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  • Hi Yigit,
    thanks a lot, it worked I already tried changing the z-index but I couldn’t figure out the right selector. It now works as it should. You can mark this as resolved.


    you are always fixing the wrong section ;) The “Luftaufnahmen (#luft_video)” Section worked great before there was enough space but its the “Hochzeit (#hochzeit_gallery”)” that is not working.
    For the sake of clarity I removed everything but this part from the page it looks like it should but the button is not clickable. And even the lower 1/10 of the images in the masonry gallery is overlapped (the hover effect is not working on that part).

    Hi Yigit,

    I checked the test-page and it has the same issue with this button:

    View post on

    The Facebook Button below the Like!.
    I think I could add a spacer below the button and move the diagonal border so low that the box doesn’t overlap the button anymore but that doesn’t look very good.

    in reply to: Highlight toplevel menu item if "child" page is selected #809140

    Thanks a lot, it works flawless with the code above.

    in reply to: Fixed background image juddering on scroll in IE #807125

    It happens wit all versions of the IE up to the latest if you use the scrollwheel and have enabled smooth scrolling.

    No, problem I added it to the private section.

    Sure, no problem I will figure it out on my own. I was just under the impression that almost the exact same functionality exists in enfold in form of a gallery that shows only one picture and on click displays a lightbox to navigate through that gallery. I just thought there would be an easy way to trigger that behavior on a button click instead of a image click.

    Thanks for your time.

    in reply to: WP_ADIMN ERRORS #806426

    I was just investigating slow uploads with the WP-LR Sync plugin and installed “query monitor” too. And I get the same errors:

    Gestörte Abhängigkeiten	avia_tab_section_js	
    avia_builder_js (fehlend)
    avia_modal_js (fehlend)
    avia_modal_js (fehlend)
    avia_modal_js (fehlend)
    avia_element_js (fehlend)

    Sorry for the german localization. I’m not sure if I should worry about that.


    I got it to “work” at least it now does what it should, but the code is really a mess. I currently use the following in my function.php:

    function fs_magnific_popup(){
      $(window).load(function() {
          items: [
            { src: '' },
            { src: '' }
          gallery: {
            enabled: true
          mainClass: 'avia-popup mfp-zoom-in mfp-image-loaded',
          type: 'image'
    add_action('wp_footer', 'fs_magnific_popup');

    This looks ugly as I know would have to add a new function to my function.php for every gallery I want to show. I hope you have a better solution to achieve what I want. The trick I was missing was mainClass: ‘avia-popup mfp-zoom-in mfp-image-loaded’.
    I had to manually assign the mfp-image-loaded class to make the image show.

    in reply to: Fixed background image juddering on scroll in IE #805450

    Yes and no the fixed background stuttering is fixed by the setting but this is on the user side, so it is no real fix as I can not change the IE settings of all my visitors. I really can’t belive that we are the first ones to notice that.

    I added a temporary admin account with the details below.

    No I dont use ajax to get the images currently I just added the following to my functions.php in my child theme

    function fs_magnific_popup(){
      $(window).load(function() {
          items: {
            src: '{fqdn replaced}wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hund-sonnenbrille-1500x996.jpg'
          gallery: {
            enabled: true
          mainClass: 'avia-popup mfp-zoom-in',
          type: 'image'

    and gave the button the class fs-haustier-shooting-button. If that works I was going to add more images to the functions.php. I know that this doesn’t look very clean and I’m happy for other suggestions how to solve that.

    in reply to: Fixed background image juddering on scroll in IE #804197


    DO you have any active cache software?

    No I disabled all caching during development server-side and WordPress wise.
    Other enfold demos using the parallax effect have the same bug. I don’t know why enfold-creative-studio one does not show the error.
    Do you have any idea how to work around this or do I have to live with the fact that the page will look ugly for Internet Explorer users?

    // EDIT
    To add some more information, the demo at for example shows the “bug” in the fixed background section.
    And I correct my self the enfold-creative-studio shows the bug in the fixed background section too. This can be resolved by disabling smooth scrolling in the IE settings on the user side (that’s what I did and forgot about) but disabling smooth scrolling makes parallax sections look even worse. Any help is appreciated.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by nyloc. Reason: More information

    Sure I added it to the private section.

    in reply to: Fixed background image juddering on scroll in IE #802963

    Hi, we have exactly the same Problem here.
    // EDIT
    I found a reference of this beeing a IE bug,

    But it seems in your demo at:
    You somehow worked around that issue.

    I’m happy for any hint you can give us.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by nyloc. Reason: Additional Information
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