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Hi Ismael
This CSS class come from Shiftnav Pro and it is my main menu and side panels plugin: I can’t deactivate it…
I built a page (not a post) with the same things and it works:
I always contact the author of this plugin and it says that is plugin is well write and can’t nowise interfer with ohter javascript…
Thank youHello @Dude and @Ismael
I tested WP Rocket and I must admit that it is bluffing.
I was using Quick Cache Pro + Better WordPress Minify + CloudFlare, now I only use WP Rocket + CloudFlare and it works like a charm.
I have made a before/after test on the same website, and yes, it’s it is faster (, GT MEtrix, PageSpeed Insights and
Cool features : a pre-cache robot that spide you website, DNS Prefetching, CDN compatibilty, multisite, etc.
Lazyload works great and asynchron JS too.
The configuration is very easy but you can, if you need it, do advanced tip.
Support is very, very cool and fast.Hello @Ismael
That’s allready done :” I think you use caching to become a faster website, so this is definitely a step in the right direction.. : )”
You’re right so I decided to be more “direct”: I completly remove any captcha plugin.
Now I will wait & see if I will get too much spam and try you tips :)
In the meantime i’m just trying another, and new, cache plugin named: WP Rocket:-)
I will look at this soon.
What’s you live site where I can see what you have done?
ThanksPS: it’s verry borring because Really Simple CAPTCHA + Contact Form 7 + WP Super cache works…
hey @comitzuu
Can you please check those 3 pages? : now see all captcha images on Mac and Safari/Firefox and Chrome
What I have done?
– Deactivate and reactivate Really Simple Captcha on my WordPress network (I am on a multisite network)
– Deactive Ajax for each Gravity Forms
– Wipe my cache (I use Quick Cache Pro)thank you
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by
@comitzuu I have read it but I can’t understant it… my englis is not enough good… :(
Hello @comitzuu
What browser are you using?
It seems that the captcha images only display on FF :-(
thank youHello @comitzuu and thank you
First open your footer.php and search for the line:
echo "<nav class='sub_menu_socket' ".avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'nav', 'echo' => false)).">";
Just above this line, add this:
$social_args = array('outside'=>'ul', 'inside'=>'li', 'append' => ''); echo avia_social_media_icons($social_args);
Next, CSS:
#socket .copyright {line-height:32px !important;} #socket .social_bookmarks {display: inline-block !important; margin-left: 20px !important;} #socket .social_bookmarks li {border:none !important;} #socket .social_bookmarks li a {border-radius: 100px; font-size: 20px !important;}
If you do no want social icons in the header, just go to Enfold option: Header Layout / Extra elements / Header Social Icons and select “No social icons”.
July 20, 2014 at 12:38 pm in reply to: remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize'); do not work with share social button #293604Hello Dude
You are right, I tried on another fresh Enfold site and it works.2.9.2 version? I only know 2.9.1… It’s new?
July 20, 2014 at 10:54 am in reply to: Fullscreen slider and anchor #next-section with header transparent or not #293589Hello @Kattac
Thanks for the tips, it works BUT it also target Chrome :-(
.avia-ipad is a class you have had to the fullscreen slider ?July 20, 2014 at 9:52 am in reply to: remove_filter('the_title', 'wptexturize'); do not work with share social button #293579Hi @Josue
Sorry but it do nothing…
I give you another URL with more special french special characters:
The title of the post is: Bonjour c’est l’été…
The sharing give : Bonjour c & r s q u o ;est l & r s q u o ; été& # 8 2 3 0 ;> I try to add your fix both a the top or bottom of my function.php
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by
This reply has been marked as private.oupsss!
I know the culprit:
add_action( 'init', 'stop_heartbeat', 1 ); function stop_heartbeat() { wp_deregister_script('heartbeat'); }
It’s a function wich was supposed to remove and accelerate WordPress backoffice.
It was not add by me, i’m not alone on this server…So, so, sorry
It seems that for the featured image Enfold add the post title to the A tag, but Enfold has removed the Title tag of the image:
<a class="lightbox-added" href="" title="Composez votre univers avec Cuisines & Créations"> <img src="" class="attachment-entry_with_sidebar wp-post-image" alt="Composition Häcker - Cuisines & Créations, concepteur de cuisines Häcker (Lyon 3ème)" height="321" width="845"
ah okey… this:
titleSrc: function(item){ var title = item.el.attr('title'); if(!title) title = item.el.find('img').attr('title'); if(typeof title == "undefined") return ""; return title; }
also apply to images within the post?
So, how to have the feature image title to be displayed in the lightbox ? because it takes the post titlethank you
Excuse me if I do not make an answer now because I just ugrade to last enfold version, go to a page with images, click on an image, the new lightbox show up but with no title below?
Please go to:
The first one (the feature image show the post title, ok I know why) but the two others do not show any title. Both have Title,Alt and description tags…updated and no change…
I would like to update to 2.9.2…Yes :)
Change the date
In the image below, if I click on ” modifier “, nothing happen, only the URL change to /wp-admin/post.php?post=4732&action=edit#edit_timestamp
Add/choose a tag
In the image below, if I click on ” Choisir parmi les… “, nothing happen, (only the URL change to/wp-admin/post.php?post=4732&action=edit#titlediv
thank you
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by
Hello @Josue
Ok i’ll do that, but it will only fix the issue with the image title but what about: ?
No news about an Enfold update to correct those image title issues withtout any JS fix and to correct: you
July 15, 2014 at 8:40 am in reply to: Fullscreen slider and anchor #next-section with header transparent or not #291437July 14, 2014 at 3:16 pm in reply to: New Glassy header do not work with custome header size #291095Thank you @Yigit it works, but it seem to be an Enfold bug, isn’t it? It should work without any CSS fix, don’t you think?
July 13, 2014 at 8:01 am in reply to: New Glassy header do not work with custome header size #290739This reply has been marked as private.Ok Dude, nothing about the new Enfold lightbox: ?
Sorry but I do not want to use this, event it if works…, my authors are not webmasters, the just want an image that is displayed with the size they have choosen… It’s an Enfold issue that, in my opinion, have to be corrected.And, as said @dubyajay, ” The featured image shows the title of the article as the caption.” please correct this too.
It’s not usefull to have an image wichh display the post title.
Those images may contains important informations that we want to be displayed to visitors.I will not upgrade to this 2.9 version and do not want to apply any JS patch, I prefer to wait that all those little bugs to be solved :)
Thanks a lot.
1/ No… I do not link to the thumbnail version of the image… I choose the full size version:
It’s Enfold that do that code:<a class="avia_image lightbox-added" href=""
2/ Well i’ll wait for an update that should comme soon, isn’t it ?
Devin, just said:
“I’ll go ahead and close this one since any fix will be pushed out on ThemeForest.““is simply better handled by any dedicated form plugin.”
Yes, it’s Contact Form DB, but this plugin needs that the Ajax post values to be well encoded ;-)
I do that, but I really don’t like to modify Enfold Cord fields -
This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by