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  • in reply to: Setting Logo Size Different for Home Page #388987

    Hi Ismael,

    INNER PAGES : I just want the menu to be in the same position and the smaller version of the logo. Same sticky menu, but no scaling affect.

    HOME PAGE : This would have the large logo, that scales down on scroll. But the menu text items would remain in the same place (not move up, like they do now), when scrolling.

    in reply to: Main Menu : Align to Top of Logo #388853

    Hi Elliott,

    Thanx. But I had those parts figured out already :) What I want is this :

    1. 1. Logo shrinks when scrolling down
    2. 2. Menu stays aligned to top of logo (whether the logo is small or large)

    How can I do that?

    Additionally, I’d like for this to ONLY occur on the home page, and all the subpages to just use the small logo.


    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Michae1.

    Chrome 40.0.2214.94 and Safari 5.1.10 on 10.6.8. It’s an older macbook air, but I don’t see how that would make a difference. Plus it’s doing it in Chome on the PC too (same version)

    On a side note : Could you have a look at this thread too? I didn’t get any response, and I can’t seem to find a solution searching the forums.


    in reply to: Setting Logo Size Different for Home Page #388558

    Sorry, remembered the link on all the other posts but this one. (hosted on WPengine)


    in reply to: Different navigation based on template? #388124

    +1 ~ That would be a GREAT feature! I’m interested know what the solution ends up being.


    in reply to: Export / Import Accordions #202698

    Not sure how that would work, I’m going from one entire different installation (site) to another and want to copy the accordions. If I just copy the shortcodes, where’s the data for all the toggles and info inside the toggles/accordion?

    in reply to: Accordion Sorting Broken in Version 2.4.3 #202485

    Found the fix!!! For w3wision, and anyone else that searched for “accordion” and not “toggle” in the forum. Guess it’s a bug, and they’re aware of it.

    Once you guys KNOW something is an issue, especially with a new release, why don’t you have a “2.4.3 – Bug Fixes” sticky, or something like that? ’bout had a heart attack, thinking I wouldn’t be able to fix this for a client meeting tomorrow. So I anxiously scanned through the first several pages, and on the forth one, found the post with the fix. That’s obviously not ideal though. A sticky with “toggle” and “accordion” would have had me set in 2 secs.

    That being said, you can close this ticket. All set now.

    in reply to: Accordion Sorting Broken in Version 2.4.3 #202480

    Well, w3wision, at least it’s not just me.

    Please fix soon!!! Client meeting in the morning. Thank you!!!!

    in reply to: Accordion Sorting Broken in Version 2.4.3 #202479

    Also tried adding tags to EVERY toggle, just in case a requirement changed there, but that didn’t help. Running out of ideas :(

    in reply to: Accordion Sorting Broken in Version 2.4.3 #202476

    I also tried this in an entirely fresh installation, no plugins or any other adjustments just to see if the accordion with sorting would work at all. As you can see here, it doesn’t :(

    Hoping there’s a quick fix for this as I need to present to a client tomorrow. Please help! Thanx!!

    in reply to: Prevent Unused Thumbmail Creation / Delete Thumbnails #201976

    Thanx Devin, I’ll try that. Cheers!

    in reply to: Prevent Unused Thumbmail Creation / Delete Thumbnails #201913

    Did that. Then deleted all the images I had uploaded (via sFTP) and uploaded them again, and the thumbnails were still created. The media library of images is about 15megs for the whole site, but with these thumbnails it skyrockets to 75mb

    Any other ideas? Does Enfold use / create thumbnails automatically outside of WordPress? Kind of at a loss for what to try next.

    in reply to: Body Background Image with Enfold #196613


    How can we download this plugin? It says at the bottom, “We also stopped selling WP-Backgrounds II for now.” I only see the lite version in the WP plugin directory. And with the “Lite” version, I might be missing something incredibly obvious, but how do I assign a background image to a specific page, and only that page?

    Just like Jopalle, I am looking for a solution for full-screen scalable background images, specifically for the Blank / Coming Soon page. Seems like Enfold should have something like this built in.


    in reply to: Center Menu without Search Icon #194868

    This is just the strangest thing. Your code “kinda” centers the menu. Basically it takes the left most point of the menu, and centers THAT :\ However setting the percentage to 4% seemed to do the trick.

    I DO still see the “placeholder”space where the search icon would be if it was turned on, when I look at the div in Chrome’s Dev Tools, and I’d rather remove that entirely. But I guess this is a good workaround for now. Thanx.

    in reply to: Center Menu without Search Icon #193743

    Hi Josue,

    I’ve already done that, I’m just having trouble centering the whole menu, and it seems like there’s a “placeholder” space that is kept, when the search option is disabled. Did you watch the screencast I posted?

    What CSS would I change to completely center the menu (after disabling the search icon) ?

    in reply to: Customize Accordion Sortable "All" Tag #193741

    Cool. Thank you, Ismael. Look forward to hearing the solution.

    in reply to: Avia Button CSS Changed in 2.4 #193654

    Works! You can close this topic. Thanx everyone!!

    in reply to: Customize Accordion Sortable "All" Tag #193653

    Thanx Ismael. Was hoping for a dynamic solution so my client wouldn’t have to change this in the php every time they update.

    Could you point me in the right direction of adding a function to my child functions.php that might do this?

    Was trying to look around for how/where the “All” tag is able to be changed dynamically with Peter’s function. Couldn’t I adapt that function to do the same thing for the separator?

    in reply to: Different Social Icons in Body of Page #189430

    I just mean the Social Icons in the menu/header. I’d like to use them on a page, but a different selection of icons.

    in reply to: Social Icons : Set Hover Text #185425

    I added it, but then deleted it because it was not functioning as “hover / mouse over” text. The text appeared, but just under the icons. What I want to do is have it appear like a tooltip. What would I need to do to accomplish that?

    in reply to: Social Icons : Set Hover Text #185076

    It’s posted above, but here it is again

    in reply to: Social Icons : Set Hover Text #183882

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you for all your help and the example. I think I’m getting closer. Still having a little difficulty determining next step though. I’ve placed the above example code on line 75 just before the “return $html;” line. Is that where it should be? Because the affect was just that it added static text of each of the strings below the Social Icons. Nothing on hover though.

    My next thought was that I just need to assign a class to the $string span and set it to display:none or hidden; then style it as desired and set the a:hover to visible. But I feel like I’m missing a key step where $string is assigned to a “title” or “alt” tag?

    Thank you again for your help.

    in reply to: Social Icons : Set Hover Text #183805

    Hi Josue,

    Thank you for your help. There are only 4 icons, each string would be different – all the icons are obvious (facebook, twitter, pinterest) except the one we use for their “Blog” (an open book) I’d probably just use the names as hover text, or possibly a short call to action like “Friend us on Facebook” or something like that.

    So, I see this is the function that’s dynamically building out the link. Would the best way to accomplish what I’m trying to do, be a switch case or if/else statement here? What would I set to determine the hover text then, alt or title attribute? Or should I provide/pass another argument for the alt/title/hover text in the functions.php?

    This is where I get confused. What to put where to best accomplish the task of hover text.

    If you could post an example of the format, that would greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    BTW, do you use Sublime Text 2 too? I love that IDE :)

    in reply to: Avia Button CSS Changed in 2.4 #183522

    Thanx Devin,

    So there’s no filter / custom styles.css workaround here? Just so it doesn’t have to be changed with every subsequent upgrade.

    in reply to: Avia Button CSS Changed in 2.4 #182853

    Thanx Josue,

    That was the first CSS that I changed (also with !important) but no luck. Now I tried uploading the images folder as you suggested, but no luck. Not sure if it’s a relative path issue ../images or just a CSS that’s overriding the avia-button class. Because when I set the above selectors to the CSS in shortcodes.css in Crome’s Dev Tools, it works exactly how I thought it would. But I know that invovles a hard code change to the CSS/theme, and I’m trying to avoid that.


    – Michael

    in reply to: Social Icons : Set Hover Text #182850


    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I only have minimal PHP experience. If you could guide me a little, I promise to spend as many hours as needed sifting through the PHP manual for a more complete understanding :)

    As I see it, it seems like I would need to inject a variable for the hover text either between lines 94/95 or 99/100. Then either designate the strings for the actual text in the CSS, or add a parameter for the text in /enfold/css/layout.css ?

    Would there be other files (besides the custom styles.css) that I would need to edit, or just this function? Trying to jump from the kiddie pool to the lake (or possibly ocean) as it were, so any help (flotation devices) you might have for me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    – Michael

    in reply to: Customize Accordion Sortable "All" Tag #182813

    No luck there, Peter. Any other thoughts? I also tried adding !important, just in case that might override the setting. I was thinking, because this is a character and not just a style change, wouldn’t it have to be changed in the php too, like the above “All” label?

    in reply to: Avia Button CSS Changed in 2.4 #182807
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Customize Accordion Sortable "All" Tag #181924

    Hi Peter, that worked great! Thanx!!

    Is there a similar hook for the separator? I’d like to change it from “/” to “|” and change the color. Hope so :)

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