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  • in reply to: Use different social icons #263029

    Yea, the option shows okay for me in those header options. The icon just doesn’t show up on the front-end (screenshot).

    in reply to: Use different social icons #263022

    Ok, a better question: The default font in Enfold includes the icon I want to use already. I used the icon code in my functions file to include it as an option, but the icon is still not showing up.

    This is my functions.php code:

    add_filter('avf_default_icons','avia_add_custom_icon', 10, 1);
    function avia_add_custom_icon($icons)
    $icons['spotify']	 = array( 'font' =>'fontello', 'icon' => 'ue907');
    return $icons;
    add_filter('avf_social_icons_options','avia_add_custom_social_icon', 10, 1);
    function avia_add_custom_social_icon($icons)
    $icons['Spotify'] = 'spotify';
    return $icons;

    Any idea why it wouldn’t work on the front-end?

    in reply to: Use different social icons #263016

    Hey Josue,

    Thanks for the response. Maybe the video is outdated, but my Enfold theme options don’t have General Settings or an Iconfont Manager (see this screenshot). I’ve been through every theme options screen and there’s no Iconfont Manager anywhere.

    I have the latest version of the theme. Any ideas?

    in reply to: Use different social icons #263003

    Where should the font file be imported? I’ve selected a couple icons I want to use and downloaded the files from Fontello, but where should I upload them?

    I have the import code in functions.php, so the option shows in the editor, but the icon doesn’t show or doesn’t show the correct icon on the front-end.

    Also, is there anything I need to edit to make the colored circle hover-effect work on the custom icon?

    in reply to: Custom logo issues #256373

    Hi Ismael,

    Yes, I have version 2.7.

    The dimensions of the logo I uploaded are within the suggested dimensions: 316x29px.

    Dave Mozdzanowski

    in reply to: Custom logo issues #255107

    Hey Yigit,

    I meant to say they’re videos, not images. I’ve reuploaded them to Dropbox here:

    And like I said, the site is not online, so I can’t post a link.

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