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  • in reply to: advanced styling font change not working #1008293

    Hi Rikard.
    It is all working fine now and I now know what to do if it goes wrong again. Thanks for your excellent support – as always!

    yes you can close the thread as far as I am concerened

    thanks again


    in reply to: advanced styling font change not working #1008129

    Hi Yigit, You are a star!

    in reply to: logo stretched #627059

    solved it. the logo was too large (300×300) made it 150 square and it stay the same now!



    in reply to: logo stretched #627051

    nope. I uploaded an image for the logo which is most definitely square. reloaded the home page and there it was nice and square. But move to another page and it got stretched. I downloaded the image from screen as you did and it came out stretched. But I promise you it was square when I uploaded it. Any Ideas?



    in reply to: logo stretched #627044

    Thanks. That is very odd. This logo has been fine for 2 years and only became stretched when I changed to www. But i will go back and check/change the original. Thanks for noticing this. I you don’t here from me again thanks for sorting it out!

    all the best


    in reply to: Progress bars not working after latest theme update #448543

    I have a similar problem with progress bars I am on a Mac with Chrome and Firefox but the same problem is evident on my ipad. Could you have a look please

    towards the bottom of the page

    Forget this – tried disabling a few plugins and the problem is one called “Usernoise” – just thought I would post incase anyone had the same problem.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by rgbozeat.
    in reply to: content element widget area, not working #324396
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: content element widget area, not working #322360

    Hi Ismael,
    Thank you for the reply. I must be doing something wrong! I go to Appearance>Widget and drag the enfold “search” widget into the “display everywhere” widget area. then on a page on the site I select the “Widget area” element and drag it on to the page, in the drop-down menu I select “display everywhere” and click “update”, and the widget area disappears – every-time. I have tried variations with different widget areas and different widgets, all with the same result.
    I managed to do what i needed using the “code block” element and using the html for the button i was trying to instal and this has worked so the issue is not urgent but I have other widgets that i would like to insert in specific places on the site so it would be good to know what i am doing wrong.

    sorry forgot to say i did not add any html code on top of the widget area – at least not intentionally!

    I have tried adding new “enfold custom widget areas” on the Widget page and these new widget areas do not appear in the drop-down menu on the widget area element. perhaps the problem lies in my widget area. I did make a mistake earlier and created a new “enfold custom widget area” that i cannot now delete. could this be the problem?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by rgbozeat.
    in reply to: Advanced Layout Editor not working #317498

    problem solved thanks, was uploading to the wrong folder!

    in reply to: Advanced Layout Editor not working #317341

    thanks will do

    in reply to: Advanced Layout Editor not working #317327

    I posted this on a separate thread an hour ago so apologies for reposting but you seem to be on the same issue here so thought i would try again.

    I am having the same problem as others after wordpress 4 upgrade, ie spinning wheel of death. I have used ftp filezilla to upload enfold 2.9.2 and in the remote site side of filezilla it looks like this has been successful. however on my wordpress dashboard>themes>enfold it still says version 2.9.1. i have tried flushing cache, reinstalling wordpress 4, two different browsers, and tried going through dashboard>enfold>theme options>theme update, but it says
    “no updates available. you are running the latest version! Great!”
    i try “check manually” but this just takes me to the dashboard>wordpress updates page.
    I have been reading the forums and spent most of yesterday tying to get this to work but am at a loss as to what to try next. I am fairly new to wordpress so there may be a “reset” button somewhere that i am not aware of, or some simple trick to get enfold to update but just dont know what it is.
    by the way all plugins upgraded and deactivated
    also tried to upload 2.9.2 zip file within dashboard>themes but got the response
    “Destination folder already exists. /home/”my id”/public_html/wp-content/themes/enfold/
    Theme install failed.”
    my site is
    could do with some help

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by rgbozeat.

    by the way, all plugins updated and deactivated

    I am having the same problem as others after wordpress 4 upgrade, ie spinning wheel of death. I have used ftp filezilla to upload enfold 2.9.2 and in the remote site side of filezilla it looks like this has been successful. however on my wordpress dashboard>themes>enfold it still says version 2.9.1. i have tried flushing cache, reinstalling wordpress 4, two different browsers, and tried going through dashboard>enfold>theme options>theme update, but it says “no updates available. you are running the latest version! Great!” i try “check manually” but this just takes me to the dashboard>wordpress updates page.
    I have been reading the forums and spent most of yesterday tying to get this to work but am at a loss as to what to try next. I am fairly new to wordpress so there may be a “reset” button somewhere that i am not aware of, or some simple trick to get enfold to update but just dont know what it is.
    could do with some help


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