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  • Hi,

    It may be possible theoretically but can’t tell from a cursory look. At the moment IMO such a customization would be outside the scope of the support team, however you should definately add this to Enfold Feature Request List – – and since you actually have code as opposed to all other suggestions, I am certain that Kriesi will know exactly how it fits into his schedule of enhancements.

    I think it makes sense. Thanks for finding this.


    in reply to: Images in sidebar and them color options #133204


    Why dont you just use the enhanced text widget and add the html code directly into it linking to whatever images you want and adding css right into the widget inline as well?



    in reply to: Target CSS to blog index & posts only #133386


    Thanks for sharing that,.. We appreciate it!

    Enjoy the theme!



    in reply to: Liquid on Mobile? #133698


    You need to create media queries for this type of situation whereby on different screen sizes, the css that affects the area changes to make objects conform to the new screen size.

    .avia-section h1 span {
    font-size: .7em;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-section h1 span {
    font-size: .5em;
    position: relative;
    bottom: 20px;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .avia-section h1 span {
    font-size: .3em;
    position: relative;
    bottom: 20px;

    Please add the above code to /css/custom.css OR to quick css located in Enfold > (theme options) Styling Layout… text area on bottom of page.



    in reply to: How to change the color of the post title? #133160


    To change color of the title on the individual blog post, you would use the following css

    #top.single .entry-content {
    color: red;



    in reply to: Moving Page Title Beneath Breadcrumbs #133393


    There probably is a way but it would require multiple templates to be changed in a way that would be seen as downgrading instead of improving them since it would mean stepping away from css and back towards table based design. Sometimes these quirks that become very noticeable to the person staring at the site many hours each day but are not even noticed by most if not all visitors.



    in reply to: Duplicate Portfolio #133672


    1. I am not seeing this on my install. Are you experiencing this only with portfolio items but not with pages?

    2. Yes you can save a page or portfolio item template you made or multiple templates and then load one of them up on a new page and instantly have a clone of the original page.



    in reply to: map shortcode plugin #133518


    I am looking in Chrome at your site and marker is perfectly centered

    Dont forget there is a thick bottom border that makes it seem as if its not centered.



    in reply to: iOS Display Issue #133654


    Please increase memory to 256M



    in reply to: Add Frame/Border to Layout Element #133588


    Yes it is possible to add a border to a layout element on a specific page. Yes css would be the way to do it. Unfortunately without a url and a page there isnt much more I can help with since different versions of the theme, as well as blocks create different css combinations. So we will need to see the specific page in question preferably with the block already on it positioned how you wanted. You can mask the url using if you wish to keep it private from search engines indexing it (though they still will follow it).




    Sorry for the delay, it is my fault.

    The background image can only be used when the theme is in boxed layout. There is no background image in stretched layout. So in a boxed layout a full width slider will not be able to be full width but only as big as the boxed layout. When there is no background image (stretched layout) the layerslider can also stretch fully.

    You can include a background image via css yourself.

    Try adding the css code below to Quick CSS located in Enfold > (Theme Options) > Layout Styling … the text area on the bottom of the page… or you can add the code below to /css/custom.css at the end of the file:

    .bg_container {
    background-image: url(;
    background-position: center center;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    -webkit-background-size: cover;
    -moz-background-size: cover;
    -o-background-size: cover;
    background-size: cover;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 0;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;

    You can use your own image ofcourse.

    And in the backend, set to no background image.



    in reply to: Create slideshow with multiple post images #130637


    Nice design, good job, I like.

    half of your website is http and the other half is https. You need to keep it consistent , all http or all https or website will be slow.


    How did you make that gallery on the bottom? Something is wrong about it. Some images open in lightbox , others dont, and others throw error that there is no image. Have you inserted html to create the gallery? Or have you used the gallery shortcode? How come no tooltips?



    in reply to: Logo Overlapping Main Menu #132776


    Please open /js/avis.js and find line 85 that looks like

    switchWidth 	  = 767;

    and change it to

    switchWidth = 989;



    in reply to: Center text and crop ratio #133459


    The only thing on that page I dont see centered is the Profesjonell fotograf i Fredrikstad og Sarpsborg . The reason why its not centered is the invalid html tags you are using. Please take a look at yours

    <h2 style=""text-align:" center;"="">Profesjonell fotograf i Fredrikstad og Sarpsborg</h2>

    and this is how it should be (correct way)

    <h2 style="text-align: center;">Profesjonell fotograf i Fredrikstad og Sarpsborg</h2>

    You are using wrong html in your portfolio, please clean it out of all the garbage tags you have

    <div class="avia-testimonial-content">
    <h4 style="&quot;text-align:" left;"="">
    Anbefales, topp resultat</h4>
    <p style="text-align: left;">
    Fotograferingsdagen kom endelig, og etter å først å ha kjørt oss bort i Sarpsborg, ble vi møtt av Marius. Førsteinntrykket passet godt med en veldig&nbsp;<strong>
    hyggelig epost</em>
    &nbsp;utveksling for å finne tid og sted. Problem nr. 1 er jo hva skal man ha på seg til en&nbsp;fotografering?? Fikk også her&nbsp;<strong>
    gode råd</em>
    &nbsp;av fotografen.&nbsp;Det ble en&nbsp;<strong>
    artig opplevelse</em>
    &nbsp;å være med på&nbsp;familiefotografering&nbsp;med 2 små viltre krabater som ikke var helt interessert i å høre på verken fotografen, mor eller besteforeldre. Vi opplevde fotografen som&nbsp;<em>
    utrolig tålmodig</strong>
    og <strong>
    &nbsp;og fikk se resultatet noen dager senere – her var det fanget opp&nbsp;<strong>
    mange flotte positurer og ansiktsuttrykk</em>
    &nbsp;både av barn og voksne. Utveksling av bilder mellom oss som kunde og fotografen fungerte veldig bra, i disse elektroniske tider, vi fikk bildene til gjennomsyn, men da dukket problem nr. 2 opp, hvilke 15 bilder skulle velges – det var helt umulig så bestillingen ble mye størren enn først planlagt. Vi fikk ganske kjapt tilbake de redigerte bildene og&nbsp;<strong>
    resultatet er kjempeflott</em>
    , da er vi ved problem nr. 3, hvilke bilder skal forstørres. Hvem skulle tro at en så “enkel” operasjon skulle by på så mye hodebry! Vi klarte å velge ut noen bilder som nå er sendt til forstørring og venter spent på dette resultatet.
    <p style="text-align: left;">
    Med andre ord kan vi ikke annet enn bare&nbsp;<strong>
    anbefale Wallin som fotograf</em>
    , både i forhold til bestillingen, fotograferingen og leveringen, alt til mer eller mindre avtalte tider uten noen særlig forsinkelser enn helligdager i jula.

    Please switch between text and code view and make sure that your html tags open and close and dont overlap.



    in reply to: Stop removing line breaks #133440


    Yes, at the moment it is visible though this is a good suggestion that I recommend you add to the Feature Requests since I dont think I saw that one up there and it makes sense.



    in reply to: Page content missing or broken in browser tests #132383


    My email is usjahm (at) gmail (dot) com



    in reply to: Page content missing or broken in browser tests #132381


    Yeh my bad for structuring my reply in a way I wanted to structure the css article lol. So the tone was not directed at you but at the top10 results on google. I wanted that indignation … in any case…

    Don’t worry about my time. I am gonna write an article up anyhow … <— iconbox

    Do you mean the glyph? The heart and star?

    Or do you mean placing an image inside there.. Really need to see the css and look at it through chrome developer tools. I would guess there is no height set on the image container probably. or the height on the image is smaller than the height on the container and possibly a height set to auto somewhere. Hard to tell without seeing anything.



    in reply to: Page content missing or broken in browser tests #132378


    Sorry, I was being serious. Because I have a ton of problems also finding the right media query for the ipad, and I always wanted to get those sites in top 10 google serp for ipad media queries, whose queries don’t actually work (iphone too). You think I came up with that huge plan spur of the moment? I just figured you got a website and we can do this test and maybe get a nice article write about it. Sorry if it came out differently.

    This is as best as I can figure it out:

    1) There are a number of versions of iPad. Which one are you targeting?

    2) What browser on iPad are you targeting? (if its Safari, it has its own media queries specific to it, and also specific whether ios version is 5 or 6

    3) Retina enabled or no?

    4) What is the dpi?

    Now with these settings we can try to make something that will work, but not for every single iPad (this is my theory) It should work on a specific ipad for which the media query is being built, but it probably will not work on every iPad. (again my theory).

    I don’t have an iPad anymore. (kids , lol) but I can help you as far as I know. I still think this test with 8 pages would get some nice backlinks for you since i haven’t seen a css article like that for media queries.



    in reply to: Highlight a single tab #133383

    Enjoy the theme.



    in reply to: Page content missing or broken in browser tests #132376


    There are 8 versions of ipad media queries according to my count of different CSS websites , written by both gurus and others by spammers who just want their article in top 10 for the keyword, and most of the top 10 results seem to not work correctly. I saw we do a test, of the css media queries, and can get a nice article out of it I think that might just get to the top 10 for the ipad media query keyword.

    But before doing that let’s double check and set this up like this:

    Best way I think to do that would be to create 8 pages, and insert into each page a widget area. To each of the 8 widget areas need to add 8 different custom sidebars. And to each custom sidebar need to add the Enhanced Text Widget ( ) . And paste into each enhanced text widget 1 different media query to test. So this way at the end you will have 8 unique sidebars, each sidebar attached to its own page so that each one has different media queries from different sources.

    I think it would be a killer article.

    Media Queries are tough, especially when trying to target a screen size in portrait or landscape and may require lots of css adjustments. The answer is in those URLs. This is tedious but there is no 1 switch solution for customizing for a specific screen size. Lots and lots of css will have to be tweaked though it is likely to work on some but not all ipads.



    in reply to: Highlight a single tab #133381


    I am sorry. Quick CSS is located in Enfold > (Theme Options) > Layout Styling at the bottom of that page there is a text area.

    Alternately you can add it to /css/custom.css file.

    The demo page shows 6 different tab configurations, so it should work if I guessed the right one you are using.

    This applies to every page that has that type of tabs object on it. If you want to limit the functionality to a specific page, you can add #top.XXX before the css, and replace the xxx by a class found in the <body tag of the html when you view page source. Without seeing the page , I cant help you better than that.

    So that if you view source of the page in a browser where you want the css to act on, and find the body tag, it will look like this

    <body id="top" class="single single-chalet postid-131 stretched helvetica-neue-websave _helvetica_neue ">

    So in this case i would take out postid-131 and then change the css code to

    #top.postid-131 .main_color .tabcontainer .tab_counter_1 {
    color: #F00;



    in reply to: Highlight a single tab #133376


    This css would make the 2nd tab name Red in off position

    .main_color .tabcontainer .tab_counter_1 {
    color: #F00;



    in reply to: How to add captions to gallery thumbs #131705


    Sure I am cropping, but can just as easily set height at 300px and set width at 9999px , so that the aspect ratio remains the same and nothing gets cropped. By definition thumbnails are usually all of similar size. Go to and look how they deal with displaying thumbnails of flag poles (vertical) and happy birthday banners (horizontal).

    The margin in my previous code is what centers them margin 0 auto; but it needs a definitive width to work, you are welcome to play around with it. perhaps try using em instead of px since thats more scalable regarding screen size.

    The way css issues are solved is via Google Chrome Developer Tools. I suggest you watch some youtube videos on how to use those tools built into the Chrome browser, since almost every answer can be found there.

    The css code I provided was the base css code, now you need to add some media queries based on this code and change the pixel width in each one probably. There is a problem with some of your galleries, the lower two, since they remain dim until the end of the page is reached, and that’s when they come alive.

    I made some for you but you need to adjust them. At higher screen sizes the first block behaves badly, and probably may need some separate code in order to drop the width of the two empty columns

    In original code you can try changing 591 to 691, its fine with all other blocks except first one (1/3 1/3 1/3).

    between 990 to 1139px

    @media only screen and (min-width: 990px) and (max-width: 1139px) {
    .avia-gallery-thumb {
    between 768 to 989px

    @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 989px) {
    .avia-gallery-thumb {

    between 480 to 767px

    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
    .avia-gallery-thumb {

    smaller than 480px

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .avia-gallery-thumb {




    Please show a link to the actual page (no screenshots please) so that we can see in the code what’s going on and provide you with a solution.



    in reply to: Page content missing or broken in browser tests #132374


    Please try this

    @media all and (device-width: 768px) and (device-height: 1024px) and (orientation:portrait) {
    /* your css rules for ipad portrait */
    @media all and (device-width: 768px) and (device-height: 1024px) and (orientation:landscape) {
    /* your css rules for ipad landscape */

    there is also this one which includes ipad mini

    /* All iPads Portrait & iPad Mini Landscape */
    @media only screen and ((width:768px) and (resolution:132dpi or resolution:263px)) or ((width:1024px) and (resolution: 163dpi)) {


    /* Only iPad 1 & 2 Portrait & iPad Mini Landscape */
    @media only screen and ((width:768px) and (resolution:132dpi)) or ((width:1024px) and (resolution: 163dpi)) {


    This website provide a lot of variations for ipad and ipad mini for different versions of ipad




    in reply to: Highlight a single tab #133374


    Yes it’s possible. Please provide the page where this is located so that we can give you the css to do it. You would need to use the nth of type css psuedo class



    in reply to: Broken Layout on iOS devices #133247


    Would you include a screenshot please from any of the devices you listed so that we can see what is breaking and how best to solve this.



    in reply to: left Side bar excess free space #126679


    Contact form is assembled from the various templates, and doesnt exist as an individual page. The code that generates the functionality is

    located here:


    and here:




    in reply to: How to add captions to gallery thumbs #131701

    I pasted a minute before you, please implement the changes above.

    in reply to: How to add captions to gallery thumbs #131699


    I have a feeling you made some edit to the template files that is messing up the entire page. Because I took 3 of your photos and made a gallery with them. I am not seeing the problems you are experiencing. and everything looks nice and neat as you can see

    Try this css to center the text

    #top #wrap_all .avia-gallery-1 .avia-gallery-thumb a {
    text-align: center;
    #top div .avia-gallery {
    text-align: center;

    Now try this

    .avia-gallery-thumb {
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 591px;

    #top div .avia-gallery img {
    width: 100%;
    float: left;
    #top .avia-gallery .avia-gallery-thumb a {
    float: right;

    With this css, I got your page to look like this .

    Also please try to use images with a consistent height as the thumbnail, people can click on that image and see the full version.



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