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  • in reply to: Contact Form not working #1161104

    After some testing and editing I would like to add:

    First I had 4 Forms on 4 pages set up. 3 of them worked well. Only the one on the home site didn’t sent any messages, not even errors. I tried to use the Plugin Contact form 7 but still no success on the home site.

    For now I removed the contact form on the home site, but would like to have it there as well.

    in reply to: How can I add fonts with a subscription? #1159154

    Thank you Nikko,

    I put the Code above in its place (and added a ?> in the end), but it still dosen’t work.

    Any further recommendations?
    Below in the private content you can see the complete content of my child themes functions.php


    in reply to: Error after theme update #1086479

    Dear Vinay,

    thank you for your response.

    I followed all your recommendations. But still, the original site isn’t displayed (only the menu bar).

    I decided to create a new page and fill it with content, with the intent to create a duplicate, because I’m losing hope that restoring the original site will work out.

    Strange errors occur:
    – color sections and content below color sections are not displayed
    – there is no scrolling bar/possibility when the site is filled with more content (of any kind)

    The original site starts with a color section. Might there be a hint to solve all this?

    Please find links and support login in the private content below.


    in reply to: Error after theme update #1082637

    Hello Victoria,

    via the hosting company I did a php version update, so the back in wordpress shows everything correctly again, also the content. But the site isn’t displayed correctly still.

    The hosting company advised me to deactivate the advanced layout builder, because it is causing trouble. So I created a page without the advanced layout builder, and it worked.

    How should I proceed? Without the advanced layout builder I can’t use many of the Enfold features…

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1079047

    Hello Victoria,

    what does this mean?

    Do you tell me, that after 20 days working on this thread, you are not responsible and therefore quit the support?

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1078264

    Hello Victoria,

    thank you for your reply.

    No, it’s not ok! The website isn’t displayed correctly (there should be video, text and photo content). Please help yourself and have a look.

    I don’t see any progress here. Is the content of the debug.log file to any use for you?

    How should I proceed?

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1077248

    Hello Victoria,

    thank you for your answer. I did as recommended.

    The content inside de debug.log is listed below in the private section.

    Whats next?

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1075495

    Hello Basillis,

    the error is displayed on the site (please find link below in private content).

    I’m looking forward to receive significant support, the site is down for almost 2 weeks now …

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1074246

    Hello Victoria,

    thank you for your message.

    The page wasn’t blank, but white. In the header the white menu items were displayed in white.

    Anyway, I deleted the other Enfold version and activated the error log via an alternation of the wp-config.php file.

    An error is displayed now, but I don’t know how to proceed.

    Best regards,

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1072218

    Thank you Victoria,

    I did as recommended and the outcome isn’t satisfying. The (white) menu is displayed and the rest is unaccessible.

    How can this be solved?

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1071174

    Hello again,

    yes, I just looked up the correct number in version.txt 4.5.4 is up now.

    The warning isn’t showing now, when I refresh the page (the Logo and Menu are white and displayed).

    In the backend the following error messages appear:

    Warning: include(/homepages/33/d486939350/htdocs/app581282422/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/wp/actions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/33/d486939350/htdocs/app581282422/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php on line 74

    Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/homepages/33/d486939350/htdocs/app581282422/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/wp/actions.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php7.0′) in /homepages/33/d486939350/htdocs/app581282422/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php on line 74

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/33/d486939350/htdocs/app581282422/wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/layerslider.php:74) in /homepages/33/d486939350/htdocs/app581282422/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1144

    in reply to: Error after theme update #1071169

    Dear Michael,

    thank you for getting back to me, you are right, I just overwrite the old theme folder.

    So I did as recommended (deleting the old enfold folder and placing the new one with enfold 4.4) and a new warning/error occurs.

    Do you have further ideas how to get the site up and running again?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Menu (and burger) are missing in mobile #891122

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Menu (and burger) are missing in mobile #890917

    Sure, here you go Rikard!

    in reply to: How to deal with fatal error? #844099

    Thank you for your qick response Yigit!
    One question before I go for it: will the websites content/design be influenced by the theme update?

    in reply to: accordion element in footer? #767080

    Excellent, thank you John!

    in reply to: Some Color Section content is not displayed #655573


    it’s me gain, it seems the same problem occurs in IE as well.

    I’m looking forward to your advice!


    in reply to: WooCommerce Übersetzung #631278

    Danke Andy,
    dazu noch eine Frage: gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit außer das Programm Poedit zu nutzen?

    in reply to: WooCommerce Übersetzung #631269

    Hi Andy,

    danke für den Hinweis, ich habe mir das Programm genau vorgenommen und die neue .po Datei sowie die automatisch generierte .mo Datei via FTP ersetzt. Trotzdem wurden die Änderungen nicht übernommen.

    Welche anderen Möglichkeiten gibt es um die Übersetzung zu Laufen zu bringen?

    Danke und Gruß zurück,

    in reply to: WooCommerce Übersetzung #629330

    Hi Andy,

    danke für die Rückmeldung. Ich habe mir mit dem Programm Podest die Datei de_DE.po (wp_content>themes>enfold>lang) angesehen. Die betreffenden Text Strings sind in dieser Datei bereits erfolgreich ins Deutsche übersetzt. Die Übersetzung wird jedoch trotzdem nicht angezeigt.

    Gruß zurück,

    in reply to: Fragen zur Enfold-Produktdarstellung mit WooCommerce #628197

    Hi Andy,

    vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich eine andere Lösung für diese Frage gefunden.

    in reply to: Fragen zur Enfold-Produktdarstellung mit WooCommerce #623959

    Hi Andy,

    danke für die Rückmeldung, der CSS Code erfüllt seinen Zweck bei der 2. Frage, vielen Dank.

    Die meisten Teile meiner Anfrage konnte ich lösen, jedoch bleibt noch Frage Nr. 6 offen.
    Kann es sein, dass das Styling der Enfold Tabelle in der ersten Spalte so schmal ist, dass die Mengeneingabe nicht sichtbar/möglich ist?

    Gruß zurück,

    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #616191

    Dear Ismael,

    thank you for your message, that really helped. It CSS Code was overruled by another adaption and the two seem to had a conflict.


    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #613698

    Hi Ismael,

    thank you! I tried it, but den Logo is still at the same position. Any further ideas how to fix this?


    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #612116

    Hi Andy,

    thank you for this tip, still it doesn’t work. Do you have any other ideas how to fix this?


    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #610205

    Hi Vinay,

    thank you for your response. I added the css code, but it dos not do the trick.

    Any other suggestions?


    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #610141

    Hi Vinnie,

    thank you for your reply! This works great for the mobile view – just as intended.

    Is there a way to horizontally and vertically center the logo for the desktop view of the site?


    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #608759

    @begrafiks: thank you, the logo is centered for mobil view.

    , I would like to enlarge the logo for mobil view around 30 %. And display it on a layer above the slider (similar to the desktop view) How could that work?

    Additionally this part of my original request is still open:
    Is there a way to center the logo horizontally and vertically on a layer above the slider (for desktop and mobile view)?


    in reply to: Logo position, transparent header #608466

    Dear begrafiks,

    thank you for your reply. On mobile devices the logo is now kind of in the middle, but not really, and my question concerning the repositioning for Desktop view is still unanswered. Any more ideas?


    in reply to: Portfolio categories don't appear as filter option #530360


    I flushed the permalinks – now it’s working.

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