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  • in reply to: Space between menu and layerslider #885367

    Follow up question, how do I make this applicable to all of the pages of the website instead of just the homepage?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Grid Row Borders #885353

    Not sure if this will help you but here is a shot:

    .Border {
    border-right: 5px solid #fff !important;
    border-left: 5px solid #fff !important;

    Change the color to match your background if needed.

    Place ‘Border’ in ‘Custom Css Class’ on each cell (1/4, 1/3, etc.).

    Hope this helps!

    in reply to: Blog Archives in Widget not working #885348

    Yes, I did try that before and it didn’t help. I have provided login details in private, thank you for your help!

    in reply to: Space between menu and layerslider #879434

    That worked, thanks so much!

    I spent hours trying to figure it out, so glad it works now!

    in reply to: Space between menu and layerslider #878974


    Your suggestion worked for me, thanks!!

    Enfold Child > Main Menu > Burger/Mobile Menu > Always display submenu items

    in reply to: ENFOLD VS AVADA speed test #850353

    I ran the exact same website using the Enfold theme (cloned) on multiple hosting accounts and got completely different results from them all using Pingdom. The hosting account you are using has to be a good fit for your individual setup. You can ask 10 different people which hosting account is the best and you may get different answers from them all and they may all be right because it is a good hosting account for their individual setup.
    I suggest cloning your site and testing on on different hosting accounts with your current provider and even a few other providers to see which one is the best for your setup!

    Best of luck!!

    in reply to: Avia Layout Builder Not Functioning #845974

    I have had the same issue in the past and one of these two things have always solved the problem:

    1. Make sure you are using the most current version of Enfold.
    2. Create another admin and login with the new admin and see if you have the same issue. If so, then remove your current one and then create it again.

    The other obvious things are to make sure WP is up to date along with all of the plugins. If you are still having the issue then turn all plugins off and see if that fixes the issue, if so then turn them back on one at a time to see which one was causing the issue. Clear your browser cache or try another browser in private mode.

    These links may be useful as well:

    Best of luck!

    in reply to: Avia Layout Builder not working #845971

    I have had the same issue in the past and one of these two things have always solved the problem:

    1. Make sure you are using the most current version of Enfold.
    2. Create another admin and login with the new admin and see if you have the same issue. If so, then remove your current one and then create it again.

    Best of luck!

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #844551

    Nice site, what did you use to create it? It doesn’t look like Enfold or even WordPress.

    in reply to: Restaurant Menu Styles #843767

    If that would be possible to provide that would be absolutely fabulous and greatly appreciated!

    I tried to use the code but I am obviously not doing something right.
    I placed the code in the quick css area.
    I then placed ‘menu-list span.dots’ in the Custom Css Class in the Catalogue element.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Thank you both!

    in reply to: Avia Layout Builder Not Loading #843723

    I am having this issue with another host I am using, Omnis. I was able to increase the memory limit to 128 but I am still having the issue.
    I deactivated all of the plugins and still have the issue.
    Yes, everything is running the latest version.
    Any other ideas?

    in reply to: Avia Layout Builder Not Loading #836709


    Who do you use for hosting?

    I am using manged wordpress hosting through Godaddy and I am having the same issue.

    I am in the process of updating everything to see if that is the issue but I don’t think it is.

    I think it is something else. I tried the link above but when I try to do a file transfer or file edit with Filezilla it says it fails, every time.

    I will keep working on it and if I figure it out I will post the solution here.

    Best of luck!

    in reply to: youtube video link #807178

    I have the same issue.

    Yes, I have tried it with the ?rel=0 at the end of the url and that doesn’t work.

    The reason I am using the video element is because when I try to use the code block element for the YouTube video I get the black space above and below the video.

    Is there another way to make the video element work like the original question in this thread or is it possible to have a work around by using the code block element to embed the video and add something to the code to make it responsive or another fix to eliminate the black space above and below the video?

    Thank you!

    Is there anything that we can do on our end to prevent this from happening in regards to the website?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Contact form not sending to all emails in list #743673

    Okay, I have half way solved this issue.

    I tried using some SMTP plugins and had no luck.

    I did some more research and found that I was able to go into my Godaddy account and do the following on the Cpanel:
    Solution for Cpanel:
    Access cpanel, email, MX Entry, select domain, select Remote Mail Exchanger and change.

    This fixed the issue and everything works great.

    Other issue, I am having the same issue with a website on a Managed WordPress website and it doesn’t have this option so I am working on figuring out how to get this done, will post the solution here if this is still open when I figuring it out.


    in reply to: Index Listings of Categories – NOT RESOLVING. Help? #739220

    I was having this same issue and uninstalled the theme and reinstalled it through ftp and that fixed the issue for me. My issue was the same error as yours, except mine occurred when trying to edit the pages.

    Hopefully this works for you.

    Obviously wordpress being updated and all of the plugins being updated as well.

    Best of luck.

    in reply to: Contact form not sending to all emails in list #735520

    Okay, I will have to try that out.

    If this thread is still open I will post the results here.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Enfold Child Facebook Like Widget not working on Firefox #702895

    I am not using private window browsing and it is not showing up for me?

    Is there anything else that could be causing this issue?


    in reply to: How Can I insert responsive content into my header #696965

    I really like this code, that is such a needed feature for Enfold.

    I see all of these website with that kind of information in the header area and it is so beneficial.

    Where is the link to submit requests for features?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Header errors #694837

    Nevermind, marked this as resolved.

    This seemed way over my head with all of the errors so I just redid the website.


    in reply to: update cart not working #694745

    Not sure if this helps but I had the same issue.

    I started with the standard:
    – Make sure WP and Theme are current.
    – Make sure plugins are up to date.
    – Activate another WP theme and try using the update cart button

    I got lucky and the issue was that the theme needed updating. I determined this quickly by activating another theme and saw that the button worked so that gave a good indication it was something to do with the theme.

    I updated the theme and it worked fine for me.

    Best of luck and I hope this helps you.,

    in reply to: Social Icons not showing up on mobile device #694450

    That didn’t make a difference.

    My other question was how to get the social media icons to the top of the mobile device?

    Any ideas?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Social Icons not showing up on mobile device #691066

    That worked, thanks.

    I changed where it says right to center thinking it would center the icons in the middle of the screen and it put the icons back off the screen like it was before.

    How do I center the icons and also bring them to the top of the screen above the logo and hambuger menu?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Social Icons not showing up on mobile device #688808

    Thank you, they are showing up now.

    They are not showing up properly on the screen though.

    The Facebook icon is mostly not seen, is there a way to center the icons?

    I tried this but it didn’t work:

    .responsive.html_mobile_menu_tablet #header_main .social_bookmarks {
    display: block !important;
    position: center;

    What would be even better is the social media icons could be at the centered top of the screen if that it possible.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Social Icons not showing up on mobile device #688720

    As you can see with this website the social icons are visible on the desktop but not on the mobile view.

    This is only the case when using the settings: Header / Extra Elements / Header Social Icons / Display in main header area

    Thank you.

    in reply to: not-visible-on-mobile #688717

    Thank you.

    in reply to: not-visible-on-mobile #687117

    I am using a samsung galaxy

    On the HP Test page I have a Fullscreen Slider that should only show up on the desktop.

    The Fullwidth Easy Slider should only show up on the mobile device.

    Does that description help on what I am trying to do?

    Thank you.

    in reply to: not-visible-on-mobile #685466

    Sorry about that, you can access the website now.

    I had a country blocking plugin installed.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Header Changes with Widget Area? #684403

    Thank you.

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