Forum Replies Created
#top div .avia-gallery img { width: auto !important}
Oks will use the first .. since it does not deconfigure the new entrances ..
With the second code the new entries are left with much padding center of the content .. of the galleryA greeting
Hi, Thanks for the info, I’ll try it, and I’ll confirm if this oks ..
and I’m uploading the beta .. thank you very much ..Oks, thanks … but equally the problem is not solved ..
Our Gallery configuration .. is Miniatures + Portfolio 495×400 + 5 Columns.But with your change it shows it in two columns and I think that maximum size ..
If it can be a temporary solution .. and wait for future great update ..
You can check the CCS so we can have the old entries of the Custom Post Type Inhabitants. can ffcionar with normality ..
Thank you..Hello, eh rename the folder of / wp-content / themes / enfold / by enfold.old and I discarded from my ThemeForest account a new copy .. and decompiled in my pc zip and uploaded to the server .. zip and decompimido in my hosting .. and the problem persists ..
But as I said before if I create a new entry in Custom Post type with the gallery element is created correctly …
Hosting says that everything is all Oks.
I think the problem is in ThemeForest ..
You can review it .. Thanks ..
Hi thanks..
It’s already done I downloaded the theme yesterday afternoon ..
and I’ve uploaded it to ftp .. but I’m going to throw away a copy and I tell you ..This reply has been marked as private.I think you have some beta of the next version.
can you give me the update .. Thanks ..
A greetingSolved with a code provided in the Topic Documentation page. Thank you.
Solucionado.. Gracias
December 10, 2018 at 5:03 pm in reply to: General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data Changes in updating. #1043170Podes Marcar como Solventado..
December 9, 2018 at 6:55 pm in reply to: Sin Boton de Editor avanzado en CPT Gutenberg WP 5.0 #1042786Ok Muchas Gracias, Quedo a espera de tus noticias.
Ok Thank you very much, I am waiting for your news.December 9, 2018 at 2:54 pm in reply to: Sin Boton de Editor avanzado en CPT Gutenberg WP 5.0 #1042742Oks Sin Problemas:
Custom Post Type:
Post del Custom Post Type:
Post: Oks
Snippets para habilitar el editor avandado en Custom Post Type:
December 9, 2018 at 1:35 pm in reply to: Sin Boton de Editor avanzado en CPT Gutenberg WP 5.0 #1042734Sin problemas os dejo los datos solicitados:
December 8, 2018 at 7:55 pm in reply to: Sin Boton de Editor avanzado en CPT Gutenberg WP 5.0 #1042536Gracias por adelantado..
Hola Gracias Mike
Veo que el funcionamiento es el siguiente: Añado el codigo CCS que me a enviado para cambiar el logo de la web social por el mio.. mediante una imagen,
#top .social_bookmarks li.social_bookmarks_rss a:before { background: url( center center no-repeat; background-size: contain; }
Pero realmente lo que yo necesito no es sustituir los logos por defectos me gustan tal y como están por defecto.. en Enfold Theme> Perfiles sociales>
Lo que yo necesito es añadir un icono mas que no esta en la lista.. por ejemplo por ejemplo el Icono del un periódico o otra enpresa como google y poder añadir el enlace a la web del periodico o al buscador..
Hay alguna Manera de poder
Si tiene tiene que ser como el código que me has enviado como añado el mismo y como cambio el nombre a mostar cuando paso el raron por le mismo: el nombre del Icono.. en este caso SKYPE
#top .social_bookmarks li.social_bookmarks_Skype a:before { background: url( center center no-repeat; background-size: contain; }
Como puedo hacer para renombar el nombre del Icono..
Ya que el nombre del Icono esta pode defecto en el tema, si selecciono por ejemplo el de Skye.. y añades la url de para que valla a esta web:
No se si esta bien Explicado..
Si necesitas un video te lo explico bien con el mismo..
Un Saludo
Siii Ya se que enfold tiene redes sociales por defectos.. la necesidad que necesito es poder añadir otros iconos de otras web o empresas
ya sen bien con el icono que me envian y poder enlazarlo a esta pagina del perfil que tengo con ellos. Ya..Estado mirando el enlace que me a pasado en en otro dentro del hilo y me lo eh leido pero no se como aplicarlo ya necesito añadir el Icono como imagen puedes darme el codigo.. Gracias,
Un Saludo
Hola Buenas tardes… Voy a echar un vistazo a la infor para ver si puedo hacerlo yo.. pero me surgen dudas si se puede añadir iconos como elde red social de microdonativos
No esta en
y tengo un par de redes o paginas que necesito añadir de servicios externos.. que me gustaria poder añadir..
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by
Hola Buenos dias..
Si por supuesto esto esto es lo que necesito.. quiero añadir mas iconos en mi web, ya que necesito añadir Redes Sociales y paginas externas….. y que figure el icono en la misma.. barra de redes sociales..
Un Saludo
OK Thank you very much .. I imagine it is not covered by the support.
But asking is no more!
I have found some Snippets, which I think help me with the problem and other elements that I need to do by hand in the configuration of the theme. with the template
advanced .. that you can get to logarGreetings and thank you.
Hello, Sii without problems … I need to show the elements indicated in the publications that I made with the Advanced Ediror template. Thank you.
Solved, If you accept HtML I do not know why the reason for pasting did not maintain the format for today solved .. Thanks
May 10, 2018 at 9:12 pm in reply to: General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data Changes in updating. #954883Oks Perfect, I imagine for a few days before the 25th is published .. Thank you for the great effort to adapt the entire template .. for the new regulation ..
A greeting … I am waiting for your news,
You can close the case, thank you for your time ..
Thanks Nike
I’m left with the user experience and did not buy these two plugins. I do not waste the money.There are some Plugins that have experience and work well with your subject …..
If there is no or you do not connect … I beg you to close the thread of the post
Thank you.
April 26, 2018 at 5:53 pm in reply to: does not show the custom post type in this version 4.3 It is very urgent #947372Hello good afternoon
I think it’s solved with this .. post .. Thank you for your time ..
You can close case .. Thank you very much ..
April 26, 2018 at 5:53 pm in reply to: does not show the custom post type in this version 4.3 It is very urgent #947371Hello good afternoon
I think it’s solved with this .. post .. Thank you for your time ..
You can close case .. Thank you very much ..
April 26, 2018 at 4:57 pm in reply to: does not show the custom post type in this version 4.3 It is very urgent #947351it is very urgent….it is very urgent.
April 25, 2018 at 8:09 pm in reply to: does not show the custom post type in this version 4.3 It is very urgent #946822it is very urgent
This reply has been marked as private.April 25, 2018 at 11:16 am in reply to: does not show the custom post type in this version 4.3 It is very urgent #946517I have added this code added to the son in functions .php and along with the modification of the previous lines it worked for me
/* Añadir Entradas Personalizadas a WordPress*/ add_filter('avf_builder_boxes', 'add_builder_to_posttype'); function add_builder_to_posttype($metabox) { foreach($metabox as &$meta) { if($meta['id'] == 'avia_builder' || $meta['id'] == 'layout') { $meta['page'][] = 'productoras,actor,peliculas'; /*instead add the name of the custom post type here*/ } } return $metabox; }
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by