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  • in reply to: Disable scrolling inside lightbox #1075640

    Hi guys
    Sorry for this too long silence.

    Hey Guenni, your code works like a charm. This is exactly what I was looking for.
    No more visible scrolling bar once the lightbox is activated AND probably the most important no more scrolling moves of the image itself in case we roll the middle button of the mouse.

    Thank you so much for being cooperative and patient enough until I can test your code and reply to you, I really appreciated.
    Thank of you, this post is now solved.

    in reply to: Disable scrolling inside lightbox #1067231

    I’m so sorry guys, I didn’t take time to answer nore I had time to read your replies, I’ve been and I’m still overwhelmed by work.
    but I promise to come back ASAP onto the matter. Please accept my apologizes, hopefully talk to you soon.

    in reply to: Archive weird link #964835

    By pure chance, I’ve enabled the Yoast archive parameter so the 2 archive links in the sidebar of the page blog are now operational.
    I would have never expect to modify a Yoast parameter to change the property of an Enfold option.

    Is it normal, weird or am I too tired to understand?

    in reply to: Archive weird link #964798

    Hello Victoria
    Thanks for taking care of this issue.
    Let me know when you’ve found something…
    Have a nice day

    in reply to: Bug or weird behavior with the 404 option… #961357

    Hi Basilis,
    I’m afraid Kriesi support is concerned about this bug cause now I can tell for sure that this is a bug and Enfold is definitely concerned and linked to it.
    I’ve just unchecked the 404-page Enfold option and I don’t have this bug any more.
    You can double check for yourself with the admin credentials I gave you.
    Please let me know when a solution is found so I can set back the useful 404 option.
    Btw, I have been in touch with WPML support as well.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by rvga. Reason: Adding the WPML support link
    in reply to: How to change the color of a link? #952239

    I guess I found: “text-decoration: underline;” :)

    in reply to: How to change the color of a link? #952167

    Hi Nikko
    I switched from English to French name this explains the changes. Sorry for that.
    It works perfectly, thx.

    And what would be the code for the underlined option, please?
    I really want to show it’s a link like the ‘old’ way…. ;)

    in reply to: Addin a 6th colomn to a color section #950789

    Hi Vinay
    Sorry for the long silence and thx for your answer.
    I neeeded a 7th colomn so I moved to table written in html inside a block code.
    You can close this post. ;)

    in reply to: Changing the font size of a H1 text inside a text-block #930960

    Thx, Rikard, it works just fine. I’ll Keep that one for sure. Please close this topic.

    in reply to: Move Yoast breadcrumb further right #929625

    Brillant, it works just fine thanks to all of you guys.
    You can close this topic.

    It’s fine for that topic Rikard, You can close it, thx a lot,
    All of you guys are doing a brillant job.

    No Guenni, links will be different from an item to another.
    it’s only a test pages and the site is under construction with a noindex at the moment.

    Your code works fine, thx a lot ;)

    I do appreciate your warning about google and H1 tags.
    I don’t know yet what would be the final design, but i’ll pay great attention to the seo matters ;)
    Hm… probably a nice H1 heading for the page and the name of the products will be H2 tags…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by rvga.

    Oops Sure Rikard you’re right. Here it is:

    I’d like to change the color of the text and the background of a Woocommerce button element.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by rvga.… should work?

    I’ve another question for you if you don’t mind.
    What custom CSS code could I use to get control of the font size for texts inside either regular button or fullwidth button elements?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Move Yoast breadcrumb further right #928057

    Thx Ismael,
    I made the changes, it works fine, many thx to you.

    2 more questions if you allow me
    1/ I’ve changed the code inside this functions-enfold.php file.
    But I have a child theme, so I assume I should make a copy of the entire file, then I should put it in my child directory and restore the original file in the parent theme directory, am I right?
    2/ How can I change the thickness of the green breadcrumb section, please?. I’d like to reduce it a little bit.

    I think you couldn’t access the editor file because in the meantime I moved to a multisite WP and I guess you don’t have the super admin permissions. My 2 cents…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by rvga.

    Thx Ismael.
    I’ve tried to change colors of the text and background without success :(
    I thought this code would work:

    .avia_cart_buttons {
        color: orange;
        background-color: black;

    Any clue for doing this please?

    in reply to: Move Yoast breadcrumb further right #927238
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Moving up or down a special heading #870088

    Hi Jordan
    I didn’t give any name to the color section where stand my special heading.

    in reply to: Moving up or down a special heading #869675

    Yes Victoria this code works fine, thx.

    But I want to move only one specific special headline element. Not all of them in the website.
    And unfortunately, that code doesn’t work inside the css custom ALB element. I did try.

    We’re almost there, one more suggestion?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Moving up or down a special heading #869474

    Lets consider that website page
    Let’s say I want to move 100 px down the special heading “Contact”.

    I did rewrite your suggestions in the ALB element and still it doesn’t work.

    Find temporary credentials to login in the private content and pleaaaaase tell me where I am confusing with all this.
    It’s not such a big deal,but I’d like to understand.

    Thx in advance ;)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: I can't get to see the shop elements #869463

    I am in a localhost configuration at the moment… :(

    in reply to: Moving up or down a special heading #869452

    Thx Rikard for your reply,

    my css-custom fields ALB element are activated.
    What I did:
    1/ I inserted my-header-class in the For developer: ID section field of the Color section
    2/ I inserted .my-header-class { margin-top:-20px; } in the css-custom class of my special heading element.

    Unfortunately it didn’t work, my title (special heading) didn’t even move a pixel :((

    Any other clue?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Moving up or down a special heading #869098

    Another example:
    Moving up or down the special heading

    I don’t know why my pic just above doesn’t appear on the screen!
    Any clue?
    <img src="" alt="Moving up or down the special heading" />

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Moving up or down a special heading #869092

    Hi Jordan,
    Let’ consider that H1 special heading “TESTEZ VOS CONNAISSANCES” within the very first color section of that page.
    I would like to move it a little bit further down so it’s not right in the middle of the image any more.

    What would be its CSS custom code, please?

    in reply to: Different footer from page to another #781642

    I have done some changes on the page, the footer finally came in exactly the same looking as the other pages.
    Why? I don’t know.
    But the issue is solved.

    Thx for the clues ;)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Different footer from page to another #781634

    Ok Basilis, I think I understood you hint.
    I’ve been in all the elements of the page and checked about CSS customize fields I’ve fullfilled earlier.
    I found one without link in the General Style tab of the theme and I also found in this tab a CSS tag (I guess this is what you called ‘tag’) that have no link as well in the page.
    I removed them, cleaned again but the footer remains different :(

    Basilis or someone else, can you please confirm that I’m looking in the right direction?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Different footer from page to another #781614

    Hi Basilis,
    I’m not too familiar with technical stuff.
    What do you mean by tag and source? What could it be? Do you have any examples so I can check…
    Thx for the clue ;)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Different footer from page to another #781611

    Thx for your fast reply Guenni,
    I did a deep cache cleaning, first inside my Chrome browser, then my C:\ drive and at last I used Ccleaner
    Unfortunately, it didn’t solve the issue.

    I don’t use any specific cache plugins neither. (Maybe I should?)

    Any other idea?

    in reply to: Insert Microformats #779984

    I finally found the solution.
    I was misunderstanding the “Text Block” and the “Code block” which I’ve never used before.
    I inserted all of my code – previously checked with these tools (google and Yandex) – inside the code block and all came to a happy end.

    Issue solved for me. ;)

    in reply to: Insert Microformats #779865

    I had the same trouble while inserting microformat codes inside a text block.
    All of my microformats codes were deleted after saving the text block :((

    Of course I have the “automated HTML” option enable in the theme panel.
    And I did also insert all of my text and microformats inside a code element as you previously mentionned.

    What did I do wrong?

    I know I could use the snippet plugin as a last alternative, but shouldn’t Enfold be able to work without that plugin?

    My text w/o microformats:
    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>J’ai commencé à donner des cours aux particuliers avec mes neveux et nièces alors en classe de CP. J’ai été émerveillée lorsque j’ai vu dans les yeux de Théo qu’il venait de comprendre ses exercices de maths. La passion pour l’enseignement est née à ce moment-là.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>Je m’appelle Laure. Prof-iLaure est le site internet qui m’aide à promouvoir mon activité de cours à domicile.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>Depuis 5 ans, je donne des cours aux particuliers à domicile dans la région de Faverges et autour du bassin annecien en Haute-Savoie.
    Issue de la filière scientifique, je donne principalement des cours de mathématiques aux élèves du secondaire (6ème, 5ème… 3ème) préparant le Diplôme National des Brevets (DNB) ex-Brevet des Collèges.
    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>J’aide également les élèves du BAC à acquérir les notions fondamentales dans cette discipline.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>Les mathématiques sont importantes. Il faut les maîtriser pour les élèves désireux d’accéder aux classes supérieures. Comme le français, elles sont un véritable passeport pour celui ou celle qui veut s’épanouir dans le métier de son choix.</p>
    <p style=”text-align: justify;”>Par ailleurs, les maths sont présentes dans la vie de tous les jours.
    Savoir raisonner, savoir poser les données d’un problème, savoir calculer mentalement pour compter la monnaie rendue à la boulangerie, savoir vérifier le montant d’une prime d’une feuille de salaire… les exemple ne manquent pas. Tout est mathématique. Vous ne me croyez pas ?</p>
    <h3 style=”text-align: left;”>Tenez, saurez-vous calculer la distance entre Annecy et Faverges ci-dessous ?</h3>

    My text with microformats:

    <div itemscope itemtype="">
    <p style="text-align: justify;">J'ai commencé à donner <span itempropr="serviceType">des cours aux particuliers</span> avec mes neveux et nièces alors en classe de CP. J'ai été émerveillée lorsque j'ai vu dans les yeux de Théo qu'il venait de comprendre ses <span itempropr="serviceOutput">exercices de maths</span>. La passion pour l'<span itempropr="isRelatedTo">enseignement</span> est née à ce moment-là.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Je m'appelle <span itempropr="provider">Laure</span>. <span itempropr="brand">Prof-iLaure</span> est le <span itempropr="availableChannel">site internet</span> qui m'aide à promouvoir mon activité de <span itempropr="serviceType">cours à domicile</span></p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Depuis 5 ans, je donne des <span itempropr="serviceType">cours aux particuliers à domicile</span> dans la région de <span itempropr="areaServed">Faverges</span> et autour du <span itempropr="areaServed">bassin annecien</span> en <span itempropr="areaServed">Haute-Savoie</span>.
    Issue de la <span itempropr="category">filière scientifique</span>, je donne principalement des <span itempropr="serviceType">cours de mathématiques</span> aux <span itempropr="audience">élèves du secondaire</span> (<span itempropr="audience">6ème</span>, <span itempropr="audience">5ème</span>... <span itempropr="audience">3ème</span>) préparant le <span itempropr="serviceoutput">Diplôme National des Brevets</span> (<span itempropr="serviceoutput">DNB</span>) ex-<span itempropr="serviceoutput">Brevet des Collèges</span>.
    J'<span itempropr="serviceType">aide</span> également les <span itempropr="audience">élèves du BAC</span> à acquérir les <span itempropr="award">notions fondamentales</span> dans cette discipline.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Les <span itempropr="category">mathématiques</span> sont importantes. Il faut les maîtriser pour les <span itempropr="audience">élèves</span> désireux d'accéder aux <span itempropr="award">classes supérieures</span>. Comme le <span itempropr="category">français</span>, elles sont un véritable <span itempropr="award">passeport</span> pour celui ou celle qui veut s'épanouir dans le métier de son choix.</p>
    <p style="text-align: justify;">Par ailleurs, les <span itempropr="category">maths</span> sont présentes dans la vie de tous les jours.
    <span itempropr="award">Savoir raisonner</span>, <span itempropr="award">savoir poser les données d'un problème</span>, <span itempropr="award">savoir calculer</span> mentalement pour <span itempropr="award">compter la monnaie</span> rendue à la boulangerie, <span itempropr="award">savoir vérifier</span> le montant d'une prime d'une feuille de salaire... les exemple ne manquent pas. Tout est mathématique. Vous ne me croyez pas ?</p>

    <h3 style="text-align: left;">Tenez, saurez-vous calculer la distance entre <span itempropr="areaServed">Annecy</span> et <span itempropr="areaServed">Faverges</span> ci-dessous ?</h3>

    The URL where this text is displayed: prof-ilaure

    Any clue will be appreciated.
    Thx ;)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by rvga.
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