster.
    – more ‘I add that the problem of jQuery Updater, did not work, activating the main menu does not open on the desktop, and’ in transparency illegible on mobile.

    Please Mike, I know you’ve always done your best … I’m very urgent because my pages are sinking into the serp.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Image Title Tag Not Working When Linked #1073615

    I have the same problem, I urgently need to fix title tags and alt images
    If I enter them manually, the “alt” tags work, but the “title” tags do not even work by inserting them manually.
    In more ‘if it were possible I would have that the title and alt tags were inserted automatically by taking the title of the post (attention to the title of the post and not only to the page where the post is displayed)
    but I could not do this even trying plugins.
    Can you help me?

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1073572

    Hi Mike try jQuery Updater to remove the error.
    What do you know about image labels? In the galleries are not the labels and I write them in the caption, in the alternative text and in the description of the images … I pluginabout it …

    What do you suggest?
    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1072970

    Hello Mike!

    -Google reads “jQ (Email address hidden if logged out) ” as a penalizing vulnerability. I think we should replace it.

    -Intertaining the words that appear when the mouse hovers over the image, and the words that appear when the image is not loaded. None of these words appears, and I would like them to automatically take the title of the post and its portfolio category, or the name of the page where it is displayed.

    Thank you for your support!

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1072646

    Hello Mike ! Thank you, you are always so kind,
    Yes, they are the city name.
    I tried to improve a little, but I did not put the search, already present in the footer.
    but I omitted the images with links to go to the main pages.
    What do you think, in your opinion can it be better? or are there any other recommendations for 404 questions?

    – In the meantime I found another problem ..
    a vulnerability that I should try to eliminate – but not just so is the right way. Google detects this “jQ (Email address hidden if logged out) ” as a penalizing vulnerability. I did some research but I did not find any reliable sources. What can you suggest?
    Thank you !!
    best regards,

    – I take advantage of this and ask you about another problem …
    I can not dynamically set the title tags alt images. I have installed the SEO Optimized Images Business plugin for a long time, but I can not make it work as it should.
    – their support seems to be non-existent, even if it had to be included in the purchase.
    – enfold does not seem to give much chance in this regard.
    Can you give me suggestions, or could you give the plugin a check?
    Thanks, Mike.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1070867

    Hi Mike,
    I think it’s what I did …
    I have doubts about the url,
    you can see if this (link in private) is what you mean by “and show a grid of your most popular pages”
    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1070305

    Hello Mike !
    Thanks for your answer…
    I believe that in my case, including in the url the name and phone number linked to the article, it may be good to use the url, also as the title of the post ..
    But if this is not possible for now … using only the default setting of Enfold, I have the option to leave the url unchanged or modify it with the page tutelage set as 404 … At this moment, after having read the link you suggested I do not know what is best to do in my case …
    Do you have other tips?
    thank you


    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1069829

    Thanks Mike, yes, corrected, yesterday there was an update of a pluginn that cauried me a slowdown … now everything is back as before .. if there is not a way to order those “second galleries” I’ll leave ‘so why use another element could slow down the site.

    – I have other work to do, for example, I created the page for 404 errors, but I would like to have the dynamic title based on the search phrase that led the user on that page. it’s possible to do it? if it were not possible, how can I modify it to optimize it better?
    Thanks Mike, I know I’m a source of stress for you :-D


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1069464

    Hi Mike, I do not know if you’ve made any attempt on the site …. but my most important page has disappeared from the google search.
    if you changed something, can you bring it back as before?
    Thank you

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1068797

    Hello Mike!
    correct, both the first and the second are galleries of the blog, the only difference is that the first gallery is 3 columns with images 450 x 675 px and the second gallery is 5 columns with images 80 x 80 px.
    The 3-column tunnel is fine and so nothing needs to be changed;
    The 5 columns gallery is the one I would like in chronological order and with the visible date, number of comment and together with the summary and the number of comments.
    Could we give different instructions for the gallery to 3 compared to the 5?

    Perhaps the best thing would be to leave everything as it was by default with the date, summary, comment count, and in chronological order; and leave only the blog gallery with 3 columns that is random and no date of day, keeping summary and comment count only, but no date of day.
    Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1067867

    Hello Mike ! how are you? I hope all is well!…
    I need to make an improvement again ..
    Look at these 3 pages on private…

    these pages have 2 galleries, the first gallery in random order with large preview, summary and number of comments, and it is well..

    The second gallery would instead be ordered to last edit and show the comments, the date of publication, and the summary.
    in practice we should change only the second gallery of these three pages, the second glleria (with small previews) so that it is not random but in chronological order and showing the date .. is it possible?

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1059908

    Hi Mike !
    I hope you do not hate me, but I have many improvements to do again and you are very good at your job.

    I have to lighten the photos, google speed page says that some photos are not cut out responsively.
    also always on the photos says that I should use one of the JPEG 2000, JPEG XR and WebP, to serve visitors with mobile phones.
    Can you suggest something?
    Many thanks !
    Best regards.

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1059639

    Thanks a lot Mike, it worked.

    Do you know how I can make amp pages on my site?

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1059212

    Thanks Mike! you are an angel!
    now it only remains to fix the preview photo in the ajax recearch from mobile ( please, see the link in private, using a mobile)

    and then I will open other posts for other improvements to be made.

    Best Regards!

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1059170

    Hi, Mike !
    You:<< I took a look at your page, and the posts change position with every page load, and seems to be random. So do you mean that this is working fine now?>>:
    I:<< Hi, it now seems to work, but I had to delete this piece of code because an error was reported on line 28: :

    $ terms = explode (‘,’, $ params [‘categories’]);
    if (! empty ($ terms) && in_array (1, $ terms))
    $ query [‘orderby’] = ‘date’;

    in this way the error went off at line 28, but the tunnels remained stationary. but I lost the function of that code that I do not know what it was for…

    – to make the galleries in random order, we have changed this:
    “// show blog posts random
    add_filter (‘avia_post_slide_query’, ‘avia_order_by_random’, 10, 2);
    function avia_order_by_random ($ query, $ params)
    $ query [‘orderby’] = ‘name’;
    $ query [‘order’] = ‘rand’;

    return $ query;

    To This:

    “// show blog posts random
    add_filter (‘avia_post_slide_query’, ‘avia_order_by_random’, 10, 2);
    function avia_order_by_random ($ query, $ params)
    $ query [‘orderby’] = ‘rand’;
    $ query [‘order’] = ‘rand’;

    return $ query;

    now everything seems to work, but I’m not sure I did the right thing, Since I trust you very much, please try to put the deleted function back but do not give errors and check if the function.php is OK. Thanks

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1058549

    Hi Mike, after writing you the answer, I tried to delete this function because the error was reported to the file function line 28;

    $ terms = explode (‘,’, $ params [‘categories’]);
    if (! empty ($ terms) && in_array (1, $ terms))
         $ query [‘orderby’] = ‘date’;
    (So now I no longer glowed the error at the link that I put in private)
    it was the last function you wrote in the function.php file.
    also modified this “// show blog posts random
    add_filter (‘avia_post_slide_query’, ‘avia_order_by_random’, 10, 2);
    function avia_order_by_random ($ query, $ params)
    $ query [‘orderby’] = ‘name’;
    $ query [‘order’] = ‘rand’;

    return $ query;

    and put it this way:
    // show blog posts random
    add_filter (‘avia_post_slide_query’, ‘avia_order_by_random’, 10, 2);
    function avia_order_by_random ($ query, $ params)
    $ query [‘orderby’] = ‘rand’;
    $ query [‘order’] = ‘rand’;

    return $ query;

    Please , Could you check it? because the ajax cearch on mobile it is not well…
    Thank you so much !!!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1058358

    Hello ,
    Thank you ! just what I wanted!
    but something did not work, the image galleries now do not change any position, anymore. I noticed an error, you can see it by accessing the back end, and opening the link that I have entered in private.
    Thank you so much!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1057337

    Oh Mike! You are the best! it worked!
    but it would be better if the photos were in 2/3 format and not square … I do not know if it’s possible to modify … otherwise it’s okay too.

    I’m a little worried about css, I think have custom css with the same selector and should be deleted.
    Could you delete the custom css codes in excess for me?
    Thank you for your work, I am very grateful.

    in reply to: Remove portfolio category from search results? #1056425

    Fantastic ! it worked ! Thank you !!

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1056423

    Hi Mike,

    Fantastic ! the first css code, regarding the day date worked …

    The second did not work. I noticed that the one for the internal research took effect but only in the preview of the entire research (the one that appears while writing the word on the research) and therefore it is equally convenient because I like how it modeled that preview, it would be interesting to know how to put the number of comments there, however, when you click on “send” the previews are bubble-shaped and a little too big, …
    Thank you very much for your help, I would really make you a monument!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1056162

    Hi Mike, Thanks! your help is Fantastic!
    Only problem is that it appeared that the data of the day next to the comment count. I had removed it from the main panel-enfold Child “Blog Layout” but after your modification it reappeared.
    moreover the preview photo in the internal research “ajax recearch” is became a feu big ….

    Waiting for your response.
    Thank you!

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1055432

    I have reloaded in file system enfold child the old Archieve.php and function.php files … and everything is back as before
    I should just be able to randomize the gallery and be visible in the link I put in private, or else add the comment count to the masonry grid that would be great.
    I await your intervention. THANK YOU

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1055431

    I have reloaded in file system enfold child the old Archieve.php and function.php files … and everything is back as before
    I should just be able to randomize the gallery and be visible in the link I put in private, or else add the comment count to the masonry grid that would be great.
    I await your intervention. THANK YOU

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Marco.
    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1055420

    Hi Mike, I’m sorry if I write again, but the exact opposite of what I wanted to do.

    In the Page (new link 1 in private) there are 2 galleries, the first with images should be random, the second at the bottom without images must be in chronological order.
    How can I put this in order?
    Many thanks for your support

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1054932

    Thank you for the feedback, I would like to assist, but some of these requests are more involved than a few lines of code, they would require more than our scope of service, such as:
    “replace the date of the last change with the date of the last comment received” and making the blog posts filterable.
    -1 Yes, I imagined, I will look for other solutions, thanks anyway!

    We do have the masonry element that is filterable and will show random. If you try this, try the settings “perfect grid” & “high portrait” for the images.
    -2 Very well, this could be right for me, but is it possible to add the comment count in the previews? I created a test gallery at link 4 (in private)

    But to make your other blog posts random, Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor:
    -3 I tried the code but it did not work, I hope to solve at least one of these 2 points to be able to get what I need …
    Thank you for your wonderful support
    I am waiting for an answer.

    in reply to: Picture and text zoom on smartphone #1054926

    Hi Mike !!

    Thank you for the feedback, I would like to assist, but some of these requests are more involved than a few lines of code, they would require more than our scope of service, such as:
    “replace the date of the last change with the date of the last comment received”
    and making the blog posts filterable.
    -1- That’s what I imagined, we’ll find other solutions. Thanks!

    We do have the masonry element that is filterable and will show random. If you try this, try the settings “perfect grid” & “high portrait” for the images
    -2 maybe it could be right for me, is it possible to add the comment count in the previews of the masonry grid? and is it possible to obtain a grid with the proportions of the original photos (height 3, width 2)
    I created a test grid at link 4 (in private)

    But to make your other blog posts random, Try adding this code to the end of your functions.php file in Appearance > Editor
    -3 I tried the code but unfortunately did not work, I hope we can solve either point 2 or point 3 to be able to get what I want. Thank you!

    Many thanks for yours

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