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hi ismael,
thank you. removed the line, added a plugin for +/i works.
bis dann, marco.
it works fine other themes, i works fine when i deactivate the layout editor.
so it is clearly an issue in enfold, right?other user have problems to:
bis dann, marco.
hi rikard,
no shortcode available.
yith seems appending or replacing code at/on the cart button.bis dann, marco.
August 29, 2023 at 11:45 am in reply to: Advanced Layout Editor Custom Post Type CSS-Fehler #1417414thank you.
bis dann, marco.
found someone who fixed this for me, thanks.
it would be a very nice feature to toggle this in the
enfold settings: parse shortcode, yes/ there a chance for this feature request?
bis dann, marco.
hi ismael,
this post here, point to a good direction, but ist is to old.
is actually there a way to push enfold and parse shortcodes
in the the excerpts?i’m struggling with shortcodes in the excerpts from masonry and portfolio.
bis dann, marco.
hi victoria,
sorry, but this helps nothing.
how can i trigger the av-helper-masonry.php to parse shortcodes?
i did’nt found any solution.please help.
bis dann, marco.
hi victoria,
yes, need more help.
the solution in this thread is outdated, right?
2016. other filenames and so on.i think this is the direction? dann, marco.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by
hi there,
my cpt have the alb visible, i can use him.
but when i try to show an “archive” in a masonry grid i have no output?
cpt is pferde, in the child theme is an archive-pferde.php.can you help?
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
This reply has been marked as private.hi rikard,
the old fashioned way. it was a plugin, yes.
thanks!but classic editor? it runs in other projects, no problem.
wiered.bis dann, marco.
hi rikard,
on some pages no problem. like: editor: page: no editor
bis dann, marco.
This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by
but how?
the same here.
if(isset($avia_config[‘use_child_theme_functions_only’])) return;
no match for this line in functions-enfold.php or functions.php.
so how can i enable debug_mode?bis dann, marco.
The overview (1) shows all Items. I hover them, the thumnail swipes down.
The demo (2) shows it correct.
I think it is an error, the maintainer of the plugin said it is an error.bis dann, marco.
hi yigit,
thank you. it fixed the problem on detail.
what about the glitch on hovering one item on overview?
bis dann, marco.
hi victoria,
here is a list of irems – custom post types. they are from an plugin.
the maintainer of the plugin blocked the shortcode.js for thest.then is the hover of an image o.k.
and the detail page shows the slider correctly
but the shortcode.js is neccessary for the rest, right?
my question is: it’s a bug, where do i report this, who will fix this?
bis dann, marco.
» follow the link in private data
» click a link in the toc-widget
» you jump to the part of the site, right
» but the toc is not visible anymorebis dann, marco.
no chance to list the archive the tag-page like the cat-page.
what can i do?bis dann, marco.
the code in /themes/enfold/functions.php:
// Archiv-Display
add_filter(‘avf_blog_style’,’avia_change_tag_blog_layout’, 10, 2);
function avia_change_tag_blog_layout($layout, $context){
if($context == ‘tag’) $layout = ‘blog-grid’;
return $layout;
}add_filter(‘avf_blog_style’,’avia_change_category_blog_layout’, 10, 2);
function avia_change_category_blog_layout($layout, $context){
if($context == ‘archive’) $layout = ‘blog-grid’;
return $layout;
// Archiv-Displayhello again,
the problem is the error in the language file.
i know how to edit, but this is bug.
it is still in the original theme!the word newest means in german aktuelle, not aktuellste.
this is wrong.
it has to be killed.
with fire.
;-)bis dann, marco.
please fix it in your sources!
bis dann, marco.
i will test background-image and color. but will it solve the image-cropping?
found an old screenshot which shows the overlapping image. dann, marco.
This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by
hello victoria,
the pic is still cutted.
not the height of the box is the problem. the transparent part should be overlapping the border.
the second thing: der border part has no background-polygon!bis dann, marco.
bis dann, marco.
hi, yes – but not the element news.
bis dann, marco.
hello ismael,
frontpage is now displaying a grid with images.
on /page/3 – fine.grid top has 5 products, grid down fewer than 3 blogposts. the
blogposts above the footer are not there. a loopproblem, i see.but i don’t understand this.
this construct works at another project, not on the frontpage, but it works.bis dann, marco.
nope.not in functions.php, functions-enfold.php or in functions.php childthem.
bis dann, marco.
are you kidding me?
i wrote that i had to change the layout to product grid.
the slider produces the error instantly, the grid after klick to page 2o.k.
fucked up: dann, marco.
not better. :-/
produktgrid is the same problem. when i switch the order – grid last – the blogpost and cats are shown …
credentials see private.
bis dann, marco.
no problem.
This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by