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Hey Yigit,
I tried to refresh with CTRL+Shift+R on windows and it works fine ! Thanks for that !
But why it’s working with normal refresh on my others website ? I’m using the same browser with all my websites…
Hey Yigit,
We’re on the same page ! I switched orange color to green color and it works, but when I changed again to orange or red => Nothing… And I refreshed 10 times with a normal internet connection…
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Hi Yigit,
Thanks for your answer but I’m talking about General Styling and the Quick CSS. Change Pages is possible, but for example if I add a CSS code in the Quick CSS and refresh, nothing happen.
I just added a black color to the header with the Quick CSS but nothing change after a refresh, and my white separator in the footer change from white to black ^^ There is something wrong.
Hi Rikard,
I think no, everything is ok with others website using enfold on wordpress.
Changing my page with the Avia Builder is instant, but when I change a color in General Styling or when I add quick CSS nothing happen as I said before…
Hi Victoria !
This width change and works now, it cover my screen, but the video is not working…
Hi Rikard !
Thanks for your time, but it’s not working for me… It’s a big problem because I’ll make some website with background video…
Hello everybody,
Same problem here when I updated my wordpress and the enfold theme.
My website is online but I did not remove the video background, you can check the link of my website in private.
The video section is just before the footer : Contact
Everything is alright ! I hope they found a solution since april 2016 ! :D
Have a good day.
Best Regards.
Romainp841.Hi Victoria,
It’s working ! Thanks for your support !!
Thank you Mike too :)Have a good day.
Best regards.
Romainp841.I found something and it’s working for me.
Enfold->Header->Header Layout->Menu and Logo Position->Logo Center Menu Below
/*Up the menu on the logo and remove the container of the menu*/ .main_menu { top: -65px; } #header #header_main_alternate .container { height: 0px; }
And now the logo position :
.html_header_top.html_logo_center .logo { left: 70px; }
Hi everybody !
I know that it is an old post, but I really need to have the answer.
Yes we can easily adjust the menu position with the margin, but it’s not responsive on bigger or smaller screen.
I tried it several times with px or % value, on my laptop it’s 32% and it’s working, but when I go on my computer it’s 37%… We need a center position for the menu, and the best would be social icons on right, logo left and menu center…
Hi Mike ! :)
I tried it and it’s white again like the beginning !
I removed it for you to try new code !
Thanks for your time !
Best Regards.It’s working for the first tab ! But the second have a different color and the blue stay..
Hi Mike !
This code is working ! But only for the Font and the icon, the arrow stay white :)
I deleted one of the two scrollbar with :
.av-burger-overlay { overflow: hidden !important; }
Miss one now !! I want to remove it because if you scroll down on the burger menu, the cross icon scroll down too…
Hi Ismael,
Thanks for your reply !
I understand ! But it’s working with a gif so I’m fine !
Did you check the picture that I sent with the two scroll bar on the burger menu ? I need a Quick CSS to disable those.
Thanks :)
Romainp841.Background video isn’t working on my burger menu…
I found a solution for the 1) Image not responsive.
I just added
background-size: cover;
in the Quick CSS and it’s working.Hi Rikard,
I looked at the website on different computer and web browser (Mac book, IMac, laptop windows, etc…) and the space is still there…
I tried with the Color Section several times and it’s exactly the same with the 100% height (full screen option), I have a small space too.
So I tried with the height custom option. I set up 700px (the height dimension of my screen laptop) and it’s working. But if I look on the Mac Book there is a space again because the height dimension is 800px, and the IMac 1***px, etc…
On the top, Full Slider height = height of the screen – height of the header (for me it’s 780px – 70px = 710px)
When I add this code : #main {
padding-top: 0 !important;
}The Full Slider goes under the header but stay with 710px of height, so I have a 70px of space…
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Hi Rikard,
Yes of course the CSS is working ! Thanks for your help !
Best regards.
Romainp841.I found a solution but I’m not sure this is the simplest.. :D
I added a color for each color section in the Quick CSS and it’s working. 11 elements => 11 code#id1 .avia-table td { background-color: #fff !important; } #id2 .avia-table td { background-color: #efefef !important; } #id3 .avia-table td { background-color: #fff !important; } #id4 .avia-table td { background-color: #efefef !important; }
This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by
Hi Rickard,
I tried it and it worse ! Check the the screenshot in private.
Thanks for your time.
Romainp841.Hi Vinay !
Sorry for my english ! :/
Here is a link imgur in private. As you can see, the first table is transparent but not the second.
They have same settings.
Thank you !
Cheers. -
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by