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  • in reply to: Menu slider homepage vs. portfolio items #1128992

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanx for your solution, it works!

    I posted another question that you may have overlooked:
    “The other one concerns the header with logo and menu on a mobile device. The header disappears when sliding, is it possible to keep the header at all time on a phone?”

    Could you please let me know whether this is possible?

    Kind regards,

    in reply to: Menu slider homepage vs. portfolio items #1128230

    Hi Rikard, this works, thanks!!

    I have 2 more questions:
    On safari the animations in the home slider start only after the part where an animation happens of fully onscreen. That’t pretty late, an image only gets visible after you almost scroll through so fare that the text above the image is offscreen. Can I adjust the moment of animations sliding in?

    The other one concerns the header with logo and menu on a mobile device. The header disappears when sliding, is it possible to keep the header at all time on a phone?

    Thanks again, love working with Enfold!!!!!

    Kind regards,

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