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Cant find these strings in the .POT file. Is it not possible to translate?Hm?
Norwegian translation…..only 18%, but all front end strings are OK.
Pleas add to the theme so updates will include these files.I started in an early version. You might have added strings after that. Not sure if you can merge my stuff into the latest version?
This reply has been marked as private.This reply has been marked as private.Hmm..portfolie-item was changed to referanser.
Now if I open a portfolio item from my front page by clicking the image it opens the page fine, but the breadcrumb has gone crazy. If I click on an item from a portfolio grid on the front page it takes me to the right place, but my breadcrumb then says Im somewhere else./referanser/visittkort/ – click to open – breadcrumb: / Another page / Subpage / Visittkort
Cant get it to work….
Adjust it to be the “normal size”?
This reply has been marked as private.Kriesi…any news?
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Do you have an email? Its private….
Kool, thanks. What about a drop shadow? Possible?
I tried padding: 7px; border: 1px solid #c3c3c3; box-shadow: #888888 2px 2px 8px; this way:
It looks fine in the theme until I hover it. Then the shadows changes.
Is it somehow possible to set all this in custom.css and apply it to an image with just typing: img style= “shadow” or using the Edit Image Advanced- Style:?
Thank you…
I have reuploaded the images and verified that it gets the new size. The screenshot shows this.
The original image file is 1:1 (257x183px) so there should be no resizing.
In fact the image is razor sharp for a tiny second, then turns blurry.
I scale down the window and then scale it back up again to see this. The theme is doing something it seems like.
Can I send it private? You have PM or email?
I just changed 4 column to 257xx183. It still gets blurry…
Can I ask why these images are not the size they are beeing used?
If I scale down the window and then make it big again the image gets sharp for a tiny second before it turns blury again.
$avia_config = array(‘width’=>257, ‘height’=>183 ); // images for portfolio 4 columns
Thanks Ismail…
Well I have pages with 4 column with and without sidebar. I need the images to be just as razersharp as I see them in Photoshop as they often contain text.
How do I go ahead then? These sizes are different even though they are both 4 column. The most important is the full page/without sidebar.
It works, but it doesnt look good. To much white space….
Kool thanks Ismael! So I can continue to use this theme.
Well the problem is that the pages are not blank. They make up about 400px and that is not enough for the socket to get its intended size. I feel this is a bug that needs to get sorted out. The pages look weird….
I han insert blank space off course, but that is a stupid solution.
I also want this, but I see an issue. Letters get cropped: Take a look at the G here:
Thanks for clearing out.
So if there is little content one have to put some blank stuff.
Can I ask why no sticky footer?
Kool….I´ll dump the Child theme then.
O, thanks. Call it a feature request then.
And then I finally found it!
Hmmm….if I put some stuff on the page the socket gets smaller, but I really need more stuff than wnated to get the socket in its normal height.
What do mean background? The background of the page is white, the footer is gray and the socket is dark gray.
So you are saying that you will never ever make changes to functions.php og custom.css? If so it makes sences to drop Child Themes.
I am used to Child themes, but have never made one so I guess I am not one of them; “users who know what they’re doing will use a child theme anyway”.
I searched around and found this:
But testing gives me issues with the socket so I got a bad feeling and am now uncertain if I dare go ahead and start building the site around this Child theme.
I guess Im saying that I would love to either now that functions.php and custom.css would never ever got modified or that you would provide a proper Child theme identical to the “mother theme”.