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  • I fixed this problem by deleting both the video players on the page and then recreating them. They are now playing properly. There is a delay from when the video first displays and when the play button appears as an overlay and is active. Sort of like a refresh. With the existing Enfold video player they never displayed after the refresh. By recreating them, they now work.


    in reply to: 4.8.1 Problem with videos and Easy Slider #1286819

    Thanks so much, Nikko. I just updated Enfold on the live site, did what you suggested, and all is well.
    I really appreciate the fast response, and as usual, you fixed the issue.
    Thanks again…. Roger

    in reply to: 4.8.1 Problem with videos and Easy Slider #1286551

    Hi Nikko,
    There are now 2 sites. The live one with the prior Enfold version and a subdomain site with with the new enfold version 4.8.1.
    Details and login in the Private Content

    Thanks…. Roger

    in reply to: Update To WordPress 5.5 Broke Website #1245807

    Thanks so much to ElieDaher for the suggestion for correcting the Enfold Problem with the SetCookie Issue. His solution:
    To resolve temporary the issue :
    Edit : wp-content/themes/enfold/includes/helper-privacy.php on Line 303
    Before : setcookie( ‘aviaPrivacyMustOptInSetting’, false, $args );
    After : //setcookie( ‘aviaPrivacyMustOptInSetting’, false, $args );

    worked perfectly. I found this to be a theme issue, not a WordPress issue with 5.5 or 5.5.1, since I was experiencing the problem when updating Enfold BEFORE I updated WordPress.

    in reply to: Update To WordPress 5.5 Broke Website #1237904

    Yes, mwolfert, I agree that there is some weird combination of things causing this – I have multiple clients using Enfold – been using it for years, because it’s the best Theme for many things – and all the remainder have updated properly. This one is mystifying. This site has been using Enfold for about 7 years, everything is up to the latest version, and every Enfold update over those many years has worked without problems. There have been no changes to anything on the site, other than keeping plugins and WordPress up-to-date. So, this version of Enfold broke it – and all the logged errors are coming from Enfold components.

    So, I have gone back to the prior Enfold version, with no problems, will wait for the next update, and try again.


    in reply to: Update To WordPress 5.5 Broke Website #1237516


    I restored the site to before the WordPress and Enfold updates, and it is working properly. To try and isolate the problem, I then updated Enfold to the latest version WITHOUT updating WordPress. The same problem occurred, and the site was down with the same messages. So it appears to be an Enfold problem and not WordPress 5.5.

    I have once again restored it and am up and operational. I’ll wait to upgrade Enfold until there is a newer version with this problem corrected.
    Thanks for your help….; Roger

    in reply to: Update To WordPress 5.5 Broke Website #1237222

    Rikard, I’d be happy to send you the login, but I can no longer log in since the upgrade. When I use my normal credentials, it goes through the captcha process, and then hangs. No matter what I do I can’t get into the WordPress dashboard.

    My only option appears to be go to a backup before the update and restore the site using FTP.


    in reply to: Image on hover while using envira gallery #1231384

    I added this to quick css (from a 2014 post in this support forum) and it corrected the problem:
    display: none !important;

    in reply to: Image on hover while using envira gallery #1231375

    It appears that there is now an added overlay for each image, which adds a strange height and width
    <span class=”image-overlay overlay-type-image”…..
    <span class=”image-overlay-inside”…….
    Did this come from Enfold?

    in reply to: Image on hover while using envira gallery #1231369

    I’m having the exact same problem with Envira, but can’t get rid of if. I turned off the overlay in advanced settings. I tried multiple image counts for a single row. When I hover, the round image link appears and affects the gallery display – adding additional white space under the image row.

    Jordan, this is getting a bit too complicated, so we have given it a different approach with a Masonry Gallery.

    Thanks for your time. You can close this request.

    Here you are Jordan.

    in reply to: Left Menu and Burger Menu width settings #1203687

    Thank you very much, Victoria. Putting this in the Quick CSS completely resolved the issue.
    I very much appreciate the good support we always get on the infrequent occasions we have any sort of a problem.
    Thanks again……. Roger

    in reply to: Left Menu and Burger Menu width settings #1202512

    Hi Rikard – I really thank you for trying to resolve this, but the last change just made it worse on the IPad. The left menu is still showing and the top ICON expanded to take over the whole screen. I’ll leave the addition in place temporarily so you can see it if you like. If you even look at it on a desktop computer, and slowing make the screen narrower, you’ll see it transition into the big icon. Make it a little bit narrower, and it goes back to what it should be doing, with the top menu bar and hamburger.

    If this is not possible, we’ll have to try consider another format completely. Again, I appreciate your help.


    in reply to: Left Menu and Burger Menu width settings #1201974

    IPad Mini (5th generation (brand new)) Latest Software Version 13.3.1 Model Number MUQW2LL/A

    in reply to: Left Menu and Burger Menu width settings #1201670

    Rikard, thank you, but still the problem persists. It works perfectly on a desktop when I reduce the window width. It works perfectly on an IPhone. But on the IPad, it always shows the left menu, and never the top menu line and burger. I have cleared the Safari cache on the IPad, and it still persists. It is just inexplicable.

    in reply to: Left Menu and Burger Menu width settings #1201281

    I want it to shift from the left menu to the top bar menu with hamburger, but at a slightly larger width than it does now. On an IPAD Tablet, the left menu still shows, in either landscape or portrait mode. I want the top line and hamburger menu to show on this device.

    I think I am being stupid, but I am totally lost about how to get this fix. Is it going to be fixed in a future release – if so, I will just eliminate the conditional logic temporarily – which causes several issues – but I need our forms functional on IOS,

    Can you tell us when an Enfold fix will be coming?

    Thanks, Rikard. I think I have restored the site now. SMUSH was the culprit, but using a combination of backups and a variety of other things it looks like we’re back in business.

    SMUSH did a lot of bad things. It looks to me like it is totally incompatible with Enfold. so a lesson well learned.

    Thanks as always for your fast response.

    Looks like that was it. I cleared the browser cache and how the whole site is screwed up on the desktop as well.

    I’m going to try going to a backup fpr everything and see what I can do.


    This may have been caused by this: I installed Smush and converted all the images on the website. It didn’t work, and broke everything. I then deleted Smush and restored all the uploads from a backup before the Smush update, making everything work again. Would this somehow have caused this problem?

    I am desperate to get this working again on IOS.

    Rikard, I’m sorry, I saw that post before and it contains so many links and so many responses about so many things that I can’t figure out exactly what I need to do. I am a very experienced Enfold developer, and it really confuses me.

    in reply to: Screwed up my header colors #1072119

    Sorry. I figured out the problem and am back to normal. Just ignore this post.

    in reply to: Screwed up my header colors #1072110

    I may have also deleted a quick CSS entry that caused this to happen. When I restore the theme from a backup, does the restore also restore the quick CSS?

    in reply to: Update Problem to 4.5 from 4.4.1 #1025143


    I was able to get the Envato API Key. but the footer is still messed up as I indicated above. Can you help me with this please? It is really causing a problem on our site.

    Thanks… Roger

    in reply to: Update Problem to 4.5 from 4.4.1 #1024428

    Also, do you have an explanation about the new Envato API key. I went to their site and have no idea what is required or what to do for the Enfold theme. Is there an explanation somewhere? This is all very discouraging, and I am getting very, very concerned about all the websites where I have used Enfold.

    in reply to: Update Problem to 4.5 from 4.4.1 #1024427

    Hi Rikard,

    I was able to get 4.5 Installed by FTP on one site. But now there is a phantom bottom to each page on the site, below the footer area, that looks like a combination of things – menus, Icon boxes, etc. I have done everything – cleared cache, cleared browser cache, re-saved all selectors, etc. I just don’t know what to do. You can see it on the home page or all other pages. I have provided a login. Can you please help me? I am also concerned about other sites I need to update now? Will I have this problem on every one?

    in reply to: problem update 4.5 failed #1024264

    I am having the same problem, but with a different error. I tried the plug-in, activated it, then tried the update. It failed.
    I then renamed the Enfold theme folder to EnfoldX, and tried the update of the new theme. I got the following error: The link you followed has expired.

    What’s going on and why is this suddenly so difficult? I have multiple client accounts using Enfold and this has always been simple and easy. It’s one of the reasons I use Enfold. Do I have to FTP every site I have? Even then, I am losing a bit of confidence.


    in reply to: Update Problem to 4.5 from 4.4.1 #1024262


    I followed the thread you suggested, added the plug-in suggested, and the update still failed.

    I then renamed the theme folder and tried to upload the new version. This failed with the following error:

    The link you followed has expired.
    I am getting very frustrated, and have multiple client accounts – I only use Enfold – that have to be updated. This has always been simple and easy, one of the reasons I chose Enfold. What is going on and what am I to do. Are there not simple instructions somewhere that address the issues so many people seem to be having?

    I have the same issue. I would link to use a single button that will open the Privacy and Cookie information modal window from my policy page.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by rogersparks.
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