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April 1, 2024 at 12:16 pm in reply to: Lightbox in the translated versions (WPML) opens the pictures in small size #1438888
Hi Ismael, I’ve made further research. Luckily, it is not happening on ALL pages, ony a few.
To fix it, I realized that I must do this (I am explaining it for other people may have the same issue in the future):1) EDIT the page
2) open the version in the language that is opening the pictures in the wrong format
3) do a fake edit and then click on “Complete”. WPML apparently “refreshes” the translated page.Done. The page is now opening correctly.
It seems like it is something related to some failure in the WPML update.
Thanks for your help, you can close the ticket.
A.-April 1, 2024 at 11:09 am in reply to: Lightbox in the translated versions (WPML) opens the pictures in small size #1438885Hi Ismael, thanks for your answer: no, it is not an applicable solution for me: I have hundreds of images like that. I cannot edit them all…
See here: I’ve noticed that, in the staging environment, the English page is still opening the images in the correct size.
In the last days, I’ve worked a lot with WPML updating a lot of translations. It must be something related with the multiple updates with WPML that “broke” the image links. The staging area has been updated some weeks ago, before this activity.
I’ve added in the private area information about how to connect to the staging area.
Thanks MIke, I forgot to thank but it works great. Thank you!
A.-December 5, 2023 at 12:03 am in reply to: Random background image (possibly from a list) in color section #1427175Sure, I’ve used the one that changes it every time you open the page, exactly what I wanted. Thanks again!
December 2, 2023 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Random background image (possibly from a list) in color section #1426963OK, I’ve found it.
Great job @Guenni007, as usual!
A.-December 2, 2023 at 4:11 pm in reply to: Random background image (possibly from a list) in color section #1426962…and I am sorry to say that it is not working for me as well :-(
Here is the code I’ve customized (the ID of my page is the one below, I’ve double checked it).
function randomize_bg_image() { if(is_page(11318)){ ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ var images = ['img(1).jpg','img(2).jpg','img(3).jpg','img(4).jpg','img(5).jpg','img(6).jpg','img(7).jpg','img(8).jpg']; $('#randomized').css({ 'background-image': 'url(/wp-content/uploads/sfondimobile/' + images[Math.floor(Math.random() * images.length)] + ')' }); })(jQuery); </script> <?php } } add_action( 'wp_footer', 'randomize_bg_image' );
Images are here:
let me highlight that I’ve copied the images DIRECTLY TO THE FTP SITE, I did not use the Media Library… can this be the reason?#randomized is correctly set:
But when you open my website in mobile mode, the background is frozen to the original one:
@Guenni007, I hope you’ll find some time to give my some hints :)December 2, 2023 at 3:31 pm in reply to: Random background image (possibly from a list) in color section #1426960@antdesign01, I am refreshing this thread because I am trying to do the same, following the suggestion of the great @Guenni007.
I don’t know if you’ve been able to make it work at the end, I just wanted to highlight that you must also edit the following line:if(is_page(34024)){
replacing 34024 with the ID of your page. To know the ID of your page, open it in the browser, view the source code and then look for “page-id” string. You will find the ID you must use.
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by
November 7, 2023 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Catalogue: move thumbnail on top of Title/Content on mobile view #1424944It works like a charm, thanks Mike!
So, basically you’ve extended the size of the “text part”, so that it takes the whole space, and leaves the thumbnail alone in a row, correct?Let me just ask for a last adjustment: what if I’d like to have the thumbnail CENTERED in the row?
Thanks again!
A.-Wow @Guenni007, one of your famous 200% complete answers, thanks! :)
Actually, it’s fine for me to show the simple DD/MM/YYY date, therefore I am perfectly fine with the simpliest function:
function displayTodaysDate( $atts ) { return date(get_option('date_format')); }
Thanks again or the hint!
A.-Always forgot to answer: thanks @Mike, it works GREAT! :)
A.-April 11, 2023 at 5:15 pm in reply to: Random order for the images in the FullWidth Easy Slider? #1404122Thanks Ismael, it works GREAT! This should be an option of this component for the future release! Please ask the developers :-)
Thanks pal, excellent help!
A.-If anybody is finding the same issue in the future, and interested in how I’ve solved it, here is the full thread in WPML forum.
You can close this one, thanks!
Well, it is not comfortable when you have more than 50 portfolios, each one with one gallery inside (with about 20/30 pictures each). If you want to translate one portfolio with all its images, you must open the gallery/note down the image titles/search for each image by title name in the Media Translator…. not very smooth, of course :-)
Thanks Guenni for your checks: I know I can translate them individually in the Media Translator, but I am interested in finding the images in the WMPL Advanced Editor (because it is more comfortable: you’d find all you need to translate for one page in a single page, I don’t want to translate the page in the advanced editor and then go and find every single image in the Media Translator, one by one).
In my case, I can find images in the Advanced Editor only if the Gallery is NEW (= created after WPML installation) or if I add new images to an OLD gallery (=created before WPML installation)…
January 13, 2023 at 5:17 pm in reply to: Can I install Enfold on a second WordPress to check an issue with WPML? #1378623Sure, thanks Yigit!
A.-January 13, 2023 at 3:18 pm in reply to: Can I install Enfold on a second WordPress to check an issue with WPML? #1378601Well, but this is not a local installation, and it is not mine: it is an external installation ( that the WPML support team granted me access to. In my mind, it is like installing enfold on a SECOND website, and this is why I am not sure I can do it.
A.-January 13, 2023 at 3:12 pm in reply to: Can I install Enfold on a second WordPress to check an issue with WPML? #1378600Well, but this is not a local installation, and it is not mine: it is an external installation ( ) that the WPML support team granted me access to. In my mind, it is like installing enfold on a SECOND website, and this is why I am not sure I can do it.
A.-Guys, I am leaving it here in case any other user in the future encounter the same issue.
I had to deactivate the BLOCK EDITOR and use the CLASSIC EDITOR.Now, with the CLASSIC EDITOR, I save a Portfolio, I launch the WPML Advanced Editor, I translate everything, I save it, and the portfolio page is correctly translated.
You can close the ticket, guys, unless you don’t want to ask me something to investigate why this is happening. I am so happy to have solved it.
A.-Thanks Mike, it works very well! Thanks, you can close this one.Bye!
Thanks Mike, too bad you have to do it by hand… you can close the topic. Bye!
January 5, 2023 at 4:18 pm in reply to: Update Enfold from 5.2.1 to 5.3 doesn't work with WPML 4.5.14 #1377712@yigit, this fix is still necessary? Or the newest version of Enfold includes it already?
November 8, 2022 at 7:23 pm in reply to: "Saving didnt work! Please reload the page and try again" #1371803It happens with the user you’re using (that I’ve tried), and my user. As I told you, it is not related to the plugins: I made a mirror copy of the production environment to staging, and in staging I never had the issue.
But… Rikard, NOW it is not happening anymore on my side as well.
It is a mistery. I did not do anything: this morning I’ve tried and you see the result in the screeshot of my previous message. Tried again now, I don’t have the error anymore.
No idea what caused this. It was not working in Edge, in Chrome, in Firefox. No updates have been made in between. Just time passed by.
A real mistery.Thanks for your support, though, even if we did not find the reason of the issue…
You can close the ticket…November 8, 2022 at 12:38 pm in reply to: "Saving didnt work! Please reload the page and try again" #1371743Ciao Rikard. I was out for 3 days, I couldn’t check it earlier.
I’ve just connected to production, and I still cannot save it. I thought “maybe Rikard was able to save it because he connected using the user I’ve created for Kriesi”, and I tried again connecting with your user. See below the result:
Let me repeat the steps:
1) I connect here
2) I go to “Enfold Child” / “Theme Options”
3) the button “Save all changes” is enabled already (and this is strange: it is normally disabled, if there are no changes left. In staging it is disabled, indeed).
4) I click on it, I have the issue you see in the screenshot.It is not browser related: I’ve just tried with Edge, same result. I’ve just tried with Chrome, incognito mode: same result.
In STAGING environment it is working as expected (
Thanks for your help!
A.-October 26, 2022 at 4:14 pm in reply to: Special heading: subheading too tall when splitting on small screen #1370326Close it, thanks Rikard!
A.-October 26, 2022 at 8:54 am in reply to: Special heading: subheading too tall when splitting on small screen #1370261Fine, thanks Rikard! I had to restrict it to small scree size only, because when the subheading splits on larger screen size, 25px is too little :)
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .av-subheading p { line-height: 25px!important; } }
A.-October 25, 2022 at 4:56 pm in reply to: Special heading: subheading too tall when splitting on small screen #1370210Sure! Check this one out:
Simply resize the screen: you will see that the subheading “da Colle Garda a Colletto Taf via Monte Rena, Taille e Taf” will be split in 2 lines: until the moment when the font size is not decreased (screen width > 767 pixel), the space between the 2 lines remains acceptable.
When you reduce the screen size below 767, the font size decreases, and the space between the 2 lines is annoyingly large… it may be that the “line height” of that subheading remains the same IN PIXELS, while the font size is decreased. This is why you get that “distance” between the two lines. Just my 2 cents!October 25, 2022 at 2:44 pm in reply to: Special heading: subheading too tall when splitting on small screen #1370175Hi Rikard and thanks for your help: I am talking about the subheading in the Special Heading component.
The Advanced Styling allows me only to setup the <H1> tag, but I need to change the SUBHEADING part of the Special Heading component (which is into a <DIV class=”av_custom_color av-subheading av-subheading_below”>), and only when the screen size is at “mobile size”.In fact, with this CSS below, I can change the line height of the subheading for the upper part of my screenshot, taken when the scren size is “desktop size”. When the screen size reaches “mobile size” (the bottom part of my screenshot), the font size decreases AND it seems like my customization of the line-height is not working anymore, as you can see from the screenshot…
.av-subheading { line-height: 1em !important; }
October 20, 2022 at 9:06 pm in reply to: Enfold update 5.2: Captions disappeared from Masonry #1369671It’s working now, thanks Yigit!
October 20, 2022 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Enfold update 5.2: Captions disappeared from Masonry #1369644Ciao Yigit.
How to update these two files? It’s enough to go in the Appearance/Theme File editor and click on UPDATE FILE on both (see the attached screenshot)?
I did it, and it did not fix the issue…Maybe you mean that I have to copy the two files from the parent folder and overwrite the child folder, working on the FTP?
This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by
October 17, 2022 at 7:52 am in reply to: 1) Menu bar overlapping header logo 2) how to vertically center logo, always #1369051Excellent as usual, Rikard! thanks so much. You can definitely close the ticket!
For everyone in the future wondering what he added to my CSS, here it is. I am not sure it is ok for everyone, but at least it is something you can experiment.
A.-@media only screen and (max-width: 1300px) { nav.main_menu { display: block !important; } #avia-menu .menu-item { display: none; } { display: block; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 990px) { span.logo img { padding-top: 25px; } }
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by