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  • in reply to: Widget Instagram #930173

    Dear Jordan,
    That is going to be a challenge.
    I just used to option within WordPress ‘add new theme’
    Meaning, as far as I know, didn’t work with any Root files.
    What is your advice?

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Widget Instagram #929170

    Thanks Yigit,
    Can you please have a look by using my Inlog details shared earlier with you.
    I am working via Enfold Child, and I am not able to locate the content of class-framework-widgets.php file.

    in reply to: Google Maps #822361

    Thanks Victoria, the correct API should be the one confirmed in the private data. At first I created an API, but was done by using the incorrect Gmail account. I did already confirmed this by Google Services in Enfold, and later on replaced the API with the correct details as shared with you in the private data. Can you please let me know, how this can be solved, as it seems that the API key is not overwritten. Can this be the result of the error…?, that will be great news, if that is the case.

    in reply to: Google Maps #821594

    Thanks Victoria,
    I did make the adjustment as suggested, but still it doesn’t seem to work.
    Can you please have a second look.

    If you need any furter details, please let me know.


    in reply to: Google Maps #817663

    Thanks for the effort.
    I did generate a new API. See private details, but still it doesn’t seem to work.

    in reply to: Google Maps #815266

    Can you maybe have a second look about how it can be that we have different API key’s. (see private message)

    This is the information included in Google Maps API key in Enfold.
    For this key I authorized my website entering the following* and **

    Thanks :-)

    in reply to: Google Maps #814111

    Just to let you know.
    I also tried the steps explained, but still Google Maps doesn’t show.

    Looking forward to the reply as the Google Maps content element is used on multiple pages.

    in reply to: Tag Cloud #805681

    Thank you Victoria, I add the code in the Quick CSS, but nothing happend. Can you have a second look.



    in reply to: Footer #802191

    Thanks Mike, I did deactive the plugins, but didn’t solve the issue. Quite strange as before I didn’t had this problem and it’s an issue only the frontpage.

    Can you share your second thought about this, as I would be quite helpfull to have this solved.

    in reply to: Tag Cloud #802178

    Dear all,
    You have provided me support on how to get tags being displayed on my website.

    (look at the right of the page)

    Now what I would like to achieve, is that have the option to customize the Tags, like for example the Font, Background color…

    Do you have any ideas how to achieve by using Enfold.

    Hereby the information shared previously.

    Try adding this to the bottom of your child theme functions.php file.

    function footag_func( $atts ) {
    return the_tags();
    add_shortcode( ‘display_my_tags’, ‘footag_func’ );
    And then use this inside a codeblock element.


    Thank you!

    in reply to: Footer #797168

    Thanks Rikard, but this doesn’t seem to be the solution.
    When I use these settings, it will change the setup of the website for the desktop as well.

    Quite uncertain, as in the past, the footer was shown correctly.
    Hopefully you are able to share some other ideas about how this can be solved.


    in reply to: Fullwith button #779681

    Thanks Basilis,
    What I actually prefer is adjustments for the fullwidth button. The color settings as mentioned in the image is possible via the element button, but the fullwidth doesn’t have these options to set the color for the font and the background.

    Besides that, I tried the coding
    body div .avia-button {
    border-radius: 1px; }

    I copy, paste this in the Quick CSS in general styling, but it doesn’t seem to work. Can you check again, as it seems quick simple, so what did I missed. What do I need to do, to have the button changed to a rectangle.

    in reply to: Hyperlink in footer #705691

    Thanks for your reply.
    I did check, but the issue still isn’t solved.

    When looking at the text at the back end I don’t understand why this is happening. The text directs to the contact page which is really strange to me as this isn’t metioned anywhere to my knowledge.

    Get motivated, explore, and inspire by sharing your epic cycling moments from around the world. Support World2Cylce and join us as an Epicrider. More information needed click <span style=”color: #ebf1f7;”>here</span> and please join us on STRAVA.

    in reply to: Content element Masonry #695238

    Thanks, item can be closed

    in reply to: Content element Masonry #695228

    Thanks Yigit,
    The date is now deleted.
    But now the font is colored and I actually would like to have the background colored of the label.
    Is that possible?

    in reply to: Separator missing in menu #663417

    Great, thanks for the support :-)

    in reply to: White space in excerpt field #612213

    Thanks Rikard for the support.
    But for me it’s not really clear what is now established by using the mentioned CSS.
    Maybe you can show an example to confirm.

    Maybe by sharing the following information the issue will be more clear.
    Please see the URL link
    Back end

    Front end

    What I did is added an image on the page. The yellow line indicates where I would like to have a whitespace. Looking forward to your ideas about how to get whitespace within the excerpt field.

    in reply to: White space in excerpt field #610846

    Hi Basilis,
    I just checked and I am able to login.
    Hopefully you can enter the webpage as well.
    Thanks :-)

    in reply to: White space in excerpt field #610796

    Dear reader,
    I did add your code but didn’t saw anything changed.
    Can you please have a second look, as I thought that this could be solved via some coding.
    The following text can be found at the frond end.
    The post you can look at is;

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem
    (WHITE SPACE) – this is what I would like to achieve
    XXth of Month,
    EUR XX (starting price),
    xx, xx or xxxkm,
    xxxx, xxxx or xxxxhm,
    Team World2Cycle,

    in reply to: Header overlapping the side bar #610589

    Thanks for the support!
    It works :-)

    in reply to: Header settings #609570

    Thanks for the support!

    in reply to: Header settings #607287

    Thanks for the support provided.
    Still I do have some questions, because I am trying to create to header as in the below URL;

    1. I would like to have the social icons in the logo area.
    2. The logo is now being showed as full.
    3. The menu buttons are working differently from each other. The menu buttons Epic Riders, Reprot Cycling Event, Icons html markup and Contact Sheet events, Whitespace, test view and blog have different behaviour.
    4. The logo needs to stick when scrolling down. I did use the possibility Sticky Header by the option Header Behavior with the Enfold Child theme options, but it don’t seem to work.

    Thanks for taking the time to have a look at the logo / header behavior and share your suggestions :-)

    in reply to: Category not found #606878

    Thanks Andy :-)

    in reply to: Add Icon in exceprt field #605576

    One more time I need you assistance.
    Can you please provide the HTML mark up for the following;
    Hereby the sort coding;
    [av_font_icon icon='ue8cf' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='10px' position='left' color='' custom_class=''][/av_font_icon]

    I have created a tempory page.
    Hereby the permalink;
    Front end

    Back end

    in reply to: Category not found #605561

    Thanks Andy for the advise.
    I did deactivate all of the plugins and did the test.
    But the category and search page still don’t work.
    Hopefully you are able to explain the issue.

    Thanks for taking the time :-)

    in reply to: Whitespace between text and icon #604808

    Thanks Yigit,
    For mentioning the steps.
    I did try but I am not sure if I did the right thing in this case.

    I need to keep the class name unique and named it w2c-icon
    Now I have added this in the Quick CSS
    . w2c-icon .av_font_icon {
    margin-right: 20px;

    I do see the possibility of adding a Custom Css class when opening the in this case the text block.
    In the open field I have typed the following: w2c-icon

    So adding the custom CSS field for ALB elements seems to work, so I am close.
    Can you please assist by explaing what went wrong in this case?


    in reply to: Whitespace between text and icon #602907

    Did you already found the time to have a look.
    When more information is needed please let me know.
    Looking forward to receive your ideas for this issue.

    in reply to: Whitespace between text and icon #601509

    Thanks Günter for the quick reply.
    On the back end the link is;

    At the front end

    I am using in the text block the following styling;
    [av_font_icon icon='ue803' font='fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='10px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon]09th April 2016

    [av_font_icon icon='ue806' font='fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='10px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon]20 (starting price)

    [av_font_icon icon='ue841' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' size='10px' position='left' color=''][/av_font_icon]70, 139 or 163km

    And hereby the code used in the excerpt field;

    <ul style="list-style-type:none">
      <li><span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  av-no-color avia-icon-pos-left  avia_start_animation avia_start_delayed_animation" style=""><span class="av-icon-char" style="font-size:10px;line-height:10px;" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span></span>9th of April</li>
      <li><span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  av-no-color avia-icon-pos-left  avia_start_animation avia_start_delayed_animation" style=""><span class="av-icon-char" style="font-size:10px;line-height:10px;" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span></span>70, 139 or 163km</li>
      <li><span class="av_font_icon avia_animate_when_visible av-icon-style-  av-no-color avia-icon-pos-left  avia_start_animation avia_start_delayed_animation" style=""><span class="av-icon-char" style="font-size:10px;line-height:10px;" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span></span> 1500, 2500 or 5000hm</li>

    Hopefully the shared information will help.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Yigit.
    in reply to: Add Icon in exceprt field #600700

    Thanks for the support.
    I do have some more Icons I would like to use.
    Can you provide support for the html markups for these icons

    I have a temporary page.
    The permalink is

    in reply to: fontello invalid host #600698

    I don’t know if it’s possible but do you think that the Icon Strava will be included soon?

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