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  • in reply to: Add author meta to top of blog #1428165

    Thanks Nikko, that’s perfect! You can close this ticket.


    in reply to: Add author meta to top of blog #1427957
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Add author meta to top of blog #1427951

    Thanks Nikko. I am already using a child theme, so added the includes folder, copied the loop-index,php file, cut the code and pasted it on line 378 and cleared all caches.

    Author name no longer showing up at bottom of blog posts, but not showing at top either! Any ideas why?


    in reply to: Transparent Mobile Header & Logo #1426223

    Thanks again Ismael this appears to be working. Please close this ticket.

    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1426222

    Thanks Ismael, this does the trick! You can close this ticket.

    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1426034

    Thanks both for all the help. I have got the popup how I want it on desktop, but on mobile it still needs some styling, and it appears to put the content of the colour section in a column the same width as is set in the css snippet you gave me (so width 75%).

    How can I style the two columns in the colour section (one with an image, one with a textblock) that is called from the popup link, to fill the width of the popup?


    in reply to: Burger menu icon colour #1425896

    Thanks Nikko, perfect!

    in reply to: Burger menu icon colour #1425648

    That’s great, thanks Nikko!

    There is one slight problem with it though – my flyout burger menu has a white background, and on pages with transparent headers, the close button (X) now appears white, so can’t be seen. I don’t suppose there is a way to style it black ONLY when the flyout menu is being displayed, without it also affecting the color when the menu isn’t displayed?


    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1425571

    Thanks Guenni007, I changed the deprecated bit and it stopped working completely!
    I’ve added links privately, but happy to share with you if you have a safe space I can connect to you with?

    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1425570
    This reply has been marked as private.
    in reply to: Inline popup/lightbox styling #1425567

    Here is an image of what I am trying to achieve…

    in reply to: Burger menu icon colour #1425562

    My transparency menu color is also set to white.

    in reply to: Gap between Header & Page Content #1307396

    Hi Rikard,

    I am using a caching plugin, so assumed I shouldn’t activate that option, as per the advice on that page. I’ve tried it anyway and it didn’t help.

    Hi Ismael,

    So just to clarify, following the posts I’ve found on this forum there appear to be two ways to achieve what I am trying to:

    1. Adding a new menu that uses a button style (coloured or bordered) and then adding that as a widget in the layout builder in the column I want it to appear – it doesn’t appear as a button, it just appears as a conventional text menu list.
    2. Use the codepen HTML/CSS – this kind of works for me but the styling is wrong and I can’t get the width of the button to change (even using !important, clearing cache etc, and the actual text of the dropdown isn’t visible, even though the color is set to black (it only becomes visible once clicked on).

    I’ve tried toggling the performance as you suggested, but it still isn’t working.

    I’ve added both methods to a test page that you can have a look at (added to private content) to see exactly what I mean.



    I’m also trying to implement this but using a new menu set as a button in a widget area within my page doesn’t display a button – it just shows the links like in a regular menu. I’ve tried using the HTML/CSS from the codepen link above and that doesn’t display correctly either (although I seem to be missing some steps that were sent privately to the OP?).

    I just need an easy way to create a dropdown menu from a button that is placed within a column on my page (I’m using advanced layout). Please can you advise?


    in reply to: Horizontal gallery doesn't show all images #1146717

    I have the same problem using a horizontal gallery. The last 2 images (on desktop) are not visible and cannot be scrolled to (the penultimate image does partially display). Any ideas why this is happening?


    in reply to: Adding a text link or button to mobile header #1113567

    Hi Victoria,

    Thanks for this. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work with the layout I am using (Logo & Main Menu >> Left Sidebar). The layout actually allows me to add a widget to the sidebar but it doesn’t appear once the screen size changes and the burger menu icon appears. On the demos in the documentation, the widget does appear regardless of the device size, but it simply didn’t work for me. I followed all of the instructions to the letter.

    I wanted to use the centered widget like in this example: – but the layout I’m using doesn’t seem to support this. I only want the widget to appear on small screens when the burger menu icon is present (so between the logo and the burger menu icon).


    in reply to: Fullscreen slider responsiveness #1076849

    Hi Rikard,

    Thanks, but this won’t work. The slider caption needs it’s width changing to 100% and (potentially, depending on the amount of text in the caption) the top-margin reducing. For anyone else that wants a solution for both the iPhone X and Pixel 2XL in landscape mode, you can use the following media queries:

    /* change fullscreen slider caption to fit on iphone X landscape */
    @media only screen and (min-device-width : 375px) and (max-device-height : 812px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio : 3) and (orientation : landscape)   { 
          .slideshow_caption {
          width: 100%!important;
          padding-top: 20px!important;
    /* change fullscreen slider caption to fit on Pixel 2XL landscape */
    @media only screen and (min-device-width : 412px) and (max-device-height : 823px) and (-webkit-device-pixel-ratio : 3.5) and (orientation : landscape)   { 
          .slideshow_caption {
          width: 100%!important;
          padding-top: 20px!important;
    in reply to: Enfold Breakpoints #1019379

    Thanks Mike, I appreciate your time and effort. In the end I re-uploaded my logos the exact same size as the demo template I used, which fixed the majority of the styling problems immediately.

    in reply to: VERY Slow Admin Back-End #469160

    profumopuntoit – removing the themeforest API key and username from Enfold>>Theme Update should fix it temporarily…

    in reply to: VERY Slow Admin Back-End #469151

    Removing API and username is a temp fix for me aswell. Would like auto-update to work though, so please let us know when you’ve fixed it Enfold! Thanks,


    in reply to: VERY Slow Admin Back-End #469127

    I have the same problems, same WP error messages and same pixelentity error in my hosting cpanel error logs – have tried all the same steps as the first few posters, nothing has resolved it.

    This appears to be an Enfold problem as I have it across all my purchased Enfold sites. Running latest versions of WP and Enfold.

    A response from the staff would be great!

    in reply to: Menu link to open content in new lightbox (magnific popup) #348091

    Hi Elliot,

    Great stuff thanks! For the benefit of anyone else trying something similar, I had to ensure I added some classes to the content div aswell:


    <div class=”white-popup mfp-hide”>my inline content</div>

    .white-popup {
    position: relative;
    background: #FFF;
    padding: 20px;
    max-width: 500px;
    margin: 20px auto;

    The mfp-hide is a magnificpopup built in class, but it’s important to include it. It took me a while to figure out I needed that rather than style=”display:none;” which I had before but meant the popup didn’t work.


    in reply to: Adding Phone Number text and button to Main Header #292935

    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks. I was able to undo the change no problem and although I’m clueless when it comes to PHP you only have to give me the code and I know where to put it, I just don’t know the exact code.



    in reply to: Adding Phone Number text and button to Main Header #292411

    Hi guys,

    This doesn’t seem to work with the latest version of Enfold (v2.9) – I get a white screen of death.

    Also, what would the code be if I wanted to add it to a child theme’s functions.php rather than Enfolds functions.php please? (I’m a php newbie sorry!)



    in reply to: Directions on google maps #292360

    For anyone else looking to do the same, don’t contact a developer. I just installed this free plugin: Mappress. No conflicts found so far and runs alongside the Enfold built in Google map element with no apparent errors.

    The free version of this plugin did everything I needed but you could also try the pro version of WP GoogleMaps. I very nearly bought it (only $19.99 for a 3 site license) and I’ve seen others on here who have used it OK with Enfold.

    in reply to: Google Maps API multiple times on the page #252104

    Hi Peter,

    That is great news. Yet again you guys deliver. So do I need to wait for 2.6.4 or will it work for 2.6.3, which was an update today, so I’m not sure whether it was before or after your post!

    Huge thanks again.


    in reply to: Google Maps API multiple times on the page #251567

    Hi guys,

    Maybe you can help me now I’ve worked out where the other instances of, that affect the WP Store Locator plugin, are located:

    file affected: wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/class-framework-widgets.php
    function I commented out (line 1133 onwards):

    function helper_print_google_maps_scripts()
                $prefix  = is_ssl() ? "https" : "http";
                wp_register_script( 'avia-google-maps-api', $prefix.'://', array('jquery'), '3', true);
                wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-google-maps-api' );
                $is_widget_edit_page = in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), array('widgets.php'));
    	            wp_register_script( 'avia-google-maps-widget', AVIA_JS_URL.'conditional_load/avia_google_maps_widget.js', array( 'jquery','media-upload','media-views' ), '1.0.0', true);
    	            wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-google-maps-widget' );
    	            $args = array(
    	                'toomanyrequests'	=> __("Too many requests at once, please refresh the page to complete geocoding",'avia_framework'),
    	                'latitude'			=> __("Latitude and longitude for",'avia_framework'),
    	                'notfound'			=> __("couldn't be found by Google, please add them manually",'avia_framework'),
    	                'insertaddress' 	=> __("Please insert a valid address in the fields above",'avia_framework')
    	            wp_localize_script( 'avia-google-maps-api', 'AviaMapTranslation', $args );

    File affected: wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/google_maps.php
    Function I commented out (line: 31 onwards):

    function extra_assets()
    					$prefix  = is_ssl() ? "https" : "http";
                		wp_register_script( 'avia-google-maps-api', $prefix.'://', array('jquery'), '3', true);
    					wp_enqueue_script(  'avia-google-maps-api' );
    					$args = array(
    		                'toomanyrequests'	=> __("Too many requests at once, please wait a few seconds before requesting coordinates again",'avia_framework'),
    		                'notfound'			=> __("Address couldn't be found by Google, please add it manually",'avia_framework'),
    		                'insertaddress' 	=> __("Please insert a valid address in the fields above",'avia_framework')
    		            wp_localize_script( 'avia-google-maps-api', 'avia_gmaps_L10n', $args );

    After commented out these 2 functions the WP Store Locator plugin now works as it should, but obviously this is a temp fix as I will need to repeat the process after every update. Therefore, now you can see which functions are affected, would it be possible to provide me with some code I can add to my child theme’s functions.php? I know it’s a big ask (or not – not sure how easy it is for you guys!), but this would be a massive help if it’s not too much trouble for one of you php gurus?

    Many thanks


    in reply to: Google Maps API multiple times on the page #251481

    Hi Peter,

    Unfortunately, that doesn’t work either. The google maps api warning is still there (I’d emptied all caches). Looks like the plugin author is not going to get back to me either. Any other ideas?

    Many thanks,


    in reply to: Google Maps API multiple times on the page #251140

    Hi Ismael,

    Thanks and I appreciate you can’t support 3rd party plugins, so I am grateful. However, I’ve just tested a clean install of Enfold with just this WP Store Locator plugin installed and I am still getting the Google Maps API warning. I’ve changed themes to twentyfourteen and it works fine with that, so it must be Enfold is using the Google Maps API somewhere, even though I haven’t put any google maps on the test site (clean install)??

    I’ve set-up a temporary test site with only Enfold and WP Store Locator installed and have given a login to the plugin author, so hopefully he’ll try and find a fix – I reminded him how popular Enfold was and that it would be beneficial to have his theme working with such a top seller, so hopefully he’ll help!

    However, if you did want to just test it yourself with Enfold and WP Store Locator, please feel free and let me know if you work anything out! Or if you can point out where the other instance of Google Maps API is being included?

    Many thanks,


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by MM.
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