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  • in reply to: Background color on hover of second submenu #1478836

    Ok Mike, gotcha.

    What about my last question?
    Since I’ve settup a main mega menu, I cannot access the items of the top menu any more.
    How can I fix that?

    in reply to: Background color on hover of second submenu #1478684

    Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, the mega menu can only be enabled for the main menu items. It’s not available for the top bar menu.

    So sad :(
    Can we at least, display pictures inside top menu items?

    Another question,
    Check on that page for example and try to use a submenu element of the top menu.
    Since I’ve setup a mega menu in main menu, we cannot acces to the items of top menu.
    Is it possible to fix that with a Z-index somewhere?
    I don’t how to do that.

    • This reply was modified 6 days, 3 hours ago by rvga.
    in reply to: Errors on metadata display #1478592

    I’ve managed my issue.
    You can close this post ;)

    in reply to: Can’t update Enfold #1478591

    Hey Rickard,
    I’ve managed my issue.
    You can close this post if you want.

    in reply to: Hiding secondary top menu #1478590

    Thx Mike it works fine.
    You can close that thread.

    in reply to: Set breadcrumb vertical align #1478589

    Perfect, Thx Rickard ;)

    in reply to: Background color on hover of second submenu #1478587

    Thx Ismael, your ccs code works fine.

    I was unclear in my previous msg,
    I meant that I wanted the top menu (‘Partenaires de séjours de vacances’) to be a mega menu.
    As you can see I’ve checked the mega menu option but it is still displayed as a regular one, not a mega menu.


    in reply to: Background color on hover of second submenu #1478451

    I’m cleaning cache every changes I make.

    Another question:
    Why does the first item of top menu (Partenaires de séjours de vacances) links to the last page visited instead of remaining empty? (#)
    Test it!. Go to any page of the web, then check the link of the first item of the top menu…

    in reply to: Background color on hover of second submenu #1478414

    Hi Mike,
    Thx for the css code, it works like a charm.
    As you probably saw, I’d like to turn this top menu as a mega one, but despite I’ve checked the mega menu option, it remains a regular menu, not a mega one.
    What did I miss?

    P.S I always copy your code from the forum windows, thx for the tip.

    in reply to: How to set a sticky column ? #1476814

    thank you Guenni for all of your information
    I’m now able to do it myself.
    You can close this thread.

    in reply to: How to set a sticky column ? #1476329

    As a test, I’ve added 1 fullwidth (1/1 – red border) column below the first 2 ones.
    The new ‘red’ column scrolls away like the ‘lorem text’ one.
    And it has stretched the ‘lorem’ column… :(
    Since I have no intention to keep that red column, I will delete it.
    But in case I’d like to keep it, what should I do to make sure that red column goes underneath the 2 first columns?

    Also I’ve added 2 color sections, one yellowish above and one blue underneath.
    Why the sidebar is displayed underneath the blue color section?
    How can I make sure that the sidebar remains sticky AND at the same level it use to be before?

    Thanks for the code to insert into the child function.php
    I won’t use it, I do understand its purpose but I don’t handle it, it’s beyond my skills.
    I’ll keep calling the page-post-id instead.

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by rvga.
    in reply to: How to set a sticky column ? #1476318

    I messed around in the css code you gave me.
    I rewrite and clean it and now both the left column and the sidebar are sticky.
    It’s cool ;)
    One last thing Guenni, I still don’t use the css class i’ve setup previously.
    Can you help me adapt your code so it uses my css class, please ?

    Also is there a way to use the real name of the post (or page) instead of its id?
    Cause with the time being, i’m afraid i loose the fact that postid-335 is about the sandbox-post.
    It’ll be clearer to me if I can use the real name or slug of the post…

    • This reply was modified 1 month ago by rvga.
    in reply to: How to set a sticky column ? #1476316

    Hi Guenni,
    Thx for all your tips.
    Please remember I’m not a developer ;)
    Sorry if I was unclear in the previous description of the layout of the sandbox-post I gave.
    Let me say it again:
    1. there is no color section on that post.
    2. the first column (1/5 – blue title and subtiles) is sticky
    3. the main colum (4/5 – lorem text) scrolls away
    4. the right sidebar (green text) is sticky (which is a bonus, I’ll see if I keep it sticly or not)
    5. I just gave names to custom css class to the 2 columns
    5.1 the blue-left column : submenu-col
    5.2 the lorem-main column : main-col

    I have implemented all of your css code.
    It works for the left-green column (it is sticky now) but not for the sidebar.
    I tried to adapt your code given on your demo page, but couldn’t make it.
    At last, I didn’t use ccs class names, because I don’t know how to adapt your ccs code with these css class.

    Hope it’s clearer now and that you can help me finish this layout.

    in reply to: how to call for a tooltip in an icon shortcode? #1476309

    Oh gosh! That was so simple…
    Thank of you Ismael, I’ve learnt something today ;)

    in reply to: Hiding secondary top menu #1476015

    Hi Mike,
    It’s weird, the top bar is definitely enabled, I have double-checked, you should see it.
    There are 2 kind of information:
    – Extra info+telephone: “Service client (9/12h – 13/18h) #”
    – Second menu: “Temporary (2nd menu)”
    All this comes under a dark background.

    I have recorded again the Enfold options, I’ve cleaned the cash, there is nothing much i can do…
    Let me kow.

    in reply to: Hiding secondary top menu #1475922

    hey Ismael
    Top bar is now activated with extra info + 2nd menu on the whole site.
    For that specific page i want to disable extra info AND the second menu so they will not appear.
    The fact that the page is protected or not shouldn’t change anything: top bar remains hidden.

    I guess you’ll go with a quick css code… I can’t wait ;)

    in reply to: Warning: fopen #1475920

    aaah…. interesting.
    Sounds like it’s a good news if there are no errors but only warnings.
    Thank you Rickard for your feedback, I’m going to try to optimize the parameters…
    You can now close this thread.

    in reply to: Warning: fopen #1475884

    Errors don’t show up on the front any more but there are still there.
    I’ve gathered a few of them recorded in the following file. (PM)
    If that speaks to you, tell me please what to do and i’ll try to debug…

    in reply to: Warning: fopen #1475880

    Hi Mike, Rikard,
    1. Matomo is a G.A alternative
    2. Yes Comet cache is installed, I’ve disabled it but nothing changed
    3. /volume4/web/ is the path on my own Synology NAS server I use to start hosting little websites like this one. This might be part of the problem. Somes times and in a ramdomly manner I have that kind of issues with go/nogo permissions directories, I change them back and forth with filezilla in order to make things to work.
    4. Good call Rickard, thx for this reminder, I’m not a developer so I don’t have the right reflexes yet. Since I wrote the WP_debug rules, all the errors flushed away… I didn’t do anything but writting these rules but the whole site now looks ok.
    Wow… I’m not gonna digg deeper than that.
    Thanks guys for both of your inputs and tips

    in reply to: Hiding secondary top menu #1475877

    Hi Mike,
    On that page for instance ( I don’t want extra information on the top bar.
    Right now, it’s the case because I’ve disable the option on the whole site.
    But later I will enable it again, then on that specific page I don’t want them to appear.

    How can I do that please?

    in reply to: Hiding secondary top menu #1475734

    and also, i would like to hide (on certain pages only) the “phone number/extra info” from the top bar.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by rvga.
    in reply to: How to set a phone number link into an animated number #1473579

    Yes perfectly Rikard… it works like a charm.
    Thx Guenni, efficient as always.

    I think I got it.
    I guess I messed up months ago with the WP_DEBUG constant. It was set on ‘false’ so it was displaying error messages on the back and front offices. The funny thing is that errors weren’t displayed with the 5.6.12 version but they were with lastest version of enfold!
    In the mean time, I understood how to change the name of the group using the ‘chgrp’ command through a putty session. I have changed files that were under ‘http’ group instead of ‘users’ and… it seems to work!

    I don’t understand why the name of the owner and the name of the group have changed randomly on some folders and files over the time ?

    The 6.0.5 version is enable with no more messages, it looks ok so far.
    No more help needed for now.

    Rikard, I know what it is. It’s a permission (and possibly a folder ownership) issue.

    When I set manually 777 permission to wp-content/uploads/*folders then I don’t have errors any more.
    As soon as I come back to 755, errors come back too.

    I have 2 thoughts and no anwsers
    1) Using FileZilla to upgrade enfold version, I don’t understand why WP is not able to allow permission automatically during the process of swapping folder-V.5.6.12 into folder-V.6.0.5 !
    2) On top of that, it seems I have different owners inside my wp-content/upload folder and sub-folders. I think (but I’m not sure) this is where comes from the problem and I have no clue how to fix that.

    ownership in upload folder

    I hope it gives you ideas to help me to get out of this blocking situation.

    PS. I’m aware about my late php version too, I need to take care about that some day. Thx for the reminder.

    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by rvga.
    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by rvga.
    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by rvga.
    • This reply was modified 5 months ago by rvga.

    Hi Rikard,
    I’m glad to see you study my case, thanks for that.

    I have just switched between the 5.6.12 version and the 6.0.5 one and here are the 3 errors I had:
    (hope it helps)

    Warning: fopen(/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-merged-styles-18ecd38336cb985ece6556faf31d6e7a—670a5d4bd6c89.css):
    failed to open stream: Permission denied in /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php on line 984 Call Stack: 0.0001 368624
    1. {main}() /volume4/web/cserp/index.php:0 0.0001 368904
    2. require(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-blog-header.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/index.php:17 3.4384 57892464
    3. require_once(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template-loader.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-blog-header.php:19 3.5285 60283368
    4. include(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template-loader.php:106 3.5286 60283368
    5. get_header() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php:15 3.5379 60349904
    6. locate_template() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/general-template.php:48 3.5380 60349984
    7. load_template() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template.php:745 3.5475 60378328
    8. require_once(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template.php:810 3.5925 60385800
    9. wp_head() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php:228 3.5925 60385800
    10. do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/general-template.php:3065 3.5925 60386176
    11. WP_Hook->do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/plugin.php:517 3.5925 60386176
    12. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:348 3.6548 60390136
    13. wp_enqueue_scripts() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 3.6548 60390136
    14. do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/script-loader.php:2263 3.6548 60390512
    15. WP_Hook->do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/plugin.php:517 3.6548 60390512
    16. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:348 3.7716 60756224
    17. aviaAssetManager->try_minifying_scripts() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 3.7716 60756224
    18. aviaAssetManager->merge() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:243 3.7812 61881584
    19. aviaAssetManager->generate_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:358 3.7820 62667408
    20. avia_backend_create_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:810 3.7820 62667408
    21. fopen() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php:984

    Warning: fopen(/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia-head-scripts-388e3ec585846faac3926658720b7d69—670a5d4bd887a.js):
    failed to open stream: Permission denied in /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php on line 984 Call Stack: 0.0001 368624
    1. {main}() /volume4/web/cserp/index.php:0 0.0001 368904
    2. require(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-blog-header.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/index.php:17 3.4384 57892464
    3. require_once(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template-loader.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-blog-header.php:19 3.5285 60283368
    4. include(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template-loader.php:106 3.5286 60283368
    5. get_header() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php:15 3.5379 60349904
    6. locate_template() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/general-template.php:48 3.5380 60349984
    7. load_template() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template.php:745 3.5475 60378328
    8. require_once(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template.php:810 3.5925 60385800
    9. wp_head() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php:228 3.5925 60385800
    10. do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/general-template.php:3065 3.5925 60386176
    11. WP_Hook->do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/plugin.php:517 3.5925 60386176
    12. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:348 3.6548 60390136
    13. wp_enqueue_scripts() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 3.6548 60390136
    14. do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/script-loader.php:2263 3.6548 60390512
    15. WP_Hook->do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/plugin.php:517 3.6548 60390512
    16. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:348 3.7716 60756224
    17. aviaAssetManager->try_minifying_scripts() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 3.7835 61854080
    18. aviaAssetManager->merge() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:246 3.7883 61905560
    19. aviaAssetManager->generate_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:358 3.7887 62218048
    20. avia_backend_create_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-asset-manager.php:810 3.7887 62218048
    21. fopen() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php:984

    Warning: fopen(/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/avia_posts_css/post-2.css):
    failed to open stream: Permission denied in /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php on line 984 Call Stack: 0.0001 368624
    1. {main}() /volume4/web/cserp/index.php:0 0.0001 368904
    2. require(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-blog-header.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/index.php:17 3.4384 57892464
    3. require_once(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template-loader.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-blog-header.php:19 3.5285 60283368
    4. include(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template-loader.php:106 3.5286 60283368
    5. get_header() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/template-builder.php:15 3.5379 60349904
    6. locate_template() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/general-template.php:48 3.5380 60349984
    7. load_template() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template.php:745 3.5475 60378328
    8. require_once(‘/volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php’) /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/template.php:810 3.5925 60385800
    9. wp_head() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/header.php:228 3.5925 60385800
    10. do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/general-template.php:3065 3.5925 60386176
    11. WP_Hook->do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/plugin.php:517 3.5925 60386176
    12. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:348 3.6548 60390136
    13. wp_enqueue_scripts() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 3.6548 60390136
    14. do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/script-loader.php:2263 3.6548 60390512
    15. WP_Hook->do_action() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/plugin.php:517 3.6548 60390512
    16. WP_Hook->apply_filters() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:348 3.7901 61904376
    17. aviaPostCssManagement->handler_enqueue_post_styles() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:324 3.7902 61904376
    18. aviaPostCssManagement->check_create_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-post-css-management.php:205 3.8737 61743384
    19. aviaPostCssManagement->create_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-post-css-management.php:275 3.8743 61751896
    20. avia_backend_create_file() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-template-builder/php/class-post-css-management.php:1064 3.8743 61751896
    21. fopen() /volume4/web/cserp/wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/function-set-avia-backend.php:984

    Surprisingly, these erros are not listed in my PHP error log window maintained by the Error Log Monitor WP plugin?

    in reply to: Automatic update of an ALB element #1316029

    You can close it.

    in reply to: Automatic update of an ALB element #1315889

    Just perfect Guenni.
    This is exactly what I was looking for
    Now I can change only 1 page instead of 40.
    It saves me a lot.
    THANK YOU ;)

    in reply to: Automatic update of an ALB element #1315881

    Hey Guenni,
    It sounds like you save my life.
    I’ve never tested that ‘Page content’ ALB element before so I didn’t know it could solve my problem.
    I will try it for sure later and I’ll let you know if it works for what I want to do.
    But it sounds like a very good idea… :))
    Thx for the tip and talk to you later…

    in reply to: Automatic update of an ALB element #1315846

    That what I tought, thx.

    in reply to: Accordion Title to h2 #1314182

    Hey Guenni,
    It’s getting a little bit too technical for me, but I ended up and checked that JQuery loading stuff when I noticed that it was activated in the performances options of Enfold.
    I disabled it and finally I had my H2’s within the accordion of my test page.
    Many thanks for this last tip!
    I owe you one ;)

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