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  • in reply to: Duplicate H1 Tags & editing archive pages #588109

    Hey Andy!

    I meant 50 PAGES with duplicate H1 tags, not 50 on each page..

    So all the shop categories and tags have them.

    in reply to: Duplicate H1 Tags & editing archive pages #586367

    Hi Ismael,

    The report says there is over 50 pages with duplicate H1 tags, ill put some below in the private content.
    It looks to be in the shop pages – categories and tags.

    Regarding the blog being set to H2, do you know how i can add a H1 to the blog page? That was another error in the report.

    in reply to: Duplicate H1 Tags & editing archive pages #584802

    Hi Andy!

    I do use the Yoast plugin, but it doesn’t have anything to do with the duplicate H1 tags does it?


    Hi Rikard

    Thanks so much for that, i actually ended up getting it sorted. I just had to get the mb string enabled by my host.

    Thanks Again!

    Hi Elliott!

    Thanks for the suggestion but would really like to stay away from adding anymore plugins (having enough trouble trying to speed up the website as it is currently)

    Any other suggestions?

    Thanks so much! All fixed :-)

    in reply to: Fatal Error after adding a new blog post?! #518122

    Thaanks so much guys! I gave my host a call and they enabled it. You would think it would just come enabled right? Hmm.. Anyways, all good now. Thankyou once again for your quick help!

    in reply to: Enfold Showcase #509238

    MY enfold theme website – Aster & Oak

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #508708

    Awesome! Thankyou once again… :-)

    I really hope you dont mind but i have a couple of other things going on as well.. Im so happy i am getting them all sorted!!!

    1. I am finding the mobile version runs fairly slow. Loading the little menu icon and slider takes forever! Also the add to cart button takes forever to load. Is there a reason behind this? When i check my loading time online it says this – The page loads 17 CSS files. This may affect the page load time negatively. The page loads 19 javascript files. This may affect the load time negatively. Would this be the reason?

    2. Does any one know how to move the social icons & SKU, Tags ect somewhere else? They just look really messy where they are on the product page.

    3. Anyone know how to do a Line Break in PHP without breaking the website? lol


    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #508069

    Ahhh Thankyou it worked!!!

    Sorry i do have one more thing that i just noticed while double checking mobile view.. When you touch the cart icon, the cart contents shows but is half cut off the screen. Ill attach a picture below..

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #507287

    Thanks so much for that!! It looks amazing now :-)

    Just another quick one while we are on the subject of mobile view.. Does anyone know how to remove this dotted line under my product pictures in mobile view? It doesnt show on desktop, only mobile.

    Many Thanks in Advance..

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #505816

    Hey Andy!!

    Thankyou, thankyou!!! It worked!!

    The only thing i worry about it if the logo will now scale with the size of a screen? So if the screen is smaller or bigger will the logo scale, or stay the same size?

    Thanks so much once again!!

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #505187

    Hey Andy,

    Thanks i have added your code and got the cart & Menu where they need to be, but for the life of me i cannot get this logo to be any bigger!! Its still just small at the top and wont fill the space i have made.

    This is what i have now.


    a#advanced_menu_toggle {
    top: 40px;
    ul.cart_dropdown {
    top: 40px !important;

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header_main .inner-container {
    height: 180px;
    .responsive .logo img {
    height: 180px;
    #advanced_menu_toggle,.responsive #top .cart_dropdown {
    top: 100%;

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    a#advanced_menu_toggle {
    top: 154px !important;
    right: 30px !important;
    background-color: white !important;
    border-color: white !important;
    a#advanced_menu_toggle:before {
    color: black;
    ul.cart_dropdown {
    top: 157px !important;
    right: 90px !important;

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #504773

    Hey Andy!

    Sorry im not good at explaining :-) I did a quick mockup and have uploaded it to my site. Link is below. Let me know if this is achievable?


    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #504737

    Hey Andy!

    I guess i kinda wanted my logo to fill the top of the screen, like it does on PC view. Is there any chance of that? Then have the menu & cart button underneath? Or like underneath to the side?

    I see there is also some space to the left, can we move it over that way a bit to make it bigger?

    Have added your code in and everything lines up fine now, just hoping to get it to fill the screen :-)

    Many Thanks for your time and patience. :-)

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #504371

    Still no luck sorry! The logo has gone back to being small on the mobile view. :-(
    At the moment i have this –

    a#advanced_menu_toggle {
    top: 40px;
    ul.cart_dropdown {
    top: 40px !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    #header_main .inner-container {
    height: 200px;
    .responsive .logo img {
    max-height: 100%;
    #advanced_menu_toggle,.responsive #top .cart_dropdown {
    top: 100%;

    Anyone have any other ideas?

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #503587

    Hey Guys!

    Okay well my developer decided to update enfold today, so now the mobile logo has gone back to being small :-(

    I have added the slider back in, can you please take another look and see what you think? The CSS for it all is in the child theme style.css at the bottom..

    Also can you please let me know how the loading time is on your mobile device. Mine is SOOO slow to load, which it never used to be. Also the menu doesnt seem to work. Would love someone elses opinion on this’!

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #502285

    Hi Again!

    Sorry for the slow response, i was trying to figure out a way to show you. Ive uploaded pictures of what i see on my phone and PC.. Please see below for links..

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #501236

    YAY!! It looks amazing thankyou!

    The only thing is the cart and menu are hanging down over the slider now on my mobile – I have an iphone 6 plus. I’m not sure if you can see it on yours?

    Also now on desktop the the ajax menu search button has dropped down as well..


    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #501068

    Any news?

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #500558

    Hey Yigit,

    Thats totally fine. I am getting nowhere here! lol.. Would my search bar on the phone also be blocking the logo from looking bigger? I wanted it removed anyways.

    Login below

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #500533

    Okay i scaled down the logo to 550px, and it is slightly larger on mobile, but now it looks small on desktop and not clear.. Im having no luck here! haha

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #499913

    Hi Yigit!

    Okay i added that code and it looks like it has made the header space bigger, but logo is still the same size..

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #499469

    Hi Yigit,

    I added the code to my CSS but it hasn’t changed the size of the logo on mobile view still?

    in reply to: Mobile logo size – Make it bigger! #499152

    Thanks Elliott,

    It still makes my logo small on desktop view though. I want the logo to be at least 250px high on desktop. Any other ideas?

    in reply to: A few problems i need help with please! #481818

    AWESOME! Thankyou soooo much!! All fixed up. Very happy! :-)

    in reply to: A few problems i need help with please! #481803

    Thank you so very much Josue!! I dont even know where that code came from? Maybe the developer i hired at the start?!

    I do notice i now have 2 prices showing in the product pages. Is there any way to get rid of the 2nd price which shows when you choose a variable option from the drop down box?

    And also do you know how i can easily change the size of my product headings on the shop pages without changing the actual H3 tag?


    in reply to: A few problems i need help with please! #481796

    Any luck? I see the enfold Demo theme has the prices in both standard shop and masonry shop.. I still cant figure out why mine wont show!

    in reply to: A few problems i need help with please! #481745

    Hi Josue!

    Thanks for the reply :-) As for questions 1, i would prefer just to have it as the normal shop view and not use a slier or anything. WordPress is hard enough for me to use as it is.. lol.. Is there anyway just to get prices to show like a normal shop?

    2. Yes they all have variations except the baby blankets. I haven’t added all the products yet, or done it properly because i am still not 100% on how to add them correctly. I will be adding them very soon, just wanted to fix the pricing thing up first if possible.

    3. Yes i will paste an admin account below. Thanks!

    P.S – I have not updated Enfold theme yet, please dont update it as i haven’t saved anything or backed up what i have changed (which is alot)

    Thanks for that Ismael,

    I deactivated the plugins and figured out it was the woocommerce wholesale pricing plugin causing it. Any ideas how to get rid of it or i need to contact them?

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