Forum Replies Created
Yes Guenni, I could fix it. You shouldn’t use a plugin when you can do the same with the code.
I deactivate the svg support plugin and then it works. Now I have add a code snippet to my function.php.WP 5.6 hab ich noch nicht installiert
Caching Tools laufen keineWenn ich den Schnipsel so ins Qucick CSS einbinde:
.dblau { color: red !important }
dann geht es, wenn ich important weg lasse, haut es nicht hin.
mit deinen ersten ausführungen zu main_color konnte ich leider nichts anfangen.
.main_color h3
versuch also mal ob
h5.gelb etc nicht zum Ziel führtHallo Guenni007,
mir war schon klar wo du meintest, dass ich schauen soll.
Aber nein, hier sind keine individuellen Formatierungen eingetragen.
Ich hab jetzt jedem Text individuell Farbe über das Block-Element zugewiesen.Also nachdem ich mein Quick CSS neu befüllen musste (so ein Mist verdammter) spricht die Farbe immer noch nicht an. Ich muss immer noch die Farbe über das Objekt individuell definieren.
Oh verdammt, jetzt hab ich auf RESET gedrückt. Mist Mist Mist
This reply has been marked as private.Now it workx, I paste the code
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
in the costum.cssand than I change the h1 tag with the Quick CSS Tool in Enfold.
Hello again,
? in the reply #1255116 fivepixels wrote a manual to “Installing Adobe fonts to work with enfold”.
I understand the text so that i can implement my own adobe fonts in enfold. Did I get something wrong?
I thought fivepixels does the same with his freight sans.What do you mean with filter?
My php knowlegde is not so good.
I can see the function add_filter in the code from fivepixels but I thought it is to add new fonts to the enfold list.OK I look at the 2 links from you and than I test it.
Hello? Is there anybody who can help me / us?
I tried 2 of the font integration plugins, but they didn’t work with enfold.
If I must change the code, not only with quick css, rather in the php I will do this.Hello Fivepixels,
can you tell me, where can I see the new Adobe Fonts? I think, i see the fonts at the Backend – Enfold – General Styling – register fonts.
But there is no Adobe Font now. I go to Design – Theme-Editor and choose the funtions-enfold.php and at the end I add my Code.
When I tried to change the functions.php then the whole system breaks down, so I think the functions-enfold.php is the right file to add the code./* Adobe typekit font */ add_action( 'init', 'enfold_customization_switch_fonts' ); function enfold_customization_switch_fonts() { global $avia; $avia->style->print_extra_output = false; } add_filter( 'avf_google_heading_font', 'avia_add_heading_font'); function avia_add_heading_font($fonts) { $fonts['JAF Domus100'] = 'jaf-domus:100'; $fonts['JAF Domus200'] = 'jaf-domus:200'; $fonts['JAF Domus300'] = 'jaf-domus:300'; $fonts['JAF Domus400'] = 'jaf-domus:400'; $fonts['JAF Domus500'] = 'jaf-domus:500'; $fonts['JAF Domus600'] = 'jaf-domus:600'; $fonts['JAF Domus700'] = 'jaf-domus:700'; $fonts['JAF Domus800'] = 'jaf-domus:800'; return $fonts; } add_filter( 'avf_google_content_font', 'avia_add_content_font'); function avia_add_content_font($fonts) { $fonts['JAF Domus100'] = 'jaf-domus:100'; $fonts['JAF Domus200'] = 'jaf-domus:200'; $fonts['JAF Domus300'] = 'jaf-domus:300'; $fonts['JAF Domus400'] = 'jaf-domus:400'; $fonts['JAF Domus500'] = 'jaf-domus:500'; $fonts['JAF Domus600'] = 'jaf-domus:600'; $fonts['JAF Domus700'] = 'jaf-domus:700'; $fonts['JAF Domus800'] = 'jaf-domus:800'; return $fonts; } add_filter( 'wp_head', 'enfold_customization_add_scripts' ); function enfold_customization_add_scripts(){ ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> <?php }
Is this not right? I only chance the font-name.
Yes the fonts is activated and they works, you can see it here: you tell me, why I don’t see the new Adobe Fonts?
Thx a lot
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
Hello again,
what I mean is, when I use your code 1:1 than I get a svg logo that is veritcal center but 100% height.
Thats not what I want. So I tried it with changing the height: 100%; to 50%,
but then the logo went to the left border – not so good.
My second step was to change the background-size: 50vw; to 30vw,
and now the logo is center/center horicontal/vertical.
At the desktop it looks perfect, at the smartphone not so – its to small, but its ok.Or what else can I do? Can you understand what I mean, otherwise I must write it in german.
floHello, I think we can close the thread.
I have found a thread with this problem: and it works.thx
floMmh, yes, no, partially.
When I use the css snippet, than the svg is showing at the slider.
But not in the center/center of the slider.
The svg is 100% height. And when I change it to 50% height than the svg is in the left top of the slider.
You can see what I mean.
I think I can remember, is this not a everytime problem of css – to center a graphic in the horizontal?Hello again,
here is my page:
You can see what I mean, the logo at the top slider is not really good quality (save @ photoshop for web @65% as a jpg – 250kb)
Tell me, what should I do?Hey,
you are perfect – wonderful – it workx.
Thanks a lot
FloHaha, perfect. It looks great.
The funny thing is, that I saw this theme yesterday an I thought to myself which module is being used.Is there any way to see how it works in the demos (or also in the public themes)?
Maybe in the code?Thanks a lot
FloSeptember 21, 2016 at 6:28 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery – center horizontally and vertically #689620Hello Andy,
here is the Link zu my site:
and hier is the admin login:
September 16, 2016 at 10:19 am in reply to: Masonry Gallery – center horizontally and vertically #687365Hello Ismael,
I can’t find the right settings for the “centered overlay”.
Here the screenie of the masorny gallery settings at the site element.
and here the screnie of the quick css field at the enfold styling site.
that quick css changes nothing.
Andy – u are the best mod of the world :-) Hehe I do my very best a long time to optimize the masonry Gallery – nothing workx. Now I only Chance the cropping size @ the plugin and reload the pix and it workx! the pix are sharp and brilliant! wonderful. thank you.
Hallo Rikard,
thank u for your reply.
You can see I installed the pluings Sharpen Resized Images and Renenerate Thumbnails.
Now the picutres on the frontpage are sharper but the are trashed – in german I will say “Die Bilder sind kaputt scharf gezeichnet.”
I only want, that the pictures in the galery look the pictures that I upload – in every responsive size.
Here is my admin login for you…But, when I use a child theme – what’s the meaning of delete the main theme?
Delete all the files? Mmmh – that’s not so easy, because you can see thats a child theme and I’m not the creater of this child theme – I only have takeover this System.
Hello Ismael,
yes thats correct – but I told you that the problem came with the usage of the “Spezielle Überschrift”.
Wenn I add this “Spezielle Überschrift” in your Farb-Sektion and than I update the page I get the bug.
What browser do you use? I use Chrome , Firefox and the IE 11 on different Clients – everywhere the same problem.Here some new screenies, you can see the text block you have added. Than I add some other stuff, lines and pictures. No problem so long.
But than, I added a “Spezielle Überschrift” and the bug is inside!
So, I have checked the htaccess prompt. The prompt is the same user/password as the backend.
Ah you mean the htaccess promt? Ok – so I must look how can I give you that login.
Hello Ismael,
what do you mean with “We need authentication in order to access the dashboard.”?
I give you the login data an so you can go to my backend and to my dashboard as well.
What kind of authentication do you need from me?I don’t use any kind of html tags at this part of the site.
I only use the Enfold Site-contents like “Text-Block” and “Spezielle Überschrift”.Hallo noch mal,
anbei 2 Screenies wie gewünscht. Ich habe ja schon mal erklärt, ich gehe ins BackEnd – Seiten – wähle eine Unterseite aus, bei der ich neuen Seiteninhalt einfügen möchte (z.B. Der Veitsberg). Dann setze ich eine Farb-Section und darein ein Text-Block. Aktualisiere das – passt noch alles. Setze eine “Spezielle Überschrift” rein, aktualisiere wieder und “alles” zerschießt sich. Der ursprüngliche Text ist weg, dafür ist ein neues Seitenelement da mit [/av_section] drin stehend. Heilen kann ich das ganze nur, wenn ich die alten Revisionen benutze.
Bitte schaut euch das mal an.Grüße
FloHallo Andy,
wie bzw. wohin soll ich euch denn den Admin Zugang schicken?
Hallo Andy,
wie du schon aus anderen Threads bemerkt hast, bin ich schon länger wieder aus dem Urlaub zurück.
Kann ich dir jetzt mal einen Admin Zugang zu der Seite anlegen damit du dir mal das BackEnd anschauen kannst?
Der Fehler besteht nämlich immer noch!Grüße
FloDecember 16, 2015 at 4:34 pm in reply to: Bildqualität – deutliche Komprimierungsartefakte und Detailverlust #553800Hi Andy,
du warst bei mir auf der Seite?
Und du siehst da unten bei den 4 Kacheln (Masonry Galery) keine Fragmente im Bild???Ich hab dir mal ein Screenie von mir hochgeladen:
Man kann doch da ganz klar erkennen, dass das Gruppenbild (rechts oben) und das Fahrzeugbild (links unten)
total vermatscht werden. Wenn ich mir die original Bilder anschaue:
sind die gestochen scharf.Ich hab mir auch mal die function.php angeschaut und auch die Zeile gefunden
Zeile 125 `$avia_config[‘imgSize’][‘masonry’] = array(‘width’=>705, ‘height’=>705 , ‘crop’ => false); // images for fullscreen masonry
Mir ist aber nicht klar, was ich da jetzt anderes rein schreiben soll? crop “false” ist doch richtig.
Ich kenne crop von einer Kamera oder von Photoshop, d.h. einen Bildausschnitt wählen.
Aber das brauche ich ja nicht, ich möchte, dass die Bilder die ich hochlade in die Mediathek nicht durch
intern noch mal runter gerechnet werden. -
This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by