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  • in reply to: Slider Navigation Problem #993702

    Hey, yes see below

    in reply to: News Archive shows blank page #983570

    Hello Victoria,
    thank you for your fast reply.
    But the archive in the news section still does not work. I get a blue screen.

    best greetings

    in reply to: News Archive shows blank page #983040

    Hello Rikard,

    i have cloned the complete wordpress page. Please try to fix this error in the staging page, so that the productive site is not gonna be affected.
    You can find the link below. Its a 1:1 clone. You can use the same credentials which you can find here in my prior posts.
    You are allowed to do anything on the stage site.

    Best greetings

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Victoria.
    in reply to: News Archive shows blank page #981949

    Hello Rikard,
    i already uninstalled it weeks ago. however i still get a blank page.
    i have deactivated and reactivated all plugins however the problem still persists.

    best regards,

    in reply to: News Archive shows blank page #981505

    Hey Victoria,

    yes (see below)

    best regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Victoria.
    in reply to: Session problems after update of enfold #923141

    I have now changed the site URL in the settings to “https://” and it seems to work.
    However i am gonna observe this issue.

    in reply to: Session problems after update of enfold #923131

    Here to login details for you:

    Hello, thanks Ismael for your reply. I have found it but i do not think that this is the right one. Because the translation was not the same what i am searching for. Nowhere is standing “del”. After checking it up in the frontend i have noticed that this issue was being fixed by someone of you???
    I think you can then close this ticket because my problem is solved somehow.
    best greetings

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #920436

    I solved the problem. First of all i made a backup of my non-working website and the database. I called the wp-admin of my wordpress site. I was then able to go to the enfold theme and to export the configuration. For exporting the theme settings there is a separate menu point in the enfold theme. In the backend i set another theme for my website in order to be able to uninstall the “enfold” theme. Next step was to install an older version of enfold and to import my prior exported enfold-configuration file. Everything worked then fine. However i am a bit disappointed that the support staff is treating this issue as normal because it is obviously a faulty theme update of kriesi. Someone of the software developers were programming the code bad so that plenty of sites were down. I am also disappointed that i am not getting the support for what i am paying for because they did not publish any step by step guide to reset the update. i found my own solution for this issue. Thanks for nothing kriesi

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #919820

    Can someone from the support team please fix this issue? Thats not acceptable to let people alone because it is a bug of your software, guys….

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #919809

    @JaimBateman cant see the content. Would be great if you could share it with the public…..

    in reply to: Blank site after updating to 4.2.5 #919789

    I have the same problem …….

    in reply to: Mobile Menu – Submenu items are not displayed #919628

    Hello Günter,

    thank you for your reply.
    Your step-by-step guide worked for us.
    We do not have any questions regarding this. You can close the ticket.
    Best greetings

    in reply to: Social Media Button XING and YouTube are missing #919599

    Hello Basilis,

    thank you for your fast reply and clarification.
    I do not need any further information on this. You can close this ticket
    Thanks =)
    Best greetings

    in reply to: process bar does not work within other plugins #919598

    Hello, no i dont need any further help on this =)
    You can close the ticket
    Best greetings

    in reply to: HTACCESS Problem #919596

    Thank you for sharing the htaccess commands. However i am creating it from the backend of plesk automatically and each htaccess which i created for other websites is working fine. And it does only make problems when i am using the enfold theme. I have seen in the source code that the “resumes” page tries to call a wp-admin URL maybe therefore the window for the credentials is popping always out?
    The reason for protecting the wp-admin area ist to have an additional protection level to prevent random people to go to our admin page.
    We are not obligated to use the htaccess folder protection from plesk. If there is any other good plugin for solving our problem then thats fine too.
    Do you know any plugins which you could recommend us?
    Best greetings

    Hello Basilis, first of all i installed a german wordpress version. After that i have installed your theme and i dont know exactly if that was already translated into german. However i was using the plugin “loco translate” for another plugin. But if i open the .po german file i cannot find any entries like “del facebook” etc. I have checked it up and i also could not find any entry in the english version .po file. Are you sure, that the label is not hardcoded?

    Hello Basilis,

    yes i am using the german language on enfold

    best greetings

    in reply to: process bar does not work within other plugins #917859

    Hello Victoria,

    thank you for your fast reply. Seems that your last released update fixed that issue.
    I tried it again on the site (see private section) but i could not replicate this issue.
    Thank you!
    Best greetings

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Papiculo.
    in reply to: Hover doesnt work properly #915981

    Hey Nikko,

    thank you for your fast reply!
    The problem is that our client wants this image hover effect…..
    Can we expect that this bug is gonna be fixed in your next enfold release?
    best greetings

    in reply to: widgets in one sidebar replaces sidebars of other menus #915980

    Hello Basilis,

    thank you! A similar plugin (jetpack) what you suggested me, helped me out!
    Best greetings

    in reply to: process bar does not work within other plugins #915978

    Hello Nikko,

    thank you for the fast reply. i created an account for you. (see private section)
    best greetings

    Hello Basilis, thank you for the fast reply. However i already use loco translate but i could not find any entry with “del facebook”, “del linkedin”etc. or similar to that.
    Maybe the hover text is hardcoded in your source code? Can you please tell me what the exact entry is which needs to be changed?
    Best greetings

    in reply to: Hover doesnt work properly #914957

    you can find the admin account in the private section.

    best greetings

    in reply to: Hover doesnt work properly #914256

    Hello, can you please fix this bug?
    I am having this error since 4 months and nothing happened since that.

    in reply to: process bar does not work within other plugins #914255

    Hello, deactivating the required plugins for my website would not solve my problem.
    I am sure im using the latest version of your theme. if you want i can give you an admin account so that you can see the error.
    I am also trying to add the progress bar from the backend and not from the frontend. So in the backend there are no plugins which could impact the functionality of your extension. Therefore it seems to be a bug in your software.

    in reply to: Hover doesnt work properly #862964

    Hello Rikard,
    i’m using Safari and this bug can be seen if you hover the buttons two times.
    I know, that users are normally not hovering just those buttons because they click on them.
    However if a normal user is scrolling the page down and up then they are also hovering automatically those big buttons and can see this bug.
    I can reproduce this bug if i hover in Google Chrome those big buttons between 10 and 30 times. I know this is not the normal case when you are surfing the website with your theme. However Safari generates this issue when you hover the buttons just two times.
    best greetings

    in reply to: Mobile Menu – Submenu items are not displayed #856914

    Hey Ismael, i have removed the empty columns however it still doesnt work. i also deactivated all the plugins there.
    The submenus are still not showing. Do you have any other solution for that?

    best greetings

    in reply to: Mobile Menu – Submenu items are not displayed #856387

    Hello Mike,

    as far as i know our server is not caching.
    Yes you can disable all plugins. Its a testing site and its not a productive one.

    Best greetings

    in reply to: Mobile Menu – Submenu items are not displayed #855884

    Hey Mike,
    thank you for the fast reply. I have entered the account details again and it did work. please be aware that the ftp account name is lowercase. i have corrected this.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Papiculo.
Viewing 30 posts - 1 through 30 (of 31 total)