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  • in reply to: Google maps API not working … #1015256

    Hi Ismael,

    I had put the API key in the theme’s Google Services panel – several times yesterday – & tried creating different API’s – strange in the end nothing got saved…perhaps the last tab I closed did not have this saved.?!

    Today I have tried to set up the Goole maps service in the website and another website on another hosting platform

    On both sites, I get the “Could not connect to Google Maps with this API Key” Troubleshooting text…..
    Check if you typed the key correctly.
    If you use the restriction setting on Google try to remove that, wait a few minutes for google to apply your changes and then check again if the key works here.
    If it does, you probably have a syntax error in your referrer url
    If none of this helps: deactivate all plugins and then check if the API works by using the button above. If thats the case then one of your plugins is interfering.

    I will be grateful if you have any suggestions, I have enabled billing with Google and tried with and without restriction settings.

    Many thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Enfold update error #1006591

    Thanks very much Mike.
    This is very helpful to know.

    in reply to: Enfold update error #1006535

    Thanks Mike.
    This advice has put that website back up.
    I have a number of Enfold themes on various websites, should I wait a while before trying to update via WordPress do you have any suggestions on this?


    Thanks Ismael.


    There seem to have been some confusion within this chain, and I am still trying to resolve a language translation to do with the Enfold Php posts area…the items “You might also like” and “share this entry”

    Please refer back to REPLY: 983821

    I have installed Polylang but unfortunately, I am not finding where or how I can edit the particular text items in question.
    I would rather not use a language plugin as I only need three items translated.
    In the past, I have found the PHP file (to do with posts/blog functionality) and manually changed these particular text items.
    Any chance you can advise me as to where the particular file resides in the new Enfold structure

    Many thanks


    Please refer back to REPLY: 983821

    I have installed Polylang but unfortunately, I am not finding where or how I can edit the particular text items in question.

    In the past I have found the php file (to do with posts/blog layout) and manually changed these particular text items.

    Please see the text items from this link…

    Many thanks for your advice.


    in reply to: Enfold not detecting theme updates #983049

    Hi Rikard,

    I have forwarded this address to the web hosts and they say this is not being blocked.

    I have uploaded the latest version of Enfold manually via the ftp rather than through WordPress, this seems to have worked fine.
    I guess this is the right way to go?


    in reply to: Enfold not detecting theme updates #982008

    Hi Rikard,

    Thank you for your advice I have taken this up with the host and this was the reply.

    There might be a blockade like they said.

    We find these errors
    [06-Jul-2018 08:17:03 UTC] PHP Warning: include(/storage/content/59/3000459/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /storage/content/59/3000459/ on line 426

    [06-Jul-2018 08:17:03 UTC] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening ‘/storage/content/59/3000459/’ for inclusion
    (include_path=’.:/usr/local/php72/lib/php:/storage/content/59/3000459/pear/php’) in /storage/content/59/3000459/ on line 426

    Could we get an IP or address Envato uses for these updates so we can check our firewalls?
    Do you have access to this information?

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Change language in Posts area #703154

    Great Thanks!

    in reply to: Change language in Posts area #701714

    Hi Rikard,

    Please note I am note using a language plugin.
    Please note the WordPress Language setting is in Swedish, this will change some translation items needed (such as date in of a post & the read more text) however I think certain items are specific to the theme such as with the “Share this entry” the social media area and the more posts section “You might also like”.

    See an example of a posts page

    I remember last autumn when I set this page up I went into a php file in the Editor section in WordPress and manually translated the particular words or phrases. I have had a long look for the php file but have not yet found it, I wonder if you could give me the name of this file. And furthermore if you might have any better tips on how when I update a theme I could not loose these settings, maybe something I have to repeat each time? I often use your theme with Swedish companies and they often point out this translation area.

    My thanks for you help.


    Hi Vinay,

    Thank you for your advice, the problem has been solved now. I was using Better WordPress Minify a plug-in I have previously been advised to use from your support team. After disconnecting this plug-in the webhosts said there was no longer a problem with Internet Explorer 11 ….they also indicated they might have some kind of minifying function/feature on their servers which could have been creating the conflict. I use Enfold a lot with a number of different webhosts and this is the first time I have encountered this problem. I notice in your link of for recommended plug-ins you do not feature Better WordPress Minify but you do have W3 Total cache which I think does a similar thing…is it better to use this plug-in instead in the future. Furthermore I do not see any particular plug-in that relates to security, which is what I was advised to use by Andy, could you clarify which in the listing you provided offers security features for future reference.

    My thanks


    Hi Andy,

    I see you are suggesting I use a security plugin….which do you suggest?
    If I switch to a default WordPress theme do I loose any Enfold setting when I return to Enfold?

    The support at the web host say they are detecting errors on line 8 and line 385 a missing } and a missing ] bracket. Are you 100% sure Enfold is properly de-bugged with the latest WordPress in Explorer?



    in reply to: Page Speed / Mobile loading Stability #513180

    Thanx Eliott, I installed BWP Minify and yes that does seem to have improved the performance grade at both google page speed insights and pingdom tools. Lets hope that creates more stability for the mobile environment.

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