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  • in reply to: stick the header on mobile & iPad #1071849

    Hi again,
    what you see in Chrome’s Device Toolbar is different from the real mobile device (dont ask me why). The screenshots I gave you today are from my Galaxy 6. I’ve checked the behaviour of the header with breadcrumb on my mobile in Chrome, Samsung explorer, Opera and Firefox. I’ve also checked on an iPhone. The result is absolutely the same, as on my screenshots.

    In the Chrome’s Device Toolbar I can also see the header + breadcrumb, but this is not the case on a real mobile device.

    As to my preference, I would need only the header, without topbar and breadcrumb. In order to keep the name of the website and an easy access to the main menu and ajax search buton (in the header).

    in reply to: stick the header on mobile & iPad #1071719

    Hi @Mike
    the transition is nice and smoth.
    The appearing issues are the following:
    1. the breadcrumbs do not disappear entirely, a piece remains visible under the header : picture
    2. while returning to the top of the page, here’s the situation (picture) :
    — 1) two spaces appears abouve and under “OBSERVING & ANALYZING MANKIND”
    — 2) the breadcrumb doesn’t come back
    — 3) and the title doesn’t come back neither

    PS: for the moment I’ve “closed” the script with /**/ before you come back to it

    in reply to: Homepage (static page) problem #1071500


    nope, “ЧИТАТЬ НА РУССКОМ” has to lead to, and English to Those are exactly the same pages (the appearance) like but tranlsated into Russian and English. And the homepage is the only permalink of all my website which doesn’t work since the last update.

    The permalink you mentionned ( is actually the latest Russian post from the blog.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Anton.
    in reply to: Homepage (static page) problem #1071232

    Hello ?

    in reply to: stick the header on mobile & iPad #1071219

    is there anyone ?

    in reply to: Homepage (static page) problem #1070247

    Oups, sorry

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Anton.
    in reply to: Mobile: Sticky header and NON-sticky Top Bar #1069345

    Hi @Mike,

    the code does work now, but there are some adjustments to be done that I can’t do on my own. My website is For the moment I’ve /*suspended*/ the css code in the Quick CSS, but kept the script in the functions.php.

    1. The breadcrumb went to the top : picture
    2. The header (without topbar) remains sticky in the middle of the screen : picture
    3. The code doesn’t work on iPad
    4. Is it possible to reproduce the same sliding effect of the header while scrolling on mobile and iPad, like on the big screens ? With the given code the header behaviour is jerky.

    May I give here a temporary acces to my admin in the Private Content ?

    in reply to: Mobile: Sticky header and NON-sticky Top Bar #1069009


    I’m also interested to stick my header at the top (this part) on mobile and iPad.
    I’ve tried you css
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {.responsive #top #wrap_all #header {position: fixed !important;}}
    it keeps the header together with the top bar almost in the middle of the screen. And putting

    (function ($) { 
      $(window).scroll(function() {    
          var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
          if (scroll >= 100) {
              $("#header_meta").css('display', 'none');
          } else {
               $("#header_meta").css('display', 'block');

    in my functions.php of the Child Theme destroyed all the website. So I deleted everything…

    in reply to: /* */ at the bottom of all pages with Enfold 4.5.4 #1068989

    Hi Victoria,

    RESOLVED. Thank you

    In Polylang the flags have to be added from Appearance > Menus.

    And @Günter, any idea about my problem ? > please go to the Russian and English links
    how come I have this problem after the last Enfold update ?

    Hi Forough89,
    I can’t see the pages you mentionned, your site seems to be off line. The questions you ask are unfortunetly too technical to me, so I can’t help, but I hope the support people will be able to resolve our problem.
    Regarding my Russian and English pages, they are not correct, seems they show all the articles in a row instead of the same static pages as in French.

    Enfold guys, help us please

    I believe there was the same problem described in this already closed thread:

    I have a similar problem after the last Enfold update : the main static page in French ( is ok, but in Russian ( and in English ( are showing all posts from the blog (russians in russian, and english in english). I’ve tried EVERYTHING: deactivated all plugins twice, emptied the cache, modified Polylang settings, even changed the russian and english pages permalinks to test if it might change anything. NOTHING happens. It juste doesn’t work.
    But I’ve noticed one detail in the Enfold options: the frontpage setting does not memorise the static page for Russian and English, while it does only for the main language. Look at the screen prints: French by default, Russian, English.
    So my question is: how come ?

    PS: I got the very last versions of everything (Enfold, WP and Polylang)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Anton.
    in reply to: Logo area uncontrollable #1052133

    Here’s the code I’ve finally found for my layout ( :

    /*Logo area for iPad*/
    @media only screen and (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 989px) 
    {#top #wrap_all .av_header_transparency {background-color: #000000 !important; color: #ffffff; border-color: #000000;}
    .phone-info {float: none !important; width: 100%; clear: both;}
    #top .logo {height: fit-content; max-width: 67% !important;}
    #top .av-main-nav .menu-item-avia-special {display: block !important;}
    #top .av-main-nav .menu-item {display: none !important;}
    .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #top #wrap_all .av-logo-container {height: 48px !important; line-height: 48px !important;}
    .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #top #header_main > .container .main_menu .av-main-nav > li > a {line-height: 48px !important;}}
    /*Logo area for Mobile*/
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) 
    {.responsive #top #wrap_all .av-logo-container, .responsive #header_main .container, .main_menu .av-main-nav > li > a {height: 48px !important; line-height: 48px !important;}
    .responsive #top .logo {height: inherit !important;}
    .avia-menu.av_menu_icon_beside {margin-right: inherit;}
    .responsive #top #header .main_menu .social_bookmarks {margin-top: -32px;}}

    Let’s keep the topic open for a while, I’ll probably need to readjust things later. Thanks

    in reply to: Logo area uncontrollable #1051431

    I don’t have an iPad either. And this is what I see on my emulation

    in reply to: Logo area uncontrollable #1050973

    I’ve activated the header shrinking, but I’ve also added Header Custom Height 48px. So the shrinking issue is resolved de facto.
    My last issue : the logo on iPad screen. Please visualise it on iPad.
    Can you, pease, give me the necessary code to adapt and center it, as necessary, on all iPad screens, the same way it already works on mobile phones

    in reply to: Logo area uncontrollable #1050621

    I’m not sure you’ve understood my request at the beginning. This is excatly what I said: I don’t know where the code
    .logo {max-width: 200px; padding-top: 40px;}
    is from. So I changed it to
    .logo {max-width: inherit !important;padding-top: inherit !important;}
    With this code the logo is all right, but I don’t know how to master its length and centering as well. So can you, please, advice me the necessary code for that ?

    in reply to: Logo area uncontrollable #1050552

    Hi Mike,
    the code you’ve mentionned is mine. For now I’ve postponed it. You can see the result ( This is what I had from the very beginning. And the original code was:
    .logo {max-width: 200px; padding-top: 40px;}
    And yes, I’d like the same result as at (which is the same on all pages of this website)

    in reply to: URGENT thème purchase decision #1041747

    Thank you for the quick answer ! :)
    You can close the thread

    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1035810


    well, looks like it works now :)
    thank you so much !
    you can close the thread


    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1034175


    can you try the Editor now ? It’s supposed to work now

    PS: I don’t understand what are the errors you showed in private. The only thing I can tell you is that WPdiscuz is the comments plugin that I use and which is used to work properly. So I have no idea what are these errors.

    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1033682

    Here you go

    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1033165


    the code doesn’t work. The button still opens the email service in the same tab

    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1032320


    I don’t know what do you mean by “for now”, but I’ve disabled it

    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1031414


    honestly I don’t really understand all this gibberish in the page you gave. So i don’t know what code I have to use and where (functions.php or somewhere else)…
    My concern is: all social buttons open new tabs except “Share by email”. So the question is: can you give me the same code for this button, telling me where I have to paste it

    in reply to: Share my email in a new tab #1030470
    in reply to: Enfold + Gutenberg = ? #1019474

    And I appreciate your work.
    Thank you.
    You can close the thread

    in reply to: Enfold + Gutenberg = ? #1018983

    Ok, the last question:
    are you going to adapat Enfold to the WP 5.0 in Novemeber, so we can use Enfold page builder which is unusable with Gutenberg for the moment ?
    Thank you

    in reply to: Enfold + Gutenberg = ? #1018685

    Hello again,

    and the new Enfold version “We will change the data format of the builder and get rid of the shortcode structure in the long run to be able to improve the builder the way we would like” will not affect pages already built as well ?

    in reply to: Sidebar / footer videos size issue #903608

    as I already mentioned, defining the precise height in this particular case is NOT adapted. Because depending on the device showing the page the height and the width are obviously different, that’s why it is necessary to automatize the height of these i-frames.
    This is the actual code I use following your suggestions:

    /*Video Youtube footer and sidebar adjustment*/
    iframe, object, embed {width: 100%!important;}
    .sidebar .widget_text iframe {height: 180px;}
    #footer .widget_text iframe {height: 220px;}

    This is convenient for a PC screen, but not for mobile and/or iPad screens.

    So, can you advise me how to automatize the height?

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